192055 tn?1263555537

Constant phlegm in throat

For about a year now, it feels like I have phlegm/mucus stuck in my throat and can't completely clear my throat. Also when I cough, its a lil wet and there is phlegm.

When I started to have the problem, I went to the doc and he said it just may be sinuses and sent me on my way... but never went away.

I went to the doc while I was in Basic Training in SC... then went to GA for 4 months... back to FL for a few months (where i use to live) and now I am in NC.... never went away so I don't think it has anything to do with sinuses...?
88 Responses
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Hi, there are a whole bunch of postings under "chronic cough" which seem similar to this.  And some good ideas I am going to try  I have had a constant cough for 3 plus years and for last year it has been phlegmy like yours.  I am always coughing and clearing my throat at meetings like an old man.  Worse in a.m. when I wake up or out in cold walking the dogs.  Or.... talking on the telephone or in a meeting.  Always have a "frog" in my throat.  

Doc originally said it could be asthma, allergies, or acid reflux.  Lung x-ray was okay.  Tested negatively for asthma & allergies.  Taking Zantac 75 but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

Has now been diagnosed as "non allergic post nasal drip" and doc prescribed saline rinses, a humidifyer for bedroom, spraying Nasonex in my nose at night and continuing on Zantac 75.  So far (2 mos.) symtoms still the same.

He poo-poos food allergies, but that is the next thing I am going to try if this current regimen does not result in improvement over next 2 mos.

Best wishes to you.
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I take protonix.  Wonder if that has anything to do with the phlegm in back of my throat.  
192055 tn?1263555537
Thanks so much...

I don't really have a chronic cough though...
just really the phlegm in the back of my throat... and when i do cough, its to clear out my throat...

Thanks for the response and good luck to you too
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I have the same mucous problem and constant clearing of my throat. I have gone to an ent who thought I had gerd. he prescribed nasonex and prilosec with no help. i have gone to my nutritionist and she feeld it could be  a yeast allergy - candida. google it and see if it would apply to you. i am going to start a strict yeast free diet, start acidophillus, and do some infr-red treatments to detoxify.
i hope it helps.
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Just a note...steroid inhalers may cause thrush. (yeast)  For this reason, Id rather use  "chest rub"  (not vicks) and warm humidifier.  (Vicks has changed and doesnt work as well as it used to since they now use synthetic camphor.)
192055 tn?1263555537
Hrm. I looked it up but im still sort of unclear of what it is.

I may have it? My tongue is a lil white in the back... constant bad breath... and im not sure but I think I have had a few yeast infections (vaginal)

Sound like it?

If so, can it get worse if not treated? From what I read... it can get bad...


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I've had constant phlegm in my throat for over 2 years. I have been told over and over again that it is my result due to smoking. I've also read that if your a smoker, and you have constant phelgm for about year + after you quit. Basically from all i've tried and come to find, is that its never ending. A little relief is brought from Mucinex, but it REALLY dries me out to the point where I feel a constant bloody nose is about to come!!
I've been tested for throat cancer twice now, and nothing has come up. So i'm personally just trying to ignore the phlegm. Only time its hard is when i'm talking and get a nice large lump of mucus in my way! For some relief though, give Mucinex a try, only take one pill instead of 2 if you think you may be sensitive to the 'dry'effect.
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I've had constant phlegm for pretty much all my life (24 y.o.). Lived in Texas for 18 years, didn't think anything of it, thought it was normal to have. Went to school in Utah for 5 years and the ENT doctor in Utah told me it was allergies. Gave me Allegra. Helped only a little, still was constant. I read a lot of things online about this subject. Found a lot of information on dairy products causing phlegm. I ceased drinking milk (at the time I drank about 2 gallons a week). Although I couldn't forgo the cheese. Necessity. Phlegm problem went away for the most part. So I attribute 90% of my phlegm to dairy products.
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372606 tn?1198895628
I had Whooping cough (Pertussis) last December (2006) which left me with a ****-load of problems. Every morning for the past year since I recovered from the Pertussis, I wake up and I'm full of phlegm which makes it hard to breath. I cough/ choke on it and my gag reflex (which has increased since I was sick) kicks in and I throw up phlegm. Throughout the day I have phlegm at the back of my throat and all the way down my airways (which is very uncomfortable btw) and it occasionally comes up on its on or I have to cough it up or I will choke/gag/ and throw it up. People look at me, and I'm not sure that I have a choice in the matter anymore, since it will come up either way (even if I turn white first from holding it in and trying to be polite and not hack it up). I also have trouble digesting foods sometimes. The phlegm gets worse with temperature extremes too.

I have been tossed around from doctor to doctor, using up all my sick and vacation time from work with an hour appointment here and there. I've seen my primary, a gastroenterologist, allergist, ear/nose/throat doctor, an endrocinologist, and now a pulminologist. They all seem to think it's related to my asthma (which I have had forever)/ and the Pertussis which left me injured internally. The pulminologist has given me a steroidal enhaler (Advair) at the max dosage to take bi-daily for the next month or two. It's been a couple of weeks and I don't see any improvement. Does anybody know what this problem might be? Has anyone had a similar experience to this? I really need help because I want to knick this problem in the butt.......It is miserable being 26, so young and living with this.
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I have similiar issues like you it is depressing. Little no sleep
I have similiar issues like you it is depressing. Little no sleep
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Theres not a cure.Theres not even a name for it.Its caused from pollutents in the air.It can be reduced by moving to a place less polluted.this is not opion it is fact.
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Hi guys,

I have same problem phlegm in my throat for over 7 months, I cough to clear it out, MY GP said it is from stress since it is white/clear phlegm.
On saturday I got yellow mucus from one nosstril and gP gave me steroid nasal spray, not sure it is working, the thing is the smell taste and with tegh original phlegm is awful and my throat is irritated.

I hate my life now, I thought it is sexual and got tested for everything....twice, i will go back to my GP if this doesn't go in another week.

Take care,
See ya
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OMG - I am just overjoyed yet overwhelmed to have just now discovered how so many people are suffering the same symptoms I am having - I thought I was alone - and here we are.  I - too - have undergone most of what is listed above re specialists etc...and NOTHING has helped.  What my struggle is right now - is that I feel the back of my throat "filling up" with phlem...and I know that - as much as I do not want to go through with it - I have to find a bathroom and bend over the sink and the gagging starts automatically and I throw up chunks of clear phlem ...this "ritual" can anywhere between 20 minutes to an hour...  /  Haven't heard my "natural" voice in a long time - it's now always coarse...and after such an episode - I feel drained and weak.  It is now preventing me from going out on outings with friends as I am worried I am going to start gaggin for 30 minutes and they have to hear it! ...not a good feeling.  I am going to try at this time - one sufggestion I just read here - which is to try and stop dairy products - and see what happens - if nothing - will move on to the other suggestions.  I quit smoking in April 2006...one month later - developed Chronic Asthma which is regulated - as best as possible - with Symbicort - and then the phlem problem began...it has gone away for a few months - but returns every time.  Wishing all best of luck and hopefully will find a cure for this accumulation of phlem behind our throats  ~ Me
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I also relate to these problems. Diagnosed with  Asthma/Allergies/Reflux/phlegm for years. Had Pertussis over 2 years ago. All of you read up on Pertussis. Also Symbicort and the same asthma med family can cause voice loss, cough, and increased phlegm (check drug pamphlet).  Stopped Symbicort and any asthma med in that family and doing MUCH better.
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I've had bad breath most of my life. My throat always feels clogged up with phlegm - I'm always aware of it and I know that it's that that's causing the bad breath because if I swallow it down my bad breath will briefly go away. It always floats back up though and my breath smells, again!!! It's ruining my life because I've just ended up avoiding talking to people, or if I do I try to stay as far away as possible. I cough up these balls of phlegm every other day - especially in the morning and after showering - which stink. The doctor is useless - everytime I go he says it's stomach problems, mouth problems, but he wont believe it's coming from my throat. I've had enough!!!! I just want it to go away so I can get on with my life! I'm gonna try cutting out dairy products but I doubt that will work!
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I have the same problem and found that NeilMed Sinus Rinse (use every day) takes away the bad taste, but still have the phlem.
Hi, have you solved your problem? Thanks
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I've been going through similar things, it starts as a thick nasal drip, I snort and snort loudly(as it won't move with a sniffle it just percolates) then when it does drop out of my nose it feels like it's caught in the roof of my mouth, then I hack (it will only clear with. Y mouth open!  I did have gerd so the drainage that did run down the back of my throat got stuck in my throat where the acid reflux cause swelling and inflammation and damage!  Prettynsoon without clearing the throat I start to feel like my neck is puffing!  Sonhacking at different pitches and speed clears different parts.  I've done a regimen of salt water gargles, netipot nasal rinses(excellent) ibuprofen for swelling' scrip for omeprazole for acid reflux and occasionally decongestant!  Sometimes helps! But one reflux flareup and it's one step forward 10 steps back!  Avoid the reflux if that's your root cause" my two cents
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I've been going through similar things, it starts as a thick nasal drip, I snort and snort loudly(as it won't move with a sniffle it just percolates) then when it does drop out of my nose it feels like it's caught in the roof of my mouth, then I hack (it will only clear with. Y mouth open!  I did have gerd so the drainage that did run down the back of my throat got stuck in my throat where the acid reflux cause swelling and inflammation and damage!  Prettynsoon without clearing the throat I start to feel like my neck is puffing!  Sonhacking at different pitches and speed clears different parts.  I've done a regimen of salt water gargles, netipot nasal rinses(excellent) ibuprofen for swelling' scrip for omeprazole for acid reflux and occasionally decongestant!  Sometimes helps! But one reflux flareup and it's one step forward 10 steps back!  Avoid the reflux if that's your root cause" my two cents
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Ps sometimes it feels like a dulling fullness or pain buo,dup between my shoulderblades, si liar anyone?
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Ps sometimes it feels like a dulling fullness or pain buildup between my shoulderblades, similar anyone?
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ITS THE DAIRY! See for your self!!! Stop eating ALL Dairy 100% out of your diet and JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!! Dairy is Poision! We are conditioned at birth to beleive that Dairy is good for us, when it s all government propaganda, greed and the biggest multi billion dollor industry on EARTH! Plus , the animals Suffer a HUGE deal. And we even suffer more.
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I have similar symptoms and do not eat daily.
Mine started 8 months ago while in Asia.
I'm clearing my throat several times per hour....
How aggravating!  
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Hello everyone, I am 28 and i've had the phlegm and caugh problem since I was 15 years old. I've been to the doctor, he says its dry throat so I should have some warm water. I don't smoke or drink, my mum is always having a go at me for not going to doctors but I dont think they know what the problem is. In 2009 I went to Syria on holiday for a month, it was rural area where I stayed, the caugh and  phlegm disappeared till I got back to London. I blame pollution for it.
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Hi,can it be related to drinking water..?
Hi,can it be related to drinking water..?
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I suffer from this too. Have been going to doc's for over a year now. Has looked up my nose and always says my sinuses are inflamed, i also suffer from acid reflux and a bit of online research looks like it could be a food allergy -yeast or dairy so I am currently abstaining from both (I am only on day 3 so far - with no difference) . I'll let you know of any change. Also I have an endescopy on March 4th to look down my throat. Not a nice procedure but I've been terrified this is lung or throat cancer so it will be good to confirm or deny it. Good luck people. Mark, Nottingham, UK
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hey Mark your journey sounds like what I am currently going through! did you find anything? I have been worried about the worst cases and will be at the city hospital on monday the 19th Dec for the camera in to the lungs! would be interested to know if anything has been sorted in the last 4 years!
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I stayed in a hot, dry place (Pretoria and Johannesburg) all my life and had no problems, but whenever I went on holiday to colder, more humid places, I needed to constantly clear my throat. I now live in Auckland (a cold, wet place) and the throat clearing is unbearable. I also have bad breath (although that might just be coffee).
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How did it go staying off dairy and yeast?
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974371 tn?1424653129
I have been looking on the Internet for some answers and just don't see anything that really applies to me.  I have had undiagnosed chronic mouth and throat problems for a long time now.  Seen many doctors and had tests run with no diagnosis.  GI doc recently put me on Omeprazole and doubled it last week due to my constant feeling of nausea.  For the past few weeks, I am having problems with phlegm.  I can hack up a little some times but I have a full feeling behind my left sinus, ear feels full then down at the base of my throat. However, my mouth and throat are dry.  ENT doc cannot come up with a cause.  Dentist doesn't see anything although I now have an infected tooth on that side.  This is now constant and so irritating and I often feel like I am going to choke. I can't blow this stuff out or cough it out, other than a little bit once in a while.  Am constantly trying to clear my throat and doc told me to stop doing that. What do you do if you are choking?  I drink fluids all the time, chew gum, etc.  I keep telling them I can feel something on the left side in a triangle from the back of my left sinus to my ear, under my jaw and down my throat.  CAT scans and MRI didn't show anything.  There has to be something going on cause it is getting worse.  I can hardly leave my home and spend a lot of time laying down trying not to swallow.  Anyone had this problem?
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margot49 - i have the same symptoms, plus now recovering from severe chest infection which caused partial collapsed lung - have had productive cough for 10 weeks, feel weak and washed out etc.  GP puzzled but is thinking it is due to LPR - do you cough more at night or in the daytime? Does your voice go hoarse off and on?
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i've been having the phlegm in throat problem for months, started all of a sudden, having serious family problems so i'm wondering if stress has anything to do with it. ordered mucus clear and so far no help. don't like taking something i found on line. have no idea whats in it. has anyone tried MUCUS CLEAR? did it help?
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I have also had drainage, swollen glans and some facial pressure for a year off and on. I've concluded that it's most definetly food allergies. It's wheat,dairy, and sugar are the bad guys. When I exclude these bad guys my symptoms are better. The hard part is completely eliminating these foods. I wish there was a magic pill but I think due to the foods being processed and gmo's, these favorite things in my diet need to go.
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hi shannon i came across your post and decided to reply. your country if it is the US is constantly being sprayed with chemtrails. we in the uk are now getting a lot more than we used to. i have been the chemist today for something to help soothe the kids thoat as they cannot cough it up like us. guess what they had sold out and it is not a small chemist either. please look it up as we are all being poisoned around the world. no one really looks up at the sky to notice them but if you search chemtrails images you will have a shock. my doctor said to me it's that time of year but they have been spraying for 20 years and she is only 35 so thats all she has known in her life. i hope you havent been unwell this year as i have for the last three and always the same symptoms leading to chest infection. take care and best wishes.
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You are a nut. Get help and stop spreading your nonsensical conspiracy theories to other people.
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