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trouble breathing in the morning

I dont know what it is and im not even sure how to look for it but what is it when you have trouble breathing in the morning
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   Welcome here and you are at the right place, not knowing what to call it and how to explain it and then how to look for it...yea, I know...lets get to it....
   Trouble breathing..hhmmm, in the morning...hhmmm...okay questions...is it upon sitting up or after your already out of bed? Have you been diagnosed or noticed seasonal allergies, asthma, have you started to smoke either cigs or weed?  how has your health been to this point? is it everyday? when did this start?
  As you can guess from the questions I ask so far, there are plenty of situations that can cause this trouble breathing....have you moved lately, changed schools or place of employment? Has there been any areas of where you live that have leaked from the rain or floods that could cause MOLD to grow,  and what about fires....ARE YOU WITHIN SAY 100 miles of a big wild fire  OR DOWNWIND of a fire hundreds of miles away?    Do you smell anything in the air?...
    Something is the trigger, we just need to pin it down...Are your sinuses stuffed? Usually the answer is found somewhere in the questions I've ask so far...If it is non of the above...other causes could be from blood pressure. I would like you to please respond here , as you may need to speak to someone about getting a dr appointment and think about this...is it trouble catching your breath,...or.. (JUST BREATHING) ... ...or as in just out of breath like if you ran or exercised...,ONE THING FOR SURE..........IF YOU            C A N N O T    BREATH!!!!! ...call ambulance or get to the hospital.........BUT........ABOVE .....ALL.......DO NOT PANIC!!!!......That can cause other things to happen in our metabolism.  When this happens do you breath fast?
              OKAY!!       This will help until we get more answers!!!......
   When this happens...just stop...Now concentrate...Breath in through NOSE.. s-l-o-w ...,
a long deep breath...now when ready to breath out....hold your lips as though you were blowing out a candle although NOT AS A HARD PUFF....just a s-l-o-w smooth complete breath OUT and feel it as your stomach moves in and out because our lungs are not what should be moving...not the chest area.....It is the top of the stomach area that should move with PROPER BREATHING.....I will check in before bed to see if you responed yet, if not... tomorrow....I go to bed early....Have a wonderful Blessed Day!!!!     GOD BLESS!!!!     loimmarmar
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Hello, I have similar kind of problem, its really hard to breath in the early morning on the bed at about 5 am, but just in winter season, i don't have any serious cold issues , but cough, it makes too hard for me to breath in the early morning, i couldn't even sleep due to this, i had the same problem in the last is well, what kind of problem it is, can it be cured completely..??
Your writing was right on the money. This is the second Autumn that I have experiencied not being able to breathe in the mornings. Yes, to the point of having a panic attack.  I went to the docs last fall, and from there, a pulmonologist. They diagnosed me having COPD. They saw me in the spring and said the COPD was misdiagnosed.  I am pretty sure Im allergic to mold spores. Colder temps produce more. I'll make an appointment to find out. Thanks again for your post.
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Based on my own experiences I'd say this sounds like allergy asthma. It can start suddenly and at any time in our lives because we become allergic or sensitive to something around us. If you go to an allergist they can diagnosis it by giving you a lung function test that measures your lung capacity. Then, if you are diagnosed with allergies you may need to track down your sensitivity through a ***** test of allergens in your area and begin allergy shots. Shots take some time to work but they have really improved my own quality of life so I think it's worth it.
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Hi babybird23 and welcome to the community.

There are several possibilities.  The most obvious is asthma.  Some other thoughts to consider are GERD and good old post nassal drip.

Trouble breathing in the morning is a typical symptom of a form of GERD called laryngeal-pharyngeal reflux.  This type of GERD does not present with the normal heart burn you would expect.  The acid refluxes into the upper respiratory system where it can cause asthma like symptoms, sinus infections, chronic cough...  You may want to try an OTC reflux med to see if it helps any.  Also, being careful to not eat within four hours of going to bed should help some.

Post nasal drip can also cause problems breathing, but is usually associated with asthma.  If you have dust mite allergy, GERD, pet allergy (and your pet sleeps in your bed room), you could be triggering congestion that starts draining in the morning triggering asthma or trouble breathing.  Try taking an antihistamine at night, incasing bedding in allergy proof covering, and teaching your pet (if you have one) to sleep somewhere else.  Also, be sure windows and doors are kept closed as much as possible.  Showering before going to bed will wash pollen collected during the day away so that you are not breathing it all night continuously triggering your allergy.

You should see your doctor about this for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

God bless.
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I am 37 and live in oklahoma. I got sick in January. I am short of breath in the mornings till I cough up this yellow phlem. About an hour after waking I'm fine the rest of the day with a dry cough. I go to the dr. on Wednesday.
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Hi i have the same problem for example whenever i wake up and i go do someone thing then i feel like my heart is kinda tired and its rly uncomfortable and at night and sometimes at nighr i have trouble catching my breath but why?
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Sounds exactly the same as myself did you get to the bottom of it
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