1795943 tn?1315540019

About my Macrobid allergic reaction

My face broke out in a rash/hive reaction on my face, both cheeks. I quit taking it til I call my dr n the morn. How long does it take for the reaction to go away? Its real hot and itchy and I'm holding cold compresses on it.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It's obvious that you have developed an allergic reaction to Macrobid. You can have an allergic reaction to a drug even if it caused no reaction in the past. The most common signs of a drug allergy are hives, rash, facial swelling or fever. If you have an allergic reaction to a drug, it causes the release of histamine and other chemicals that cause allergic symptoms. Your immune system then becomes keyed to react the same way if you take the drug again in the future. However, the immune system changes over time, and eventually it's possible your drug allergy may go away on its own.

So, good that you quit taking the medication. Anti histamines form the mainstay of therapy for the symptoms. Benadryl is available over the counter. Though short courses of steroids are given for more severe symptoms. The time it takes for resolution of the rash, depends on the severity. Consult your  primary care physician for therapy.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1795943 tn?1315540019
I ended up being admitted into the hosp for 19 days. Evidently the Macrobid put my pancreatitis into an attack!! So it took this long to get it under control.
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Omg I have been having chronic hives for 3 weeks and flagella erythemas (red scratch like areas) on my skin. My allergist did not know what triggered it and I forgot to tell him that I was taking Macrobid. Now by reading all of this online I see that I had an allergic reaction. My lips swelled up and everything. This experience has been horrible. Now I will add Macrobid allergy to my record
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How long did you deal with the reaction? I still break out in hives and I am on antihistamines on a daily basis but I am still going through this after almost 2 months?
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