1580703 tn?1651904887

wheezing, sleep apnea

I've tried many asthma meds but none of them work for my wheezing and terrible sleep apnea.  my FEV1 was 69 down about 5 points.  I noticed prednisone raises my FEV1 of FVC to 86, but I read it kills brain cells.  I've tried spiriva, dulera, combivent, xopenex, symbicort but I still can't sleep normally or stop wheezing when I exhale.  An ENT scoped me and found no VCD but I need my tonsils out.
I've tried everything for this terrible disease sleep apnea also but still cannot regain my energy and brain function
I just suddenly started to have sleep apnea in my early 30s for several years now- my BMI was 24, 25 and losing 10-15 pounds didn't help (sleep apnea got worse).  I feel nauseous, tired, and flu like fog all day, sometimes for 2 days after a bad night of apneas.
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i would go back to sleep lab and see what they say and talk to your doc or get more opinions also see allergist or allergy lab i was tested and found food mold sugar milk etc so it could be diet so it could be any of the above and all are worth checking
9 Responses
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1580703 tn?1651904887
thanks so much!  please can I know is there a medication or treatment that can help?  I'm suffering from bad sleep apnea and am crippled by exhaustion and fog
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I think I'm stuck on this ASV machine for life and I need a high setting and can't sleep many hours on the machine
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they are both common problems i was told by my sleep lab that at my age there is no medicine no over the counter in the world that will help me sleep all i can do is knock myself out doesn't help my sleep at all and just like most of you i never get enough sleep always tired they say i only reach sleep stage 3 out of 5 but this varies for each person and only the sleep lab can tell you about your case no matter how long ago the sleep test was run you can usually call and find this out or get another one run i have had two

and the second question will you have your machine for life again it depends on your case only doc and sleep lab can answer that but as far as i know most are for life mine is and give me nasty strap cut ins if i shave my head i wear a full face like fireman's mask try having that fun that alone takes sleep away

always consult your doc and sleep lab its very annoying but would we rather die personally i will live being annoyed they told me if i don't use in a couple of years or so my heart would give out
also off and on have your doc run a blood test checking whats called
CORTISOL Levels mine luckily is 9.0 that is the stuff that too high will damage and kill the heart so off and on check it stress lack of sleep etc raise it but as long as you within rang nothing to worry about if out of rang work with doc
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1580703 tn?1651904887
my cortiosol levels are low 2.4 sometimes and I'm really exhausted while everyone seems to be getting better on their machines
I'm even trying to get surgery, UPPP and tonsilectomy to clear my airway and hope that helps my O2 levels.  I tried everything like exercise and CPAP and they didn't work for me, still get bad fog
I have to take klonopin or prednisone and they seem to help me sleep.  I don't know if they damage my brain and neurons though in the hippocampus like some studies say
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1580703 tn?1651904887
how long have you had sleep apnea?  I suddenly woke up with it about 2.5 years ago.  I had been in Indonesia and got a lot of antibiotics which seems to have messed up my immune system and given me asthma
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i have had about 5 or so years and i don't recommend surgery my sleep lab and doc said it would not help any and neither would drugs you might want a second sleep lab like i did with my own mask you take your mask in and they run a more detailed test like i said before there's a sleep scale of 1 to 5 i only reach a 3 and that's why i wake up like you felling like dog crap but every case is different as you can tell by the lucky ones who it works for but at least it takes away the burning eye feeling of being up all night and a few other minor benefits and keeps us living me my nose is very sensitive and is all scared up from trying every mask out there before the full face looks like a fireman's mask that's a royal pain and hard to sleep in and recently gave me a nice swelled up strap burn on the back of my head email me if you want to talk or vent or ask anything
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I seem to sleep much better on fit for life it makes a big difference.  the mirage quattro gives a higher pressure into your mouth and it makes it difficult to fall asleep.  I still wake up with the mask off though with fit for life.  I want to try one of these other large face masks.

is it important to have the asv machine on the floor?
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Any form of prednisone pills, sometimes called prednisilone or solu medrol, etc can cause severe esophagus problems. I learned the hard way. It ate right through my esophagus. Now I will always have a problem swallowing and having acid reflux. I was told never take it again, if life or death they can give you a shot so it doesn't touch your esophagus.
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