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veneer allergy?

I had porcelain veneers placed in july 2009 and have had ongoing problems ever since.  I am desperate need of finding someone that has had the same problem.  I need questions answered and a dr or dentist name that will believe me.  I have been to numerous doctors with all kinds of medical issues but no one can pinpoint or see that the problem could be a cement allergy.  The dentist that put them on thinks my story is crazy.  HELP
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What kind of problems? Mine started with a cottony sensation in my mouth - mainly on my tongue. I had plenty of saliva - dry mouth was not the problem. Over a period of a year it got worse to the point where my tongue was burning. At first the dentist didn't tell me anything about the cement having acrylic in it. Finally after I asked him point blank he admitted it had acrylic. He STILL denied that the acrylic could be causing the problem though. I couldn't get any other detists to take the veneers out either. I was finally able to get them removed after having them in for 2 years. I myself wrote to the maker of the cement - Kurrary- and they admitted that their veneer cement has caused allergic reactions. This was after a year with many dentists telling me that it was not possible. But now my tongue is still super sensitive and I still have problems. I have spent $20,000 getting crowns and bridges to replace the veneers. I also found out that lithium disilicate ceramics burn my tongue.

Find out what the ceramic and what the cement are. Write to the companies that made those products and ask if anyone has reported an adverse reaction. You can also look that up on the FDA MAUDE website.
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Oh dear. I have had so much of the same problems. My tongue burns a lot as well when it touches the new crowns. These are emax crowns (glass fused porcelain with lithium disilicate) and since I have had these crowns, my tongue burns a lot. Sounds like I have the very same problems as what you describe above in your email. So sorry to hear howmuch you have had to spend to sort it out. Please, email me on ***@****.
Please I have the same problem I need to know what was the solution?? My email ***@****
I had bruxzir crowns put in and that solved my problem.  They are made from pure zirconium oxide. That is a more biocompatable material than lithium disilicate ceramics.
Do you know what type of cement the Dr used in your procedure ? ,because i am allergic to metraclilate  which is used in almost all dental procedures.
I tell  dentists to use zinc phosphate because I am allergic to many acrylics. Most of them are fine with that.
Oh my god, so glad I found this. I've been having the burning mouth for 3 months. It started as soon as I had 3 crowns cemented. I thought it was a reaction but two dentists said it couldn't be. My first crowns were Zirconia and I thought I was reacting to either them or the cement. I had to convince a new dentist to take them off because it was causing me so much pain. I'm currently in temporaries and my mouth is still on fire. I suspect I'm sensitive to the acrylic in these temps because it feels like the temp crowns are burning my tongue. My new dentist wants to use Emax for the new crowns. Not a good idea? What should I do? I'm in so much discomfort right now.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

As porcelain is an inert material, it is unlikely that you could develop any allergies to this. It could sometimes be the cement, that is used for bonding, that can cause the allergic reaction. In which case hypoallergenic materials can be used. Also, the technique used, if the crowns are impinging on the gums, they can cause a chronic inflammation. Please discuss this with your dentist am sure he will provide further assistance.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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My dentist was not much help. He just kept denying that the cement could be a problem because there was such a small amount. There are no alternative veneer cements that do not contain acrylic and since acrylic is a probable cause you will need crowns to replace the veneers. The only cement that does not contain acrylic is the old fashioned zinc phosphate. Many dentists don't use zinc phosphate anymore.

I also want to note that porcelain is NOT a completely inert material. It IS possible to have an allergic reaction or contact sensitivity to porcelain. I have a problem with lithium disilicate ceramics. Both e-max and noritake cerabien ceramics irritated my tongue and even the back of my throat. I do not recommend anyone get ceramics that contain lithium oxide. Studies have show that lithium disilicate ceramics are more cytotoxic that regular porcelain.
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Hi, I had Lithium disilicate crown placed on 7/12/2018. I immediately had horrible side effects. I had increased supplies of saliva, dry mouth, dry lips, facial flushing on the side of my mouth where my crown was placed. I also had a metallic taste in my mouth and gum sloughing with a sensation that I had a clump of food stuck in the back of my throat and horrible gum pain and inflammation. Then I developed a silent reflux chronic cough. I was scared to death. Luckily, I am a RN, BSN and have worked in the sick care industry for 25 years.  At first, my dentist ignored my complaints and told me it could not be the crown and to give it  4 - 6 mos. I dropped the f bomb and told him that if he would not take it out that I had 2 other dentists who said that they would. Finally, my regular dentist who was going to take it out called him and told him since he put it in that he needed to take it out. He finally took it out on 7/24/2018. All of my symptoms have resolved and no more pain. The only symptom left if the cough and some gum sloughing. I am taking Benadryl to flush the allergy through and drinking tons of water. I have reported this to the manufacturer and plan to notify the FDA.
Please I need.you help I have the same.problem.for.3 moth and one.of the Dr that I went took me I have neuropaty pain but I have allergic test done I was positive to acrylate, tell me what cement you dr use to replace the venner..y email is ***@****
Veneers cannot be placed on with a non-acrylic cement. I had mine replaced with full crowns using old fashioned zinc phosphate cement. Just avoid lithium disilicate crowns. That material has been shown to be cytotoxic. Unfortunately many companies are putting lithium oxide in their ceramics to strengthen them. I found that BruxZir is pure zirconium oxide and has no lithium oxide.
Thank you .
Let us know how it works out for you. It has taken me over a decade to get my dental work done right.
Yflores01, any updates? I'm having a reaction to what I believe was either Zirconia or the cement with had methacrylate and now I'm having the same reaction to eMax crowns. My dentist doesn't want to believe me and says it's neuropathy as well. But it all started 3 months ago when I had the dental work done. I'm sure I'm reacting to all these materials. I don't know what to do now. Anyone have by advice?
Hello, welcome.  Sorry you are having this reaction.  There are others who have also reacted to eMax crowns.  Here is an older thread https://www.medhelp.org/posts/Dental-Health/Adverse-reaction-to-crown-ceramic/show/1457266.  A long time member did have their crowns replaced with Bruxzir.  
Thank you but when I click on the link it says not found.
I am wondering where you are with this issue today.  I cannot believe what I am reading.  Four doctor appointments and a Dermatologist visit later… Everyone is stumped !!!
I believe this is my problem.  Had veneers places in April 2018...I am meeting with my dentist at three. Would appreciate any information. Thank you Maggie
Yes,  I’d like to know also what was used in place of acrylate, In order to resolve this issue.  I have...  Dry mouth, throat, dry and peeling lips for the past year..up during the night because of thirst.
Then  I continue to chew my lips out of this habit which has formed through this reaction from veneers.
Never thought of it being my veneers.  But after reading this site...seems like it is!
Four doctors,  and a three dermatologists later....
here I am.
Please let me know.
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Hi there,
I had a veneer put on a few years ago. Shortly after, I developed 2 cysts in my face. One directly above the veneer and one near my nose. I had to have surgery to remove the cysts but nobody would say if it was caused a a result of the veneer. A week ago, I met with a GP who told me that there are allergies to all kinds of dental implants, adhesives etcetera. Also there is a test you can take to find out if you are allergic and to which ones. Ask your doctor about the Clifford test. I plan on taking it. This could help. All the best.
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My tongue started feeling as though it was burned, but I never burn it. Have seen the doctor and ENT and nothing. I read somewhere that maybe my veneers that were put about 3 years ago could be causing these symptoms. I've had this sensation in my tongue for about a year and is none stop.  Does anyone have these symptoms? unfortunately I can't afford to take them off and put new ones, and according to some of you, it could be the cement instead of the porcelain.  I will check with my doctor about the Clifford test to see whether I have any allergies. I appreciate all your input.
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Please let me know how you resolved this issue.  As I am going through exact problem at the moment.
Thank you,
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The Clifford test is pure quackery. Check with quackwatch. I took the test and it did not pick out suitable materials. In fact the materials it said would work were even worse.
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Yes, that is what happened to me. Burning tongue. Unfortunately there is a not a great way to test for oral allergies other than having expensive dental work put in. I was able to find that the cement was a problem by having some put on a q-tip and then putting that in my mouth for several hours. I think the safest thing for a veneer replacement is an old fashioned feldspathic ceramic fused to gold. I have a ceramic called ivoclar inline fused to a high gold metal called captek. It works well.
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i want to know if you has any reaction in the gum or in your mouth ,i do not because any dentist believes in me,my symptoms are the same of your,i went to many different Dr and one DR oral dentist therapy diagnose me neuropatic  pain.
My gums did bleed a bit when I had the veneers, but it wasn't too bad.
Please let me know how you resolved this issue with veneers,  as I am experiencing same symptoms.
Thanks Maggie
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Hi, I had Lithium disilicate crown placed on 7/12/2018. I immediately had horrible side effects. I had increased supplies of saliva, dry mouth, dry lips, facial flushing on the side of my mouth where my crown was placed. I also had a metallic taste in my mouth and gum sloughing with a sensation that I had a clump of food stuck in the back of my throat and horrible gum pain and inflammation. Then I developed a silent reflux chronic cough. I was scared to death. Luckily, I am a RN, BSN and have worked in the sick care industry for 25 years.  At first, my dentist ignored my complaints and told me it could not be the crown and to give it  4 - 6 mos. I dropped the f bomb and told him that if he would not take it out that I had 2 other dentists who said that they would. Finally, my regular dentist who was going to take it out called him and told him since he put it in that he needed to take it out. He finally took it out on 7/24/2018. All of my symptoms have resolved and no more pain. The only symptom left if the cough and some gum sloughing. I am taking Benadryl to flush the allergy through and drinking tons of water. I have reported this to the manufacturer and plan to notify the FDA.
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What crown material did you end up using instead? I currently have eMax no have the same symptoms.
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you all can also go to Pub Med NIH and research the peer reviewed literature. As a RN, BSN I did my research after my reaction and found out the Emax crowns with the lithium disilicate causes cytotoxicity and mitochondrial suppression making people more susceptible to developing cancer.  Also please report any issues to FDA. www.fda.gov is also a good source for researching drugs because it will list black box warnings, clinical pre and post trials and ones mandated to con't even after a drug is approved. You can also pull all the lawsuits etc. Always check that prior to starting any drug. I work in the industry and research drugs daily
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