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my son has allergies which he treats OTC.  He has had a chronic non productive cough for about 3 weeks using sudafed, mucinex with no help.  Could he have asthma?  Stubborn and won't go to a doctor. Any advice would be helpful.
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242587 tn?1355424110
It is common for many persons to have a cough for weeks, or even several months after a respiratory infection.  However, your son might well have asthma with worsening the past 3 weeks precipitated by exposure to irritants or allergens or by an acute respiratory infection.  Distinguishing between these possibilities will require examination by a doctor or his assistant.  He should also have pulmonary function tests to establish (or not) the diagnosis of asthma.  There is a form of asthma called cough-variant asthma in which the main symptom is cough rather than wheeze.

Good luck
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It could be bronchitis. Which can come on with asthma.  It can only be treated with antibiotics.  I get it twice a year at least. But I also have a nebulizer breathing treatment so that helps calm it. He will continue to cough until his airway is clear.
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