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I have being taking endep for 7 years

And for the past year I have felt just terrible. I cannot think straight and my thoughts just race by, my mouth is very dry, I have times were I cannot function ie play sport because I feel like a zombie ( even when I first took the tablets to now they still knocked me out) and I also get blurred vision and my face feels like its made of plastic at times and people think I'm angry. I have to find an alternative tablet. Could you please let me know if there is a tablet that works similar. I take endep for severe allergies/ chronic angioedema. I have about 3000 photos of my face swollen over past 7 years of use and for a while the tablets made me feel great (like never before In my life) NOW I just feel like a brainless zombie. Thank you
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242587 tn?1355424110
Endep is an anti-depressant and I am a bit surprised that you are taking it for “severe allergies and angioedema."  You are correct in assuming that at least some of your symptoms may be side effects of this drug.  There are other, newer anti-depression drugs with fewer side effects and your doctor would be familiar with these.  And there are more effective drugs for the treatment of allergies and angioedema.  

The best advice I can give is that you speak with your doctor:  First to clarify the reason(s) for taking this drug.  If, for depression, there are other drugs that would work as well or better, with fewer side effects.  Second, to ask that he/she reevaluate the diagnosis of angioedema.   If that diagnosis is correct consideration should then be given to the treatment with a more effective drug specific for that condition.

Good luck
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Thank you for your comment. From your comment I am wondering what sort of Doctor you are. My allergist prescribed endep. He would prescribe me a small dose and after a week ask if my facial swelling was any better. I would say no and he would increase my dosage to the point where he wanted me to take a daily dose of 150mg which is ridiculous so I never went there again. Also before this he had me on durectics ( though it was excess fluid) which made my heart race. I now go to another allergist who said I had ' text book' angioedma facial swelling and stated that I was On the right tablets. I also found a GP with experience in agioedema who also stated that the endep in my case was not for depression and whenever I have to go to another doctor they don't listen to me and they tell me I must be depressed cause I am taking endep ( more stupid ignorance) So thanks for stating the obvious. Oh I also take an antihistamine and zantax and I my allergies still affect me. Thanks again
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