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Cellulose insulation

I'm a 33 yr old male. In my new home built in 2007, there was cellulose insulation installed in the attic. The attic was very spacious and contained two furnaces for upstairs and down stairs. For about two years I would go to the attic from time to time to check the furnace, run cable wire or to store boxes. I can recall a few times becoming very irritated, including coughing, eyes watering and itching from the insulation. The symptoms would last only a few moments and then it would cease. I haven't had breathing problems that I'm aware of. I've had basic physicals where the doctor listens to my lungs with no concern , but should I consider getting a more extensive examination due to my exposure to the cellulose insulation?

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242587 tn?1355424110
It is extremely  unlikely that your transient exposures to Cellulose Insulation, that might cause acute bronchial irritation (especially so if you have asthma and/or are a smoker), would result in any lasting lung damage.  Further testing of lung function should not be necessary, except if needed for peace of mind.  To avoid the limited irritation, you might want to wear a dust mask, available at most hardware stores, when entering the attic.

Good luck
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