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Titanium implant reactions

4 years ago I smashed my arm in a construction accident and had titanium implants and screws put in my arm , almost immediately I got severe restless leg syndrome ,I guess ,at least that's what I was diagnosed with and cannot sleep unless I take ropineral and hydrcodine I spent the first 2weeks after surgery awake and could not sleep so I was given the ropinerol and hydrocodine . I cannot sleep without it and my quality of life has diminished greatly. Now I suffer from many conditions like severe leg cramps , severe back and leg pain , fatigue. This happens all day and night but I cannot take this medicine during the day because I can't function .I mentioned this to 2 doctors and they dismiss this and said there is no connection to the titanium in my arm, I'm wondering if you have ever heard of this type of reaction, I really need help!!!!,
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Hi Dave, I have had a recent onset of what seems to be similar to RLS. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be of much help to you other than knowing maybe there are others out there. I had a successful surgery on a tib-fib fracture in 2003 with 2 titanium plates and 17 screws. I had successful rehab and returned to almost 100% function. About 2 years  ago, I started having occasional RLS-type feelings in that leg only (and also limited to the area around the surgery). Thankfully, it doesn't happen often and I have not needed medication, but it does concern me. If it increases, will I need to explore medication or should I discuss removing the titanium (if possible)? I don't want to sound like an internet doctor, but there are so many materials (nickel, gold, acrylates) that can cause allergies well after they are put in a body. Is titanium one of them? I hope not, but just want to share my experience. I hope you have found an answer since you posted.
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