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odor from rhinitis

I have chronic rhinitis due to allergies.  There are times when my spouse tells me that I have a very foul breath odor -- though I never notice it myself.  I want a method for getting rid of that odor quickly and also to prevent it.  When I am in social situtations I am very self-conscious - not knowing whether or not my breath is offensive.  I've tried very aggressive saline rinsing through my nose, but that has not been enough (I also use Flonase, Astilin, Allegra).  Any suggestions?  I earnestly want help!
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242588 tn?1224271700
This may be from a secondary chronic sinus infection.  That is one of the most common symptoms.  Before suggesting any specific therapy, I would suggest getting a CT scan of the sinuses to see if this is the cause.  If it is, a longer course of antibiotics may make a big difference.
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