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Gas Bloating and shortness of breath

It has happened to me two times.  One about 3 months ago and yesterday happened again.  I realize that if I constipated already and then I eat and get bloated the stomach or abdomen starts to inflate.  It inflates so much that it reaches the point that it start pushing my lungs.  and I can't breath or even talk.  I took anti-gas, anti-acid and peptobismol.  First time it occurred I went to doctor, by the time I got to doctor, the bloating and pain was gone.  Yesterday was more sever and more painful it was about 3 AM so I knew it was going to pass but it took me about 2 hours of excruciating pain the shortness of breath was so bad I could not even talk..  By the time it was a decent time to go to doctor. Bloating was gone.

This last gas/bloating attack was more severe... even though now I am not bloated and I can breath normally.  I can feel pain in my left back.  Not to sounds to dramatic but I am afraid I will not survive another gas/bloating attack.  I am trying to find a common denominator in between the two separated incidents.  Perhaps was the bread?  That I was constipated?  The food was bad?  I don't want to go through it ever again.
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To be honest I think there's more to this problem , I say you should try acupuncture. Also as crazy as it may seem stay away from fiber.
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I have the same problem sudden bloating and than trouble taking a deep breath ..it's happening over a year now it was too scary at the beginning and I ended up in emergency rooms like 7 or 8 times did all kinna tests ecg,holter monitors, stress echo test, endoscopy, blood tests as i was convinced that im having a heart problem and the doctor is missing something and nothing showed up after all these test...
it's anxiety and the continuous urge to take that 1 deep breath leads to panic attacks... and u feel like you are going to die...I know it's very scary and sometimes it will effect your heart rate as well... I m taking some meds for anxiety and feeling much better now ...still getting these anxiety and panic attacks from times to times but now I know it's not going to kill me and I m not going to get a heart attack ...so it passes usually in about an hour..... the best way that I have some up with to solve this problem is start writing from 500 ..499..498..usually it will be gone in 5 10 mins ...but try to write slow ..and focus on writing ..lol..seriously it work..
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I have the same problem sudden bloating and than trouble taking a deep breath ..it's happening over a year now it was too scary at the beginning and I ended up in emergency rooms like 7 or 8 times did all kinna tests ecg,holter monitors, stress echo test, endoscopy, blood tests as i was convinced that im having a heart problem and the doctor is missing something and nothing showed up after all these test...
it's anxiety and the continuous urge to take that 1 deep breath leads to panic attacks... and u feel like you are going to die...I know it's very scary and sometimes it will effect your heart rate as well... I m taking some meds for anxiety and feeling much better now ...still getting these anxiety and panic attacks from times to times but now I know it's not going to kill me and I m not going to heart attack ...so it passes usually in about an hour...
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i have same situation .. i feel that i am going to die.. i cannot breath easily and even canot  yawn...please tell me the solution if u find its solution i will be very thankfull to you if you would suggest me the permanent solution of this killing disease,  i am in very trouble about this please please please tell me the permanent treatment of this disease.....thank you very much.... my gmail id is
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I have IBS and quite frequently suffer shortness of breath due to bloating. There's nothing I have found that prevents it!
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i have same situation .. i feel that i am going to die.. i cannot breath easily and even canot  yawn...please tell me the solution if u find its solution i will be very thankfull to you if you would suggest me the permanent solution of this killing disease,  i am in very trouble about this please please please tell me the permanent treatment of this disease.....thank you very much....
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I sometimes have this problem of shortness of breath. I did not know it was related to stomach gas.  Once I was having the shortness of breath, somebody offered me an Ayurvetic medicine called Pachak Shodhit Harad from Patanjali Ayurved limited, as it is customary to offer Harad in India, especially after meal to aid digestion (the person who offered it to me had no idea about my problem). Anyway, just taking one pill (keeping in mouth and sucking the juices until it is consumed),in few minutes, I began to feel better and soon was OK.  Now,  everytime I get the shortness of breath, I take these pills.  This company has website so just find it using a search engine
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To comment further on my above post, at the Patanjali website, it is difficult to find this product.  Then I searched through web by the term "Patanjali Pachak Sodhit Harad" and found that some online shop carried it.  If you are in India, you can also check an Ayurvetic medicine shop.
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Good day,

I kindly asking for information, such as email address, telephone and cellphone numbers of how I can get information on this type of treatment please. May you do so. I have been to the hospital several times because of shortness of breath. Please help me
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Please give phone no of this person on this post
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Hi , kindly send the address of Treatment location in tamilnadu . i will be grateful to that .
Raja D,
email ID :
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hi please contact to me my no is 9538021461 oor share your details i will contact u i need the address badly
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I also have similira symptoms from past 4 years and i did somany endoscopies but still no use.

Could you please send the details to ***@**** so that i shall get an appointment and visit.
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Hi friends. I have had the same thing happen twice! Both times it was from eating Pizza Pizza Panzoratti. (Never Again!!) My stomach bloated up so much and went hard. I could not breath and had terrible shortness of breath, I could not even talk. It is very scary and does cause a lot of anxiety and panic. Stay calm, try to relax, try to breath gently, and I found the only thing that really helped was to take REALLY HOT SHOWERS. Somehow the heat and steam helped relax me and help some of the bloating go down. I had to do this 4 or 5 times a day, for 3 days. You will get through it, and just watch what you eat from now on. Be careful, chew your food, be relaxed. Hope this helped.
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hi, I have had the same problem for the last seven years, they told me recently I have Rhomathoid arthritis,  I doubt it . because when I sleep on bed and push the spot below my ribs in the middle then my lungs and diaphragm can have their normal movements and I have breath of relief. I feel there might be something wrong with my intestine or with diaphragm or something which makes the abdominal pressure not being in proper ratio with the chest pressure, because when I am relieved after this pressing thumbs on my belly, I start sneezing and the pressure somewhere up or down I don't know gets normal. At the same time i have pinched nerve in my neck which has created stiff shoulder as well, partly my tortured breathing is because of the cervical and thoracic areas as well. See which of my symptoms may apply to you?
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Have you checked your gallbladder?
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I had bloating and unable to get enough air for 15 years. I finally realized it was a slight lactose intolerance. I did not get the classic symptoms, only bloating. Cutting out milk, ice cream and whipped cream was enough to solve my problem. You can buy the lactase enzyme tablets for about 10 cents each. They help, but I feel best if I just avoid milk and cream. I hope this helps someone with a similar problem.
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please give me the details about it
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Lmk if it works
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Hello All,

I have been suffering from heaviness in the stomach and breathing difficulty for 4 years. Consulted with different doctors and multiple endoscopies. They treated for antral gastritis and H-Pylori still the sysmtoms did not go away. Also got treated food alergies and no use. I heared about a treatment in india, Tamil Nadu state where they blow air in our mouth treatment. i tried and the symptoms vanished within a week and im back to nornal without any medicine now on. they gave herb and i stopped the herb after a week once the symptoms are gone. its awsome and working. u can mail me and i can give you details. u can get this treatment from any one in tamil nadu state.

Also discussed regarding this cure with different doctors and they dont beleive it and they reject this type of treatment. called as "Marutnthu eduakarathu" or "Thokku edukaruthu" in tamil langugage. i have done lot of research and went with lot of treatments and no cure so finally went to this treatment. There are few people doing this treatment in tamil nadu state in india. u can ask ur friends in india and discuss about this. initially i too did not believe it but i gave a try after discussing with multiple people regarding this treatment whether it is safe or not. This treatment is simple, we have to go in empty stomach and they will check your pulse and say it is curable or not. Then they will blow air in your mouth [no pain and nothing to panic.] then we get  a vomit sensation and we vomit some sort of small medicine comes out from our mouth. then they gave me some herb to have it for a week or so thats all.

u can contact me i can give you the details of this simple and easy procedure.

I went to a person and got it cured, if u want to get cured u can contact any of your friends in india and get to know about this stuff and approach a proper person to get cured.


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Hi i have been suffering with this problem for one year, have consulted with many doctors bt nothing helped.
Plz send me the details on my email: ***@****
Or you can whatsapp me or call me on : 09818713851 (Delhi)
I will be really grateful to you for life.
Dharmendra Singh
Did it work Dahrmendra?
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take 3 gas ex and drink peppermint tea at the same time ......IT WORKS!   goodbye gas!
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1807907 tn?1316302477
I also have gass and bloating right now! My stomach looks like im pregnant when this happens!!!! and im a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have shortness of breath also when bloated.I found a way that may be helpfull though...I have gone to my chiropractor and have my neck ajusted! No kidding ,it really works! Sit ups and working out also help.
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I feel the same symptoms. What are ur remedies to make gas out and off bloated?
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hi everyone, i have had this issue since dec/2007.
it got better in 2008, after 6 months but came back in jan/2010.
caused by Stress! little or more Overweight! anxiety!
I went to E.R. the first time , but now i know it was caused by Coffee and stress.
I took omeprezole in 2010, for 3 months. I am allergic to it. it has many side effects, so don't take for a long time.
I also had H.Pylori. that causes bloating, and gas. you need anti bacterial pills.
1: don't stress. dont worry, be happy.
2: No coffee, no tea, no soda."only water"
3: it is a type of ibs, so eat protein, rice, little cheese in morning only, yogurt with lunch, little fiber at a time "dont mix fibers".
4: no fried food, grilled is ok.
5: no spicy food.
when it occurs, lay dawn elevated upper body, and lean on your right side, chew gum it helps, and chew on rolaids, and do the deep breathing, and relax, dont think about it, drink water, watch funny stuff, listen relaxing music.
trust me it will go away.

you get anxious when it happened and you need to calm dawn.
talk to your girlfriend , boyfriend , wife or hubby, talk to them and listen to them, it will calm you dawn.

stopping caffeine and spicy food is a must.
avoid milk, see if it helps you.
half a garlic mix with your plain yogurt, eat it with your food, it will relax you.
lettuce may or may not be good, as they contain bacterias on them, eat with olive oil & vinegar.
let me know if it helps any reader.
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Hello. I've had a bit of luck here. I would say that I'm not cured but greatly improved.
First I would go to your Doctor and ask whether you can see their Dietician. My Dieticain used the Addenbrook method to find out what food were causing problems. This is basically an exclusion diet where foods are added every few days. I found that Milk and Onions are worth avoiding (strong Coffee too but I still torture myself by still drinking the stuff).
The other thing was using a drug such as Omeprazole and Famotadine . They are PPI drugs.I had more success with Lansoprazole but it made me confused and I can't have that with my job. Hmmm...so I'm still searching for the last drug without side affects.

Cheers Jerry

PS- I still get this from time to time still.
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this happens to me alot . i too have had ct scans where they say i have perfect lungs , perfect heart other than A-FIb  and i leave the hospital feeleing like an idiot, but my symptoms are real , i was finally diax with the a- fib and fibromyalgia. buit it does get very uncomfortable when you cant take a deep breath or even yawn. what i have found out is have them scan your bronchial tubes not the lungs .. bloating does cause shortness of breath but also if your lungs show up normal your bronchial tubes may not which are the tree like tubes leading ot the lungs if they are inflamed or filled with mucus , then it causes this , i take a breathing treatment with zophran and it helps , it actually makes you feel like your going ot die. i hope you find a solution i know how troublesome it is when this happens and noone can explain it .
one thing htat helps is i watch discovery health and it has shows on there that have alot of info.. medical myssteries aith people just like us and they have helped.
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HI Please help me I am also having same problem from past 3 years. This problem getting sometimes not regularly. Can you please help me any medicine or anything to control this problem . plz give miss call or send message so that i call u .. and this is my number 9176272725.  
Hi, this is usually helped by the prescribed drug ZOFRAN and can be obtained by seeing your family practitioner, however, you want to be sure that the cause is, in fact, actual gas buildup when it effects your breathing in any way, since there could be a much more serious reason behind your discomfort. My advice? Make an appointment with your Dr and take with you a list of all your concerns with you and, if possible, start a log of every time and date that this is happening, bring that along with you to your appointment. This way, there is a way to confirm if something may be happening that may actually be cause of the original problem. The best way to "fix" a medical issue is, if at all possible, find the root cause of it instead of simply treating symptoms. This approach is highly recommended to everyone for any heath problem. Good luck and I hope you get the results you are seeking! Blessings!
C.H. RN,BSN,MSN,Practitioner, trauma specialty

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