554064 tn?1215625376

Can you be allergic to Rum?

I dont know what it is I'm fine drinking other alcoholic drinks but everytime I try Rum -even if I'm completely sober I feel as if Im going to throw up or actually do throw up. It makes me feel like I have food poisoning or something. Can you be allergic to Rum or would it be something else? Thanks
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It is possible that you may be allergic to some of the additives in rum.
Rum is made from sugar cane and individuals with allergy to sugar cane or other nondistilled sugar cane products should be careful while using rum and vice versa.

Allergic reactions are mediated by histamines, so it is better to avoid histamine-rich foods such as cheese.

Carry antihistaminic medication, such as cetrizine or claritin, to take in case you develop a stronger allergic reaction.

Any intense allergies to rum or rum-based products will need to be managed in an emergency care setting.

Do keep us posted on your doubts and progress.
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How are you? This could be alcohol intolerance. Some people have an alteration in their metabolism which makes it impossible for them to convert alcohol into acetic acid.  This leads to allergy-like symptoms including most notably nasal congestion, mild flushing of the skin, palpitations, sensation of heat, headache, abdominal discomfort or a drop in blood pressure within minutes of ingesting alcohol. It is best that you avoid rum. (http://www.foodreactions.org/intolerance/alcohol/index.html)

An alcohol allergy would be very uncommon. This involves your immune system where in it mistakenly identifies a specific food or a component of that food as a harmful substance. Signs and symptoms of allergy include tingling in the mouth, hives, breathing difficulties, and swelling of your lips, tongue or throat.

Take care and keep us posted.
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I am not a drinker. But last night I drank some rum. I could not sleep. I kept scratching my body. When I looked in the mirror this morning, my body was red. What can I do???
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Take some antihistimines, like bendryl
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  You're not the only one, my mom, brother and I all have the reaction to rum.  Not sure what causes the reaction, none of us have any other allergies/intolerances that we know of. Definitely get a weird look when I tell people, but even the smallest amount will make me sick. Once it's out of my system though, I'm good to go!
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Same here.  It is genetic.  My mother, my daughter, myself and some cousins all get sick from rum.  It is like food poisoning.  It is not the alcohol as we can drink other things, just not rum.
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I have the same problem!! It happened again this weekend and was very bad. I threw up 5 or 6 times! I know for a fact I didn't over consume either... It's like a stomach flu or food allergy feeling. Almost like my body was just like "no rum for you". Its very weird and I've noticed it always happens only when I drink bacardi light rum of which I usually enjoy mixed with diet coke or coke zero. I drink all kinds of other alcholic drinks and know that light rum is the only one that does this to me.

I have minor acid reflux and the first few times thought this was why it was doing it, but im not so sure now. I think it might be a allergy or intolerance to rum, and it has now happened to me multiple times so I've decided to toss the drink all together. I'm still very curious as to why it happens to me though! Overall I'm a very healthy person other than socially drinking pretty offen, I hardly ever actually vomit, and I only have a few common allergies... so my reaction to the drink is very interesting to me. I read something about sulfites and the distilling process being a culprit but I'm going to keep learning more about it and see what I can find.

Hope you get yours figured out asap! Please let me know if you learn anything about this, or if anyone else knows anything about it please let me know!!

Good luck!!,
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Tonight I confirmed the same thing, that I have a bizarre allergic type reaction to light rum.  I have a bottle of delicious Oronoco that made me react months ago, then just tried it again and same thing happened:  flushed face and chest, itchy mouth, slight wheezing.  Last time I had an empty stomach and it felt all sliced up in pain - this time I had eaten so nothing yet in terms of stomach pain.  Obviously I will not be trying it again!

I have no reactions this severe to other alcohol, some red wines make me flushed/headach-y, and so do whiskies.  But nothing like this.  Guess I'll be sticking to gin, vodka, tequila and white wine.

I just read a webmd article that it could be a sensitivity to Salicylic acid - sure enough I react to several fruits on this list.

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Hi therel,

I just figured out that I am allergic to rum as well (sounds so stupid, doesn't it!!!???) I am not allergic to alcohol or anything else for that matter. I enjoy red wine and all other types of alcohol, but every time I try to drink rum I start to feel nauseous. Last time I tried rum was a week ago on our vacation. I drank 2 small rum punches and started to feel sick after a couple of hours. My husband ate and drank the same things as me and he was fine. I ended up throwing up violently ALL night long. I felt sharp pains in my stomach (does not happen otherwise). It really did a number on my stomach - think toast only for 2 days. I don't think I will try rum ever again...

Thanks for posting the question. It's nice to know I'm not the only (crazy allergic) one :-)

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I have been noticing the same thing. It happened the last 3 weeks. I was drinking rum based mojitoes and started to get blotchy and heat in my cheeks,chest and thigs then swollen itchy palms. I started to sneeze,have an itchy throat stuffed up nose and really bad asthma. Last night I went out for top shelf longislands (which include rum) and the same thing happened again but this time acompanied by fatigue. Ive noticed in the past that when I drink dark alcohol I always throw up within a couple hours...it just sits bad. Now im understanding why...that dark alcohol was rum. I also get the same way sometimes when I drink wine aged in oak berrels. Any thoughts???? I have a gluten sensitivety so im wondering if this could have anything to do with it. Sooooo anoying.
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when I drink rum I get a headache and cough like I have a cold I feel like I have the flu.  Can drinking rum affect you like this
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I am looking up rum allergies, because I also felt nausea after about 1/4 of a glass of pina colada.  It was well stirred, so I wasn't even sucking in straight rum from the bottom.  2 days later still feeling nauseous.  I will keep exploring and come back for more information.
thanks for all your shares.  It helps to know I'm not the only one out there.
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Someone gave me a piece of rum cake and I broke out in hives all over my body. At the time I didn't know that the rum in the cake was the cause,so I made the cake myself. I broke out again that's when I realized it was the rum. I have not made that cake since. I never thought you could be allergic to rum either but you can.
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I have allergy to Rum too. But unlike you I get itchy bump on skin which are like mosquito or ant bite. But I am fine with other alcoholic beverage like Beer, Wine and Champagne. I believe it must be some additive in Rum that causes such allergic reaction
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