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pubic hair on 4 year old girl

I am very concerned about my 41/2 year old daughter. She is 46 inches and weighs about 60lbs. As an infant I noticed her hair was very thin and had alot of breakage at the roots. At about 18 months, I noticed slight body odor coming from one of her underarms. I informed my pediatrician who referred me to a pediatric endocrinologist, and at 21/2 years old, we had testing done. She had a bone age which showed an advanced age of 5 years old. She had the leuprolide stim test, (which was hell), and a pelvic ultrasound which all came back negative. The doctor dismissed her body odor to her being overweight. At the present time, her body odor has increased to her perineum, she seems to have breat buds,has mood swings, is tired all the time, and has an appetite like a horse! I was washing her tonight and noticed one long brown pubic hair, which was blonde at the root, and thickening of hair on one spot. I am beside myself, I want to cry because I do not know what I can do to stop this from happening... My ten year old has just started to develop body odor under her arms. I developed pubic hair at about nine years old and my husband at about thirteen. please help me on what to do next.

This discussion is related to 5 3/4 year old girl with recent breast development and pubic hair.
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I am having a similar problem with my 6 years old.  I noticed when she was 5 that she had a couple of fine pubic hairs but I didn't give much attention to it.  But since then I also started noticing that sometimes she has very bad odor in her underarms and her fine pubic hair has increased in quantity.  Sometimes she also said, she is sad for no reason and just a few moments later she is the happiest kid alive.  She has also complained about headaches a few times.  My daughter has always been tall for her age and is kind of chubby.  I have an appointment with a pediatric endocrinologist in 7 weeks.
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I've read in articles that little girls in America are going into puberty early due to the hormones they put in livestock. I've just recently started buying organic chicken and milk. What are your thoughts on this?
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I just read about the milk recently as well.  I switched to organic about 10 days ago.  I have also changed her diet (no read meat, no cheese) and I am encouraging to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day.  There is a play station game called DDR (dance, dance revolution) we are doing a minimum of 10 songs skipping a day.  What other measures have you taken??
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My daughter is goin thru the same thing and she is four as well. Please contact me and tell me what you have found out. What do i do??
she is 4
weighs 70lbs
height  46inches tall
body odor
breast buds
pubic hair
complains of legs hurting
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I am having a similar problem my daughter just turned 5 in Jan. and i noticed a few weeks ago that she had BO i washed her immediatly and then again tonight she noticed it and told me sgain i immediatly washed her.   I am now very concerned does she have a serious problem is it the way i wash the laundry??  Does she have a desiease??  Jeez how scary an endocranoligst some mother have posted they had to see one!!
  Any help would be great.. thanks M.E.
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everything you just described about your daughter is an exact reflection of my own 4 year old daughter, although i have not checked recently for pubic hair although i am sure it is there. everything else is right on the money, my family currently does not have insurance so i am trying to find out what this may be so i know for sure what doctor i need to go see, if you find out what is going on with your little girl please let me know. Im so worried. best wishes to you and yours.
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WOW, scary, my 9 yr old some same symptoms, spoted last month, waiting for apt. One of my clients, a man, told me his daughter started period at 9yr. the next doc. apt they mentioned this to Dr. who checked growth chart and stopped cycle with meds.,stating women have grown 85% of growth for life when cycle begins, boys on the other hand, have growth spert at puberty.  Best of luck to all who have responded, with their children, way to young to deal with that, let us know what resulted from medical intervention.
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wow i am having the exact same problems. a year or so back i notice she was having bad BO. i mean real bad like raw onions. sometimes even right after a bath. and now i notice a few strands of pubic hair. i wa sthiking she had a hormone inbalance im going to watch what she eats from now on.
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My daughter who is 10 now had severe leg pains i think dating back when she was 5 or 6 which we thought was due to growing pains and genetics from my husband's side as he had this and his father too.  Her mood swings started at 6 or so and she can still go from a monster to sweet in a minute.  Pubic hair came in full by 8 or so and breasts are in stage 4 at 10.5 though she is very thin and was a preemie.  Bone age is 12 and dr. predicts she may not grow past 5 ft. 3 at most even though husband is 6 and I am 5 ft. 8.
We are mostly concerned for the levels of estrogen and emotional effects of menstruating while 10 and the long term effects of early puberty and estrogen over time.
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Read on webmd about a hormone inbalance called "percocious puberty"   I had this starting at the age of 5 with all of the symptoms you are mentioning.  I started my period at age 8 and developed acne, pubic hair and breast buds at age 5.  I was put on a medication that was still experimental at the time but it was the only known treatment for it.  I had to be given shots everyday for 1 year.  The doctors told my mom I may not grow taller than 5 feet if I did not take the medication and that I could start my period as early as age 6.  It was not anything horrible and did not affect my childhood terribly bad.  I remember hating the shots but getting used to it.  I know that kids made fun of me, but I can't recall the specifics of what was said.  Eventually everyone caught up with me and I was "normal"  There are alternative treatments now and much more is known about it.  My daughter is almost 5 and I just noticed pubic hair. I knew I needed to keep an eye out for any signs of percocious puberty in her as well and it seems that she may have it just as I did.  Don't panic if you see these signs in your child.  Just talk with your doctor and if that is what affects your child, it is treatable.  Don't let your child see that you are worried or concerned because it will make them feel that something is wrong with them.  Do some research of your own about this and ask your doctor if it is a possibility.
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Sutton girl is right. It is precocious puberty
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hi my daughter  is five and has the same problem  body oder ,pubic hair.  help...................................... i am really worried
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i had full pubic hair by four and period by nine im 26 my mom never took my to the doctors im fine. i wouldn't worry
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i forgot to tell u i just had a hormone imbalance i find out in sept.
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Everyone please check your girls for polycystic ovarian syndrome, pcos.  I've gone through most of my life with this problem not knowing until I tried having babies, it makes it difficult... It's a type of hormone imbalance.
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You should get referred to an endocrinologist, and specifically ask to check for pcos
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937805 tn?1319617788
I was 4 had pubic hair and was very skinny, my mother would take me to doctors who insisted on looking( that was the nasty part), but it all resolved itself  when I was 13.
PS/ The doctors didn't know what to think and I guess my parents let it go.
Hope it helped.  Cheers
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Please have your daughters tested for congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Pubic hair at a young age is an indicator.
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my daughter is under a endocrinologist for precocious puberty, she is developing breast buds, has pubic hair, terrible mood swings and also eats like a horse! We have had a bone xray which was normal, and are having hormone tests next week and are also scheduled for an mri scan. If u suspect your child may have this please ask for a referral to an endocrinologist. There is treatment by the means of implant or injection to try and halt the process. Theres many causes to it and then it can "just happen" with no explanation.
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My daughter has percocious puberty. Diagnosed when she was 61/2-7 yrs old. She broke her leg and i had to wash her and noticed it. That was in May. By december of that same year, she had a growth spurt and my pediatritian did a homone level check (best done in the morning).  Results came back, and i was refered to an endocrinologist. March of her 7th year we started the Lupron shots.  Breast tissue dissolved and her growth slowed. Her bone age caught up to her actual age. Mood swings stopped she was a normal 8 year old.  Hair didn't diminish.  It didn't get thicker either. As of 2012, she is having mood issues. How do they do a luprolide stim test? cause that is what they want to do next.
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Hey I just had a question my niece just turned two in October and my family has noticed she has really bad Bo under her arms.. She eats non-stop and also will go to being happy one moment and turning into a monster the next an after a minute or so will become cuddly and will be fine.. My sister baths her every night but within Hal hour of being outta the bath tub she smells ba again
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Hey I just had a question my niece just turned two in October and my family has noticed she has really bad Bo under her arms.. She eats non-stop and also will go to being happy one moment and turning into a monster the next an after a minute or so will become cuddly and will be fine.. My sister baths her every night but within Hal hour of being outta the bath tub she smells ba again
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My god this is scary. My daughter also complains of her legs hurting and I've just found hairs that have seemingly grown overnight on her pubic area.  Before this new growth it was a normal peach fuzz that did not concern me much.  Tonight, after giving her a bath and drying her off, I noticed this change.  She too has always had underarm odor if I do not put deodorant under her arms since a little older than 1 year old.  I've checked her breasts but do not feel there's any budding, but the rest of the symptoms, I find she has.  I'm so worried, now!  I already know about precocious puberty, but that's around the age of 8 at the earliest (normally), and my daughter is only almost 5.  To add to this, she recently had a blood test done for an unrelated purpose, and I was told her white blood cell count was high. I'm following up with this asap.
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iam having a son who is 9yrs old , have pubic hair and undersarms hair, hair above lips are also visible . what is the best therapy , and what diet we shud give . plz reply
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