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Allergic to Tylenol

I think I'm allergic to Tylenol. It doesn't help with pain and it makes me feel feverish. I get this feeling before I get sick sometimes and I get that same feeling from Tylenol. Until recently I thought nothing of it, assuming it was common and just took Ibuprofin instead. Recently I've been asked by several medical professionals if I am allergic to anything and told them I think Tylenol and why and they said it was very strange. Just wondering if anyone else gets similar reactions to Tylenol?
As an aside I do not get rashes or anything from taking it that I can remember. It's been a while since I've taken Tylenol.
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It is quite rare for people to develop allergy to Tylenol or Acetaminophen and it is a fairly common drug used in fever and pain.
But there are Idiosyncratic reactions which people do develop to certain drugs and this could be the case with you. However it has to be confirmed if you are allergic to Tylenol or it is just a coincidence.
A immunologist could help you in this regard. However if you do not take Tylenol on a frequent basis just try avoiding the drug anyway.
If you have any further queries do get in touch with me.
Dr Sylvester
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While reactions to Tylenol are "rare", I'm one of those "rare" people.  Some doctors still question it, but I would know if Tylenol makes me feel dizzy and nauseous.  Whether it's what they want to call a "true" allergy to the stuff, I hesitate to take the stuff, because I know how it will make me feel.  
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I have the very same reaction to Tylenol.  I get the feverish sick feeling whenever I take it.  My breath gets hot and I get achy joints.  I have learned to avoid Tylenol and stick with ibuprofen, but it would be nice to know what exactly causes this..  
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ditto... I get the low grade fever feeling and in fact I've experienced hives from it.  
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We all react differently. I too feel weird taking it. Sometimes a heavy head/brain, and a bit stressed when I'm on it. Can't tell if it affects my breathing either a bit. Just weird. I am sensitive to all drugs. :(
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I have also been feeling this way for quite sometime while taking Tylenol. I'm on my 3rd pregnancy and that's what I've dreaded the most during this time is that I cannot take anything besides Tylenol. It makes me feel like I'm getting sick/cold a feverish feeling like stated above and I've noticed when I take it I'm getting heart palpitations. I dislike Tylenol so much right now!
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I am having the exact kind of reaction, nausea headache feverish. I stopped taking it after a few days ago when I started realizing that the allergy/acetaminophen pills I was taking was most likely to blame
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I also get a reaction to acetaminophen. I get a general feeling of not being well. I haven't always reacted to acetaminophen in this way. However, I have always been able to feel when acetaminophen hits my system, like a rush of pain medication. That feeling has been replaced with malaise and fatigue. I periodically take acetaminophen hoping that reaction will have gone the way it came, but the malaise and fatigue has been consistent for a couple of years now.
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It makes my gastro system freak out. Most of the time nauseated. Today I actually vomited. I'm taking a Rx antiinflammatory and can't take other NSAID products so this is all I have left. You're not alone e
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Acetaminophen makes me nauseated Everytime I take it (not often). Today I vomited violently. I'm taking a Rx antiinflammatory and cannot take other nsaids. It's always been that way, sometimes worse than others but today!.. ugh.. you're not alone
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That is a bummer as sometimes we need relief from pain or headache. Does your doctor give you any advice on any alternatives?
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