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1 - 10 of 184 Posts
I have been taking Fiorinal without cod for over 17 years (off and on). Started with Fiorinal #3's, but now without the codeine. Im curious if anyone else is addicted to "plain" fiorinal???? I can easily take 15 a day. I have found that after not taking th...

As stated in a previous post, my mom suffers from an addiction to fiorinal. She has been admitted to the hospital this evening with a blood clot. I arrived an hour or so later and the nurse was reviewing the doctor's orders with my mom. Long story short...

My mom has been addicted to fiorinal with codeine for over 20 years now. in addition to that she has been, at the same time, taking xanax, percocet, valium, and soma's. she was taking upwards of 30+ fiorinal daily at one point but has gone down to about 6...

Does fiorinal contain codeine ?

I have not been on tx for some time my headaches started with my tx in the the first part it never goes way doc just give me bultabtal it only help for a short time.

I last posted almost a year ago when I was having a horrible time w/ding from fiorinal with codeiene. Since then I have been taking Norco for my neck and back pain and well, guess I am takkng way too much since I just went through a 30 day supply in on...

It has been over 14 days since I have taken a fiorinal and I just quit cold turkey and I still feel so bad. I never ever sleep I am awake 24 hours a day. If by some luck I sleep a few minutes my body starts to convulse and I wake up sweating and shking I h...

I am a 26 year old male. I have been suffering from tension headaches for the past 8-10 years. I have taken numerous drugs: Tylenol, Aleve, Ibuprofen (up to 800 mgs), etc., and was even diagnosed with a case of rebound headache ultimately due to ergotamine...

Just an update to all my friends, as you know I took Botox injections in my shoulders and neck over a month ago for migraine relief. I just wanted to let everyone know that after a week of mild headache, I got a killer migraine last night, to the point ...

For over 20 years I have taken fiorinal w/ codeine or fioricet w/ codeine. While tapering off years ago I had seizures and was hospitalized. I now take 30-40 caps a month, but really feel the need for more to function. I was prescribed originally for ex...

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