
septic shock

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on septic shock

My name is Jag and I have a younger sister who is in the ICU of a hospital in Canada fighti...
Can Sepsis cause a heat attack?
A patient 90 years old, suffering congestion, dry cough, urinary infection, under dosage of...
My 42 year old brother-in-law died Thursday morning around 5:00 a.m. He was admitted to Med...
Last year I got septic arthritis in my left knee. Had 10 bouts of surgery on my knee to was...
A new device will allow a biomarker of sepsis to be identified in under 30 minutes, using o...
What is shock and what are the signs or symptons of shock?
My 91-year-old mom had urine retention for more than one year and did not use urine cathete...
Dear Sir, My wife delivered a baby on 2/06/10. She was quite OK on the 2nd, even though ...
My roommate injects subutex and I thought it was part of subutex but I read up on it when h...
My wife came down with septic shock in December 2011. She was in ICU for 1 month. During th...