will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on Fitness

Hi there, I was new to the exercise scene so I started doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred...
Hello, I'm 65, a former marathoner and still doing fitness training but not racing. My maxi...
28 yo male, run about 5k and 1 to 2 gym sessions a week. My diet is fairly average – 1 take...
I have both kinds of scale at home. I weight my self in the mornings before I shower. I can...
I had a baby 3 years ago. I use to drink heavy after I had my baby. I also got into a habit...
Well, I'm no stranger to the gym. Just have not been in a few years! Shame on me and I have...
How do you all measure posture? I'm with Sterling Health and we're exploring building a me...
Hi, I have just been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. It is 5.5cm in diameter, and my gyno ...
What motivates your current weight loss journey? For me it was the realisation that my s...
Hello, I was always a bit fat. Eating habits in my family are very bad and so i grew up ...