
Separation anxiety

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Separation anxiety

Hello, I was wondering if anyone can please help me! I love my dog very much, we actually r...
So here comes a doozy of a question. My wife and I have been separated for over a year (no...
High ALP - Dogs Community
- Jan 12, 2018
Hi. I have a 6 year old Irish Terrier (40lbs) He is having a dental on Friday. His ALP was...
My 15 month old German Shepherd/mastiff mix has had escalating issues with separation anxie...
I have a five yr-old son who has had sleep problems his whole life. He has always been ver...
My just turned 4 year old daughter started school last September. She cried for the first 3...
I have been struggling off and on with my son's behavior for the last two years. We have a...
Hello Wondering how long is too long and when to worry if a child is still crying before...
My daughter is eight years old and her father and I have been divorced for four years. In...
We are in the military. My husband deployed two years ago. Before he left, my then, k/1st...