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Posts on Food/Cooking

My son ate two double burgers and some fries from Mcdonald's at & 7:00 pm and started vomit...
Hi, New member here. I just received the results of my 12 week post treatment test...stil...
I'm lost I'm thinking the vodka cooks down which is why it's ok to feed to kids but any adv...
For my whole first trimester I lived off fast food,take out,and microwavable food.....i cou...
Hey ladies. I'm having a hard time cooking due to the strong sense of smell I have during p...
Have any of you mom's experienced the dislike of the smell of cooking meat or the sight of ...
Lately I smell things at what seems blocks away and some smells are not pretty lol. Its in...
Sgetti it is tonight!!!! Wierd because I am not a fan of it. But tonight it sounds deliciou...
So I just made dinner for my bf and everything but we're from the same country and all but ...
The way my man eats irritates me. We moved in together when I was about 5 months so of cour...