
Arterial insufficiency

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Arterial insufficiency

my blood pressure s 142/88 now how to calculate my mean arterial pressure
PAC is or is not arrhythmia? I have been to the emergency twice in the last two weeks due t...
My husband is 60 and just had a 64 slice CT Scan which revealed arterial plaque in two main...
I am interested in any feedback on two approaches or than statins or in addition to them) t...
My spouse had a heart attach in June and after cath, no blockage was found. They were diag...
I am a 36 yr old 6 ft tall ghostly pale blue-eyed redhead with spondylosing psoriatic arthr...
I've had 2 strokes and tested positive for the Lupus Anticoagulant. Is Coumadin the best or...
Mitral Valve: Trace insufficiency. Normal aortic valve flow. Pulmonic Valve: Trace insuff...
I have been not feeling right for some time now. My Doctor says it is anxiety. So I take Xa...
My recent Chest X-Ray reported Progressive Cardiomegaly which promoted an Echo. What doe...