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Deer hunting

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Deer hunting

I'm a country girl and I typically busy myself with cutting wood (esp this time of year) mo...
We got about 60 lbs of meat for 90 bucks!! Hubbys boss shot a deer and let us get it proces...
After another round of tests and a visit to my LLMD, he pronounced my kidneys "back to norm...
I'm 17 weeks from and my husband and I are going shooting today at the local gun range. How...
So, eating hot dogs is definately out of the question but my 4 yr old kept pushing for "pig...
hi i recently had an echo. my echo says that theres evidence of left atrial aneurysm. i ju...
I spent the weekend up country on the family farm and thought of you many times 1 wood ...
A 40-year-old returned from a deer-hunting trip about 6 weeks ago, and presents to clinic w...
Help! Name some cute theme ideas!
Quick question.. I had been dating a girl for approximately 3 months. We had sex on a regu...