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Posts on depressed

I'm a thirteen year old girl and I've been having rough times with myself lately. There's b...
I've been dealing with depression for 3 years now and I always get questions from people th...
Hi, I just wanted to ask a question, how do you know if you are depressed? I am 15 nearly...
I have Major Depressive Disorder and Ehlers Danlos Sydrone which causes terrible pain.... I...
Hi, I'm an 18 year old male and I have masturbated for several years now. I have noticed...
I feel so frustrated. I have gone through months and years of not being able to do much be...
Hello, My name is joe, I'm 18. Iv been unwell for 7 months. I woke up one day out of no w...
Hi, I am 17 weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby. I have been experiencing severe anxiety ove...
i only just recently realised that i'm probably depressed. im fourteen and its not like im ...
Im new here and I am hoping that someone can shed some light on what this is... I remember...