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test result

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on test result

This past year I found out my life partner was diagnosed with genital herpes. I did not ha...
Are test results for Hep A,B,C conclusive at 12 weeks? Thanks.
So a little background, I was once diagnosed as hypothyroid after I had my son, however I w...
I got my test results for my thyroid disorder as follows: TSH Value:6.28 (H) ...
Hi everyone, I am a 25 years old female and I have had cold sores since I could ever rememb...
I have recently noticed that I have been getting this type of rash down there. Not blister-...
I have severe chronic back pain. I've had chronic back pain from an abusive relationshi...
Hi people, I am looking forward for your help and advices, My blood test results: ...
Hello. I've been reading and following this forum for insights the last 11 weeks. It was ab...
Thanks for taking a look at my stats and my story. I started out this summer with TSH o...