
parkinson exercise

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on parkinson exercise's been a while and I am back for more tips on what I can add to the ideas u already...
I am a 34 year old woman. I was diagnosed with Wolffe Parkinson White Syndrome when I was 2...
what is supraventric tachycardia
Is Parkinson curable? Is. Parkinson. Syndrome. Curable
Im on day 4 of withdrawl and I can not get rid of the retlessness in my arms and legs. I ca...
Hello! I would like to know if I have any reason to be concerned with what is going on with...
Hello everyone, I'm new to the sight and I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation and Janua...
So I'm preparing for my 1st (hopefully only!) ablation next week. I have been diagnosed wit...
Hi everyone! As i've this passed week freaked out with a capital F. From thinking i have...
On Jan 11, 2005 had a second laminectomy. By August of 2005, I started walking like a drunk...
My husband is 39 yrs old. About 2 yrs ago he began experiencing pain in his right shoulder....