
pain medications

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on pain medications

I am prescribed pain medication for pain associated with a birth defect. My prescription i...
Those who have been threatened with losing their pain medications (or their doctor) because...
Hi, I had arthroscopic ACL reconstruction 5 days ago and was initially prescribed Percocet ...
and possibility of it causing more pain? There has been so much discussion everyone sayin...
I was told by the Pain Clinic that I have to find a new doctor that will be willing to writ...
Hello everyone, I am new here, but i am looking for some help. I have been taking fioric...
I had a fusion in 2009. L/4-L/5 artificial discs and 5 screws/ 2 rods. After a long recover...
Hello I live in Virginia, my spouse is on pain management. Due to an insurance snafu 5 yea...
I was just wondering whether anyone here has developed a tolerance to Amitriptyline? I'm t...
About 4 years ago, I was told that I have moderate to severe RA. The doctor prescribed Lor...