
loss of sensation

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on loss of sensation

myelomalacia, post traumatic syrinx, tethered spinal cord, multiple bulging disc C3-T1, 201...
Hi, I'll try and keep this as short as possible. But basically looking for some other opini...
I am 19 years old and have NEVER been able to experience sexual pleasure. I also have a lac...
My husband (28 year old) went in for a lipoma removal surgery last Wednesday (8/17/11). The...
My husband is having loss of sensation on the right side of head including face, tongue, ch...
The few available resources list common B6 toxicity symptoms as a feeling of pins and needl...
Hi guys, For a few years now my body would go numb in the middle of showering but everyt...
I'm 24 years old. 2 years ago something I began experiencing changes that included a loss o...
I have no idea what's wrong. I was having sex with my girlfriend, without a condom (she was...
Hello For the past 10 Days I have been having a loss of sensation localized to my Genit...
loss of ankle reflex
non functioning left leg