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Posts on ect

I've been going from med to med for 15 years now. I am current on 4--lithium, lamictal, lor...
I have had major depressive disorder for years now. I've tried many medications but none of...
I was first diagnosed with depression in 2001 or 02 after having a PFO or hole in my heart ...
i have been bipolar for 20 years. i was taken off lithium 2 yrs ago because it was affectin...
I have bipolar disorder I and am considering talking to my psychiatrist about Electroconvul...
Is nausea a common side effect to ECT? Not just temporay but ongoing ? I had my first treat...
1 week ago i had a partical hysterectomy with removal of my left tube and ovary i keep he...
I am suffering from depression and extreme anxiety-generalized, social. My stomach is in kn...
How often is ECT done? Can it be done two days in a row?
My sister was diagnosed with mood disorder a few weeks ago and was recommended to take Zypr...