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Posts on epidemiology

I've been battling Lyme disease for the past seven months (although I've probably had it fo...
Occasionally, Dr. Handsfield posts a little synopsis on HIV epidemiology among the general ...
Hi What cause high sugar readings without having diabetes? husband has no signs other than ...
Is there a source for finding a physician specializing in treatment of mycobacterial infect...
why chronics hepatitis b patient considered medically unfit for job?
Secondhand Smoke Linked to Dementia Exposure may increase risk by 44%, researchers say ...
what is ping pong infection
I am a medical student doing a research project. I was given a task to produce a five-year ...
I'm 53. Diagnosed with BPH 18 months ago. Rather than take prescription drugs I've been u...
hi doctor i need your help plzzz im so nervous.....i noticed that on the ruff of my mouth i...