
transmission of hepatitis b

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on transmission of hepatitis b

Hi there .. I recently discovered ( during a marriage preparation medical check-up ) tha...
I just met that special person, and i really think he is the one. But he has hepatitis B. i...
Hi, we just found out that my husband is Hep B + We have been together for 6 years and hav...
My wife and I did some routine tests and she tested positive for hepatitis B, with HbsAg (+...
Would like to know the causes of Hepatitis, and the symptoms. Can you pls let me know what ...
Hello Doctor, I am a male, 40 years old actually living in Tokyo.I hope you can understand ...
My girl friend has a brother who has Hepatitis B. She has not taken hepatitis B vaccine. ...
Please helpme interpret the result of análisis. Hepatitis b antígeno superficie:positivo,h...
I am wondering if Hepatitis B can be transmitted through french kissing? I have read confli...
I want to know the mode of transmission of Hep B.
what is the difference between Hippetitus A,B,C
Is there any chances that hepatitis b or any blood bourne infectious disease can be transmi...
I go to a small barbershop and I was there at 9am sharp just at opening. The barber seemed ...