
german shepherd

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on german shepherd

My german shepherd is 11 months old. She started not eating 3 days ago. All she does is dri...
My 12.5 year old German Shepherd/mix, laying in a recliner, suddenly started yelping two ni...
I lost my dog two days ago she was a german shepherd and she was 7 years old...Thing is i l...
I have a 7 year old German Shepherd. She is showing signs of degenerative myelopathy. I h...
I have a 10 year old German Shepherd. A couple weeks ago we also had a pomeranian. They did...
My 3 month old GSD pup has only dropped one testicle. It isn't heridetry, not this specific...
I have recently decided to get a German Shepherd, but I am unsure as I have hr=eard they ca...
I had a 13 year old German Shepherd. I was out playing with her for at least 30 minutes on ...
I have a 14 year old German shepherd who has developed some kind of a nervous tic or twitch...
I have a year old German Shepherd, one of his ears is lazy. Most of the time it flops down ...