
Self Diagnosing

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Self Diagnosing

What could the two bumps on the back of my tongue be?
Is an ELISA HIV test after 10 weeks from exposure conclusive ? I want to know specifically ...
I have a question, is nerve coating damage an initial symptom of HIV infection?
My mom is on gallstone medication treatment provided by my cousin sister. I am concerned b...
Its been 30 days since I had sex with a CSW in budapest. On the 30th day I got a high degre...
So I have been worried for the past month about my encounter with CSW because she had cold ...
I haven't been diagnosed with anxiety yet so don't hate me for self-diagnosing but given ho...
Will truvada and and a respiratory antibiotics have interqction/ side effects if simultaneo...
I posted earlier about some discomfort, after doing some research I'm pretty sure its a yea...
between the timing of the exposure, i was convinced that i was showing symptoms of acute hi...