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Posts on abnormalities (16)
Hello, I've decided to come out and ask a few questions since I have been suffering from se...
I'm a 19 year old male. I visited the ER 3 weeks ago thinking I was having a heart attack o...
My sons lateral ventricles are 30mm and 28mm at 37.5 weeks. I know there's not much chance ...
Hi over the course of the last 2 years i've been having abnormalities occur on my penis. My...
I wonder if anyone could kindly help me with my heart problems in terms of terminology of a...
I recently saw a neurologist. I had brain MRI and a cervical MRI. My brain MRI found exte...
I have suspected since birth that my daughter might not have all her reproductive parts and...
Please tell me the meaning of the following phrases taking from the Findings of an MRI on m...
I had my yearly physical and the doctor found a lump in my breast. I had a mammogram 2 day...
I am a 21 year old very healthy athlete. i recently had an ECG which showed abnormalities. ...