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Posts on sunrises

I am trying to create of list of things to be happy about. Please give me your ideas. T...
What’s your best tip for a beautiful body? You've been through the desert on a horse wit...
life does not feel like an event to me, thats how I feel life should be, much like stan...
Things I love: 1.) Reading a good book. 2.) Sitting on a beach breathing in the salty...
Hello All! Just an update. I have successfully completed my ramp up of Lamictal for my m... today I just cut out some bits and pieces Regarding cancer but the same story ...
Hi everybody! Happy FALL! (you too, Bob!) I had a couple of steroid shots over the last ...
Greetings to all my MedHelp friends.....thought things looked a little slow here at the mom...
For about 2 years now, I have noticed that after a glass of wine I experience a sharp pain ...
I realise I am addicted to a cough syrup with hydrocodone(5mg per dose). I go through a 24...