
periodic limb movement

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on periodic limb movement (33956)
Hi, I have recently discovered that I suffer of Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. Also, I d...
Hello, Im from london and I wanted to explain my father's unknown and undiagnosed condition...
I've been suffering from very severe day-time sleepiness for years and doctors have not bee...
I've been suffering from very severe day-time sleepiness for years and doctors have not bee...
I've been suffering from very severe day-time sleepiness for years and doctors have not bee...
My 3 1/2 year old has just been diagnosised with PLMD, it's similar to RLS but different. R...
I have these body twitches -- my husband says they go on all night long. Usually I don't k...
Hello every one I have been getting, since 05, shocks, acute needle pain (pins and needles...
when it is time for bed and i am starting to relax i get a jack knife occurance knees are b...
I twitch at night when I sleep. Some part of my body is in motion all night long. These, ...