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Posts on avocado

Something to Share: "You are what you eat, so eat well. A stupendous insight of civiliza...
My baby is a size of a avocado ! I am 16 weeks & 5 days .... Moving on to the size of an on...
I'm am 5 weeks pregnant and craving avocado! which is wildly different than my first pregna...
Do any of you ladies know what fruit ur at week 16
The literature shows 30 grams of fat in one medium avacado. It's hard to believe so I'm co...
Hi, My son is seven months old and has been on soy formula since he was two weeks old due ...
Hi, i'm 21 and today is the second time i notice a really unusual and apparently unexplaina...
This might be a dumb ?, I am having a hard time with this 20 grams of fat 3 times a day. I...
mines the size of a zucchini!
Can you be prengant without having nausea and vomiting but having lower back pain&sleepines...
How many weeks and what fruit or veggie are you?