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lonlieness and depression

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on lonlieness and depression

Every horrible thing that could happen this year has.... My adult child is being charged w...
I'm 22 years old and I am 26 days away from my 3rd trimester. I'm having a boy and am very ...
Before pregnancy I was a very confident and ambitious woman... felt like I could take on th...
I've been telling people I simply haven't adjusted well to having SPMS. But I just read so...
Is anyone going through depression during their pregnancy? I have been restless, having har...
I suffer from anxiety and depression. More anxiety then depression (I think), I've had it a...
Has anyone else had this? All I feel like doing is crying any sleeping???
So I'm 71 days off of Oxy and 12 days off of a short sub use (58 days). Had no real acute ...
Anyone having bad anxiety issues or depression issues .. I had them prior but they seem so ...
I'm currently taking zopiclone for sleep been taking them for ten days. Can I just stop tak...