
Application Programming

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Posts on Application Programming

My MedHelp on my HTC phone and MedHelp on my computer are not syncing together. I have trie...
Hi. On a recent job application form it states that I must have vision of 6/12 or better wi...
I need help deleting my tracker. So far, I have aded and deleted many trackers. For some re...
Hello, I'm looking into joining the French Foreign Legion next year but have bad eyesig...
Hi, My mother has had a history of 6 major abdominal surgeries as a result of which she go...
Just wondering what peoples main problems / issues are when applying eye drops. Methods tha...
Merck, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, announced today that regulatory a...
For those of you that have participated in a clinical trial, how did you apply? I have a...
Is this application calculate our weeks right ?according to it im in week 8 and 6 days but ...
Dear All, I got a haloperidol injection only once. No additional medications received. I r...