
Colon Cancer Community

Hello all...it's been several years since I've been around here. I'm happy to say that I have completed 5 full years of post-op - post-ch...
I am an 18 year old female and very scared. So for a little less than a month I have been having been have blood in my stool. I am awaiti...
I had a colonscopy in January this year supposdly the Dr didnt find anything but fundic polyps in my upper GI (this was during an endosco...
Hello, I am new to this community. Thank you in advance for any information. I am a 33 year old male. Today is 4/3/2018. On 12/15/2017...
Fecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) is said to "only detect blood from the lower intestines". Can it affect the test results if I have som...
I’m an 18 year old female and I think I may have Colon cancer or irritable Bowel Syndrome. I noticed about a year ago blood on toilet pap...
Popular Resources
Colon Cancer can affect anyone at any age. Ashley Havlena shares her story.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Read on to find out how a fecal occult blood test saved Keith Friend’s life.
Colon cancer screening tests save lives. Learn how you can reduce your risk for colon cancer.
It’s a fact: You’re never too young for colon cancer. Learn more about the disease.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Amr Radwan shares his story.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Angie shares her family's ongoing struggle with cancer.