356054 tn?1218552475

Just want to vent. I am sick of people

Damn I am so sick of people. For instance what happened in New York at the Wal-Mart. These friggin people trampled that poor man to death to save money on a f**king tv and even after knowing this man died continued shopping. WTF. I get idiots come into where I work that drive me crazy. It seems like nobody wants to take responsability for their own actions anymore. I wonder how some of these people have made it through life. They can't think for themselves and expect somebody else to do everything for them. I'm sick of it. I'm sick and tired of people just wanting a handout for doing nothing. They don't want to work, they don't want to pay their bills and expect somebody else to pay for everything. UUUGGGGHHHH  
26 Responses
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277836 tn?1359666174
Welcome to America LMAO
I do agree with you
What they should do is make an example out of those shoppers. Put out a statement by the police saying they are going to charge everyone that was in the store with murder at that time.
Thay have video footage and they can check debit and credit card purchases to get the names of people. Thats what I say but then again this is AMERICA !!!!!!
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495284 tn?1333894042
Some of the people even got mad cuz they closed the store.  I ventured to the grocery store tonight and the frickin people about drove me nuts.  Bunch of A$$clowns they are.
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230262 tn?1316645934
yep i posted something about that too the other day. Its sickening how self centered people are nowadays. Most people feel like they are ENTITLED to everything in life now. And dare anyone say or do anything to the contrary they come off with additude or worse. Everyday I see more and more decay of society and its sad.
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On Black Friday here in California.......two women were fighting over a toy or whatever and there husbands went out to their cars and got their guns and shot each other right at a check stand..........Two women lost their husbands, kids lost their dad's this Christmas.........all for what.....A toy????........makes me ill.........

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At a very busy Toy's R Us.......I might add.........disgusting....!!!!!
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556087 tn?1226595414
this **** is crazy my wife went to walmart on black friday and said they about ripped the door off but she got some great deals lol
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I think the part that scares me the most about the shooting in Cali is - who brings guns to a TOY STORE??  It just shows how materialistically driven/obsessed most of the population is even within an economic recession. I understand wanting to get good prices - who doesn't - but at the expense of someone else's life? I'd like to know how many Black Fridays throughout history ended up with people getting hurt...
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401786 tn?1309152034
I don't want to take away from the vein of this thread, that whole deal in New York *****..it's awful...but I DO want to make sure no one thinks this kinda thing is on the rise or something, or that there are no more good people in the world.  

There have been heinous acts of violence and destruction for years and years and years.  People have murdered other people for stupid **** for years..stolen things, raped, beaten, the whole lot of it.  What I want you all to know, is that there are SO many good people, and good people doing GOOD things EVERYDAY...Trouble is, the media scews our view of our country.  They only report those stories that they deem "newsworthy"...they don't report the kind deeds done every single day, the kind of deeds that are in fact, the majority of the deeds done.  

This is not to say that the deeds THEY report are diminished in their awful quality at all, just to say that YES, they DO happen, but this violence is by far the tiniest part of what happens on a day to day basis.  This violence should never happen at all, and it's stupid, but it has happened from the beginning of time...I just don't want all of you to lose hope or think that the world's an awful, bitter place.  It's not.  Really.
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Ditto Alienshadow...Ditto...
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341649 tn?1255782090
don't they have like, a million wal-marts and open 24/7  I guess it's hard to see anyone in front of you with your head so far up your &%^&
I found a place called the M.K. in Canada no people yet no cell phones, texting or morons. Can it be true
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306455 tn?1288862071
I agree with you Jacqui, there are still good people out there.....But for the idiots that can't control themselves because of a fing sale, they should ban black friday and go back to stores being closed a day after a holiday (yes, a million years ago) and have their sales thru-out December.
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442658 tn?1563386491
i think that s why i say FXXX it and stay home on black friday.  not worth the aggravation to save a couple bucks.  deals come and go and if i happen to get a good one great but i m not going to let AXXholes get me upset..horrible..maria
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"Feel Good" story I just seen on the news right now:

A South Carolina couple found a wallet on the highway with money blowing all over risked their lives and scooped up the money, $6000 in cash, a payroll check and credit cards. They turned it into the police department, who apparently laughed at them, and contacted the owner. He came and retreived the wallet. When asked why they turned it in, they said it wasn't theirs to keep and that what goes around, comes around. They said it had as they now have a new friend.

p.s. The man said he had put the wallet on top of the car and forgot about it...

with that said...i still agree with alien ;)
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I am loving the New Hopsing..............Loving it !!!!!

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401786 tn?1309152034
btw all, I'm all for some serious teachin' for the bast a r ds that killed that man at the Wal-Mart...Please don't think my feelings negate that....Oh no, by all means, send those blankety-blanks MY way...
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Uglyfish - The major problem with those places that you speak of with no phones, texting, or idiots is that they also have no economy, doctors, or population............

Alienshadow and Jacqui - - - Send any of those folks that escape reality to me for a quick reality check - I bet we could tune them in right fast ............

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401786 tn?1309152034
We COULD tune 'em !!!! ; )
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699217 tn?1323438700
IMO no good deal is worth a life ever.  Walmart should be blamed for that one for not protecting that guy  better!  They knew how many ppl were out there ready to run in that dam store.  i worked there 7 yrs ago for a short time during this time and witnessed this very thing.  People are crazy stupid for **** like those deals they have, and guess what? the next day everything that was on sale was STILL on sale!!  how stupid is that, they get new shipments in after that....really a horrible thing.  Poor guy.  I pray for his family and friends..and those people should be ashamed, think any of them are?  I sure hope so
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401786 tn?1309152034
Dudette, are you kiddin' me?  Wal-Mart should NOT be blamed for the assaholic behavior of these pr i cks.  True, it may happen every year,, but still, Wal-Mart is not to blame...Yeah, the stuff will still be on sale, and even better sales yet to come, but the behavior of the people is just that, behavior of the people...THEY are responsible for their own behavior.  We ARE in agreement about the aggregious (sp?) behavior of the shoppers and for this man's family.......poor guy indeed.  
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699217 tn?1323438700
I hear you Jacqui but they should have had a better security structure up while opening those doors.  I have heard this happen frequently each year at some store, whether walmart or another.  I am just saying it could have been prevented if he wasn't the only one standing there opening that door.  I am not in any way condoning the people that made it happen, that was horrendous.  Just that they (the store) knows exactly every year that these people are in such a mad fkn rush to get in that they could have helped the man...imo only.  didnt' mean to upset..just seen it happen too much, need a better system for that IF they are going to continue this black friday ********!!  sorry if i touched a bad nerve....please forgive me k
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401786 tn?1309152034
I feel your pain, believe me I do....totally....and yeah, these a$$wipes do the same thing every year, but I think, that if these same a$$wipes were held accountable, it might not be an every year occurence.  You did NOT touch a bad nerve chickie, it's all good, for real.....we all feel that these people are not those that we dig.....and we all want to stop them....we're all on the same side.
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230262 tn?1316645934
just a side note- i believe i heard on the news that when the walmart death incident occurred, that even POLICE and EMT workers were being bumped over while they tried to adminster first aid and save that man's life. I swear i heard that on the news. THat the crowds were still flocking in at that time and not only had no regard for the law and EMT's there but stomped on past the dead guy on the floor. How sick is that?  
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I agree that it is sickening.  Years ago when my oldest daughter was little, women were running each other over for cabbage patch dolls.  Later it was the parents scrambling for the the little stuffed animal toys from McDonalds.  I thought then that nothing material is worth more than human life, but I realized not everyone agreed.  I was trying to understand what made them go crazy like that and the only thing that made any sense to me is that it was like they were possessed.  The media and their own desires took control over common sense.

We each have to make our own choices to say, "no" to running out to get whatever the media "highlights" and portrays as a "must have" to be this or that.  It goes much deeper into indentity and values.....

I think whenever something good happens like someone turning money in, etc., it shows the best of what we can be.  I think we get chances in small and big ways to show that.  It is as simple as realizing when you get home and look at a store receipt that you were not charged enough or even charged for an item and then deciding to take it back and show the clerk to pay the right amount.  I had two recent events to make right.  One was at Radio Shack.  I got home and saw that I was not charged full price for a 16gig flashdrive.  I had purchased 2 (2 gig adapters with 2gig memory for my cell phone) and the clerk charged me the same price for the 16 gig flashdrive which was 24.95.  It should have been the sale price of 59.95 so when I brought it back, the man just did a complete return and then made the adjustment....simple...my conscience was clear and my heart light.  The other was at a Kohl's where I realized once I checked over the receipt that I was not charged for one of the long sleeved white tops.  I just cut the tag off and came back to the store and they scanned it and charged me the price...voila...again, heart light and conscience free.

There are plenty of examples like that that happen day in and out.  We "each" make the decision as we battle with our desires.  It is easy to excuse things that we want to like..."Hey, God is rewarding me for doing good"  All I know is that I am responsible for "my" behavior.  When I "point" a finger outward, I must be ready to look in the mirror at myself.

Locally, a baby boy was beat to death by his foster mom who also happened to be his biological aunt.  The authorities are now having to answer how the agencies looked the other way not noticing something was wrong and in making visits to the home.....

So many of these things are happening all over.  There is growing darkness...we decide which side we are on.  We can be "lights" or we can hide in the darkness and blend in with what it protects.  

I grieve for the family of this man who have to live with the shocking images and words in knowing how he died.  I grieve for the "ignorant" people who just think the "stupid" worker was in their way and don't realize the "value" of life...who don't see beneath the surface to realize how "short" life really is.  On a personal level, I think it is important how we show "love", "compassion", "kindness", "respect", "consideration"........to others in our short life.  It is not how we begin the race, but how we end the race.

I also believe that anger in this has its place as a motivator for change.  Change doesn't happen in a blink of an eye short of a miracle.  We can add this to our arsenal for reaching for the good.   Being human, we have "good and bad" in us.  We choose the direction we are heading in what we learn.  We choose who we serve.  

I chose not to rush to the stores on Black Friday.  I am sick of materialism.  I have so much "junk".  I choose to donate to others through Goodwill, and other organizations where someone else can use what sits around that was an impulse item.  I had to face my own greed before I could begin to do something about it.  That is bottom line what these people who were part of that Walmart worker's death need to do.  Accountability...who did this and why and what can be done about it.

Walmart knows there are rushes on things, and they are not totally innocent in this.  They provided the ground and the carrots that others were after.  Herd mentality, crowd madness, etc. has been established as being a reality...nothing new.  We are facing what makes up the fabric of society.

May we each be strong and brave enough to face ourselves in the eyes of others and in our own reflection.
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I also am torn by the absolute crazinezz that people can exhibit.  I think what really gets my goat is when someone that hurts or kills an animal is given more time/punishment then someone that hurts or kills another human being.  PLEASE!!!do not take my wrong.  I love animals alot, just read my journal.  I just think that tthis type of behavior indicates how our society thinks.  Another issue that can be really argumentive is society would rather pay more to gabage collectors then to nursing aides, lpn, or rn.  It just appears that our loved ones and elderly are less important then the waste we throw away.  However do not want to end on a negative note.  There are many many positive things that does happen but fequently is not reported or is put on the back page.  Several years ago I was off work temporarily, my hubby was out of work.  I had no money coming in.  An employee from work called asking if I was doing ok.  I was hesitant to complain.  She told me about FML and shared leave program.  She then asked if I could come pick up a food box.  I was embrassed but thankful.  When I arrived there were 2 boxes of food and she handed me a Christmas card.  When I got home and opened it there was 500.00 in there that was collected from different indivuals/units. I cried, was able to pay electric bill so it was not turned off. Our church pd our house payment.  So...there are lots of great people out there.  Hope everyone has a great holiday.
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