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257844 tn?1191157544

starting suboxone program

hi all.  i have been reading on this forum for over a week now and it has been so helpful to me.  two weeks ago, i tried going cold turkey off of hydro (i was at 220 mg daily for over 2 years).  i made it to 30 hours then i knew i needed help.  the only help available to me asap was inpatient detox.  no way was i doing that.  i did a search online and found a methadone clinic.  after interviewing at the clinic, i decided it was not for me.  they informed me i would have to report daily for dosing and it takes months and months and months.  in the meantime, i had gotten my hands on some xanax (my mother gladly gave some up to me seeing how i was suffering) to relieve some of fhe anxiety.  i found a suboxone program in my area.  i went to see the doctor last thursday.  i was very impressed with him.  he was very up front and put it out there.   i left there with scripts for suboxone, clonopin (? spelling the blood pressure med) and 10 mg of valium.  i could not start the sub right away as i was not at the peek of my withdrawal as i had gone back to using my hydro after going to the methadone clinic. my plan is to take my last hydro this evening and start withdrawing in the am and hopefully start my suboxone tuesday, taking the blood pressure medicine and the valium in the interim.  i am wondering, for all who has done the suboxone, what to expect.  i am hearing mixed feelings on the forum.  i dont want to detox off of the hydro with the sub just to have to detox again off the soboxone.  any input is welcome.  p.s.  i am so glad i found this forum.  it has been so helpful to me the past week.  
24 Responses
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BTW ....
I've used Subs for 2 years, 1 year while in out-patient treatment.  I've been off sub for 38 days.  I used lunesta for sleep but I can now sleep without it.
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Asro is correct.  My estimate is that doing 2mg per day with give you roughly 5 mg blood level, give or take depending on how fast you body metabolizes the Sub.  That blood level is roughly equal to 100mg - 125 mg of morphine.  CT from that level is going to be very difficult.  Honestly I'm wishing you good luck.  If you end up having to re-group and trying again, I'd also recommend tapering down to .25mg or even to .125mg.  Even at this level, plan on having moderate WDs for around a week and very significant lethargy for another 3 - 4 weeks.  The lethargy is a real grind day after day but doable if you're tired of the opiate merry-go-round.
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another Sub taper disaster. 2 mg is a way to much to just go cold turkey from. This dude would have saved a lot of pain by tapering down to 1/2 mg
or .125 mg for week. 2 mg is about the same as cold turkey from 70 mg of Oxy habit. Not pretty
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262764 tn?1189755835
Getting of Suboxne. My second complete day off and I am in nasty withdrawal . I was on less than three weeks so maybe today is the worst , God I hope so. 4mgs one week, 2mg. about nine days.
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225213 tn?1213734690
I wonder how long sub has been around?  Does anyone know when it first became available?  Just curious.
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257844 tn?1191157544
thank you for your input. i so appreciate it.  i do have a question though that maybe someone can answer for me so i dont have to call the dr.  he gave me clonidine and valium to start with asap.  i take one 10mg of valium and it dont touch me (im thinking i have a high tolerance level from all the hydro).  should i go up to 1 and a half??  Tthe doctor also told me to 'chew" on the clonidine as i need it.  how do i know if i need it?  LOL.  im at 12 hours now w/d and anticipating starting my sub early morning (assuming i get through the night with the valium).  thanks for all the help.
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Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I have been on suboxon for over a year now. I am one mere voice in this forum, but I hope I can help in anyway. The people are VERY nice and understanding and seem to want only the best for others going though addiction. So heres what I did. In May of 2006 I was introduced to suboxon. I was trying to detox off of 50mg of methadone.Which I was previously trying to get off of herion. I started taking 1 pill a day and let me tell you it was hard for the first week. Suboxon is supposed to put your body up to normalcy without giving you w/d. This worked for me, I could have taken more but I had another problem which is siezures. I had about 4 in a row the first night I detoxed. This is my body though so don't be afraid this might happen to you. I kept going and got my body use to 1 pill at 8mg taken in the morning. By that following September I was able to get myself down to a half which I have been on until just recently. About two weeks ago I started taking a quater and my body is not quite adjusting the way I want it to. Now I'm not getting serious w/d just mild aches and a lack of energy. I'm presently trying to see if anyone can tell me when I get off how long will it take my body to get rid of this. You were right not to get on the methadone, believe me it's a trap, all it is is exchanging one addiction for another. So is this in a sense, but suboxon is easier than meth to get off of. Everybody was right with telling you that you are waiting to long to before you are going to be starting the subox. You only need to be in w/d to start it, not alot of hours though. And, very impotant, no matter what when you do start the suboxon DON'T get high at all, this can throw your body right into a w/d. Stick with it, and if you have anything you would like to ask me feel free. I will tell you anything you want to know, if I can. Good Luck, I know you will do good. The deterimination is there in you, I can see it. Just don't put your body through more than it can handle. You don't have to be in serious w/d to start suboxon. And remember you are not alone.
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257844 tn?1191157544
hi there.  what mg. were u taking of the subutex??
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195648 tn?1231812118
HI.  I took my first dose of Subutex 12 hours after stopping percs.  I was taking up to 220 mg a day for a few months when I went on Sub.
My first visit (and only really) I took 4, then half an hour later Itook another 4, then later on that day I took another 4 and before bed I took another.  Day 2, I took only 12, then steadily over the course of 21 days decreased it.  I never felt any real discomforrt decreasing but I only always took just enough to allow me to function.
I too got "high" but a weird high.  I was VERY lethargic and I was a little spcey.  I thik the lower the dose the more that happens.  I think if you are getting headaches from it yo're probably on a higher dose than you should be.
When I stopped I was midly uncomfortable for a few days and had clonidine but never used it.  I am totally off now and feel great!
Good luck to you.  If odne quickly and correctly, it's a miracle!
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257844 tn?1191157544
thanks for your help.  dr. told me to start low and could increase up depending on how i feel.  since these are 8mg pills i guess i would score them in half?? i dont know.  i agree that i cant wait 24-36 hours.  my first dosing will probably be in the morning that will be 16 hours.  how often can i take them?
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182493 tn?1348052915
If he is leaving it up to you... Then let me help you figure out a schedule....i would hate for one more person to suffer the seduction of Sub maintenece...and getting stuck..First off.. start low.. the less the better.. on day one... then you may need slightly more on day 2.. and I would NOT wait freaking 36 hours to start... you are on hydro which is a very short acting med... 12-16 hours is fine.. I waited 14 hours and took 2 mgs to start.... two hours later I took another 1mgs... waited 8 hours and took 2mgs... so a total of 5mgs on the first day.. I was fine.. in fact I felt a little buzzed.. but not a good buzz...it will probably give you a massive headache on day one...it does alot of people..
Keep me in the loop...
Day 80
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243614 tn?1266197537
Since this is a study, i don't know what to expect.  I do know she said i would be coming into the office once a week. I have been taking 7.5 percs. 9 or 10 a day for a couple of months.  Other stuff before that.  I am out now, as of last night and have taken a clonidine last night and one this morning and so far i am okay, but i am not thinking real good.  To begin with I have to be on the percs. to go in for the sub and I am afraid the clonidine won't work, so I think I better borrow some Hydro codone from my friend until I get ahold of my dr. tomorrow to get a script with enough to take me though sat.  I am going to tell the Dr. and nurse at the study, 3 days in withdrawals is ridiculous,  too long.
Hope you can make sense of this.  I just am not myself, and I am so sick of it.
Thanks for your post and hope you will start tapering or something soon.  I just want to use the stuff for 20 days or so and be off of it.  You said you are in way too deep?   What do you mean?  Start tapering again.  Tell the sub dr. to help you.  I will keep reading the posts and also let all of you know how i do.
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Good Morning!

I am on day 13 of sub, and will be stopping this week.
I am concerned about this doctor and the methods he is using with a VERY powerful drug.
Although it varies slightly from doc to doc, there is still a protocol used for administering sub, and for the program itself.
First off, 24 to 36 hours is a heck of a long time to wait before taking the sub. You will be pulling your hair out by then. Secondly, and MOST importantly, the first dose of sub should be administered in a doc's office, in his presence. Your blood pressure should be monitored during that time.

With me: I went to the doctor when I was about 15 hours or so into withdrawals. He gave me a script and I drove to the drugstore and had it filled. I went back tot he doc. He watched me take my first pill (2 mg). He monitored my blood pressure every 1/2 hour. After about a 1/2 hour, he gave me another pill. Blood pressure check again. A 1/2 later, he gave me half a pill. bp check again. I was there for a few hours before he would let me go. Suboxone is a strong, and sometimes dangerous medication. He did not let me leave until he was sure that I had no reactions to it. He checked the color of my skin and my nails. He checked my eyes. He was thorough. Finally, I left and went home. About an hour later I got so dizzy that I could barely stand. I phoned back and he told me to up the dose of my blood pressure meds. The next day I felt just as bad. I began weaning myself off that day. I have been weaning ever since.

Please call your doctor and speak with him. Tell him you would lkie to come to his office for your first dose. Like ppl have told you, you will probably feel a "high" from it since you are waiting so long after your last pain med. Besides, he has started you on a rather high dose of sub. Please hun, don't fool around with this.

I am really concerned. Keep posting and let us know what is going on.

Hugs, Bonnie
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257844 tn?1191157544
thank you for ur comments. the doctor informed me to take my first dose of suboxone approximately 24 to 36 hours after my last dosing of hydro. he had left the dosing part up to me.  my script is for 8mgs (60 tab) of sub.  he said to start out low and to increase on my own to the point that i feel ok (good enough to function).  he also gave me the valium and the clonopine to get me through the first 24 to 36 hours.  is this too long to wait to take the suboxone?  shoulod i start it earlier.  i am afraid if i do i will bring the w/d's on early.  last night took my last lortabs last evening.  so i am ready.   p.s  to lotnote.  i would love to talk and yes, i am the one with the daughter in the navy.
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267243 tn?1189755835
I agree, Friday to Monday is WAY too long (the worst day is usually day 2.)  My doctor gave me the script immediately and told me to wait to take my first dose when withdrawal symptoms first start appearing.

Some people have problems with the initial phase (induction) but I had absolutely no problem and was soon staring at the script bottle thanking life.

Some advice: I guess getting off Suboxone is also tough. I wish I was on this forum earlier as I hear it is much easier the smaller the dose you can stabilize on initially. (Of course, don't be sick.) But for me I started with 10 MG and a couple weeks later I went to 12 MG because it was "slightly" bad at time...I now know that was a mistake when tapering off.

FINALLY- and this may be important! - How deep were you in it prior? I was once only doing 20-80 mg a day of oc's (constantly for a few months) and was able to (with some pain) become completely clean after a couple weeks and two Suboxones. (Sadly after a few months I decided to "treat myself just once" ...worst mistake of my life and now I'm in way too deep (even though it's just Suboxone now.)

Good luck!
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Where are you? You haven't been around this morning. I've beeen looking for you. You are pretty. Its a great picture! You must be having a busy holiday weekend.     Cathy
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262764 tn?1189755835
i agree with Fladdaddcit. After 72 hours you are about through with the hard part of detox depending on what you are coming of off. Suboxone given at that time will definatley get you high. The only time i can see anyone holding suboxone this long is in a hospital detox to prolong the lenghth of stay and charge the insurance company more.
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182493 tn?1348052915
Yeah hun that is a heck of a long time to wait to start... at that point taking something that strong will make you high for sure.. and yes it is strong.. Put it this way.. the doses of it that is used for pain management is under 1mg  every 6 hours.. the doses for addiction is anywhere from 4-24mgs to start.. so yes its a strong analgesic..waiting almost 3 days you will be coming out of the woods on the 4th day without Sub.. I just don;t like the sound of it after all I have read...If you were coming off of methodone i would say absolutely 3 days.. but coming off of a short acting med it doesn't make sense to me..
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243614 tn?1266197537
I agree, friday till Monday at 1 pm is too long.  I will be a complete mess, unless i take clonidine, which i do have.  I will be sure and tell them on Friday that i think 2 1/2>3 days is too long.  Do you agree Fladdict?   I will keep coming to this site.  Thank you all for posting and caring.  TJack
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Friday to monday to me is too long..you will be way to far in your w/d's...So what good is it to go on sub???
i don't know that much about it, but i have a feeling they will put me on it this week...
Ask fladdict....
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262764 tn?1189755835
Funny how everyone is differant. The first day I detoxed form ten percs a day I was high . I was feeling awesome. I wish I did not because I became obsessed with getting on a suboxone maintence program . Thank god I realized that for me it was good for detox and not maintenence and am coming of after 20 days. There were several people in detox getting of suboxone. Everyone is differant all I can do is offer my experience. No matter how good they make you feel I would not say on them for longer than three weeks.  Please keep posting.
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243614 tn?1266197537
  I am going to be starting on the suboxone a week from today.  It is a study by adapt.  I will go in about once a week they told me and they will give me the sub to take for the week.  Please keep posting so i know what to expect.. I too have tried cold turkey.  It is unbearable.   They want me to be with off hydro from friday till Monday at 1pm.  That seems way too long to me.  I will be telling them that on friday when i go in for a 7 hour first time visit.  I don't know what goes on during that 7 hours but she told me to bring a lunch.  
Please keep posting.  I too am so glad i found this site.  TJack
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Talk to me, I've been wanting to talk to you. Are you the one with a daughter in the navy? My son is at sea.
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I'm a navymom too! I also take suboxone.The first couple days I was waiting for something huge to happen, well it didn't Subtlely within hours thr w/d/ went away. And you begin the feeling of feeling normal, happy, and excited.  They never made me high,
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