1035252 tn?1427227833

Done...and this time I need to do it right.

So some of you know that I'm a pain management patient and I took a "drug holiday" earlier this month (stopped my meds for 2 weeks in order to restart my tolerance)...I wasn't sure if I was going to refill my script or not, but I did. I don't have a problem abusing my medicine (I take 5mg Norco 3x a day) but I'm tired of having to take them around the clock or end up with withdrawals.

So...I'm done. I'm in the middle of my script and when I woke up this morning I got the awful withdrawal-haven't-taken-a-pill-in-a-long-time feeling and I decided that I'm done.

I made an appointment with my GP tomorrow and I need to know what to ask her..I'm going to ask for some medicine to help me deal with the withdrawals. I'm stopping cold turkey this weekend. We're moving into a new house and we're goin to be painting and putting down carpet and moving...but this is the best time for me to do it. I need to keep busy or I will start having panic attacks - I take the medicine for legitimate pain reasons and the thought of dealing with the pain without medicine has me panicked even now, so I know that I need to keep busy or I'll cave and start taking the medicine again and I just don't want it anymore. But by the same token I can't completely shut down, and I have 2 small children who rely on me (my husband will be home 4 days this weekend as well, which is why this is a good time for me to do it) so I need to be somewhat functional.

what do you guys recommend? I know I"m going to get some multi-vitamins and protein shakes...I was thinking of asking for clonodine and something for anxiety, as well as something for RLS and sleep - when I've cut my meds out before the RLS and the interrupted sleep been the worst part of it for me.

does anyone have anything else to recommend? my GP is very helpful and I think she'll give me whatever I feel like I need because I mean it's pretty much every doctor's dream to get their patient off of 24/7 pain meds right?

anyway..I'm terrified. I really am. I've lived with pain meds for 5 years because my pain level is so high, and while I've stopped taking them before for weeks or months at a time...this time I'm really done. i want to be done. I know my pain is going to be back, but I don't know that it's not better than dealing with pain medicine 24/7 and all the appointments and side effects that come with it.

please help me..I'm so scared. I need to do this NOW before I chicken out and continue the cycle. I already called and canceled my PM appointment for next month where I was supposed to get another refill, and it takes a long time to get an appointment so at this point it's do or die. (not really lol but you know what I mean).

help..can I do this?! will the medicine help me?! I know I'm on a low dose, so I should be able to function...right? i know I need to buy immodium too....omg, I'm so scared, but I'm so ready.

help...I know I'm not an "addict" but I'm physically dependent and you guys are the only ones I can think of who can help me...so please do. the pain terrifies me, it really does, but i'm done.
32 Responses
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Hey! You're doing all the right things and I think your plan is great. You always have the hospital for back up!

Potassium is important but I wouldn't buy it. You get enough in your vitamins plus what you absorb from foods and drinks. Esp. apple/orange juice.

Personally, if I could choose just one it would be L-theanine. It's very helpful with anxiety and it's all natural. Some people call it "natures valium" LOL.

You're doing fine!!  xo
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1035252 tn?1427227833
thank you so much!

Can you take the 5HTP, L-taurine, Valerian root, and L-theanine at the same time? it seems like an overload, so if I had to pick and choose which ones to take, which would you guys recommend?

Sorry again I know i"m bein a pain but since we ARE getting our new house, I have a limited amount of $$ to spend on this (hoping to spend $50 or less - I know that's probably unrealistic, lol) so I would like to know which ones are the most effective..alone or in conjunction.
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495284 tn?1333894042

There is the link to the amino acids.......

Congrats on getting the keys to your house today!!!  How exciting~~~sara
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Bless you Amanda for stopping by...I need all the love i can get from my friends!

Thanks Vicki as usual you are  amazing! and if it was a test you certainly passed LOL

I've decided to get myself as ready as I can get and then jump off this weekend no matter how far I've weaned...and I will flush the rest. If I get a kidney stone I'll just have to go to the hospital. I know I won't have cravings but the fear of pain is a huge motivator in my life and I need to remove that opportunity.

So I've got my shopping list set out:
Nyquil (already have it)
phenergan (already have it - not to be taken with the nyquil, thanks Vicki ;-) )
Valerian root
chamomile tea (not to be taken with the phenergan or nyquil, LOL)
hylands restful legs
potassium - ???
protein supplement
toradol (already have)
ibuprofen ( already have 800mg prescription)

where do I find the amino acid protocol?

I know I seem like I'm going way overboard here but I'm the sort of person that has to lay things out in advance...it will help me to know that I've prepared as much as I possibly can.

I think that I'm going to stop sunday morning...Easter sunday....it seems like a good time for me because it has so much religious meaning....Jesus died and was born again, and in a way I will be too.
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377493 tn?1356502149
Noticed this thread when I was leaving you a note Ivy.  I don't have any good advice for you, (sounds like you got some really good stuff here!), but had to chime in just to offer my support and good wishes.  I know your pain situation is a real one and this cannot be easy for you.  Wishing you the best as always my friend|!  You are one strong lady.
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Okay, just so you know,clonidine is an alpha-agonist. It's different than atenolol and is often prescribed WITH a beta blocker.

The phenergan will get you drowsy enough and may "hit" on some other receptors, who knows. I'm sure it will work for you. Don't take it with the Nyquil.

So,you're getting the keys tomorrow!!  That's great!

Try to calm down...drink some tea!!
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Oh...so many questions to answer!!   LOL

Take the Toradol as the doctor suggested.

The phenergan is fine,too.

I'd say no to the beta blockers.

Yes, of course you can post clean time.

The tea,vitamins,minerals,Hylands, can be purchased all in one store. If you go to Walmart/Walgreens/CVS they should have everything you need.

I really don't know if the muscle relaxers help withdrawal but someone else may have used them and will advise you.  

You know, you've been through a lot,you're young,and you're very strong. I know you don't feel it right now but you are!    Did I answer everything?  Was this a test???

Lisa and "justneedtotalk" gave you wonderful advice. Read their posts over again. You're going to be okay...

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1580085 tn?1400940838
well you are getting prepared, phenergan is an anti histamine and may help with sleep,
atenolol is a beta blocker, a bit like propanol, and robaxin is a muscle relaxent, i wouldnt take too many different meds, but some can help, such as atenolol, as you say is like clonodine, you can get the valerian root from a health store, or you can open a drug store yourself ! lol, but ,seriously, you will do this, take care.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
ok while I'm getting myself ready...I figured out where to find the Hyland's, but where would I find valerian root or chamomile tea? I also know where to find the melatonin as I've taken it before.

What does anyone think about the atenolol since it's similar to clonidine? also - like I listed above I have several anti-nausea meds...will any of these be good to have on hand? (zofran, phenergan...I also have flexeril, robaxin, and toradol).
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1035252 tn?1427227833
bless you and thank you for responding...I will seriously consider it. I'm going to talk to my husband about my plan after talking to everyone and go from there...

you guys are amazing, thank you
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I think you are definitely prepared this time and there is a great chance that you will be successful!  I just wanted to comment on keeping a few pills around.....You kind of answered yourself within the body of your post.....You want to see which pain is legitimate and which is not....The only way to do that is to give yourself a few months clean!  I promise you that you will be screaming for pills at some point early in your detox and if they are there your brain will find a way to convince you to take them.....I personally would flush them!  I am almost 5 weeks clean and do not crave nearly as much as I used to BUT if I had 30 of them sitting in my house I would probably take them.....I am a habitual relapser and I am not strong enough yet to be around them even.....

You asked questions about detox time and severity......The nice thing about detox is that you get out of it, what you put into it!  The more water, supplement, protein powder, anti-oxidants, and exercise you can get will dictate how severe and long the withdrawal affects will last.  I personally jumped CT off of a 130-180 mg hydro habbit and was functioning on day 4-5.....It will be difficult to get exercise and get all of the supplements down but if you force yourself, it WILL make you feel better faster!

I wish you the best of luck and hope you decide to flush the rest of your pills.....The only way out is up!  God Bless!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Bless you, lesa...thank you. your words are exactly the kind I need to hear!
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Hi Ashelen.. I just wanted to throw my support in :) Congrats on reclaiming your Free life ! It sounds like you have everything you need The Hylands helped me tremendously as did the Valerian Root. I also walked everyday with my dogs. the movement helped more then anything. with moving and packing it will help with the anxiety and aches. I took Hot showers and they worked just as well as a bath..  make sure you drink a lot of fluids. although you were on a small amount it still causes slight dehydration so get a good sport's drink to replace electrolytes. Keeping yourself plenty hydrated will help combat the kidney stones..and force yourself to eat ok. My husband was on 1 a day for years He had quit with me and was surprised how emotional he was. just goes to show even a small dose can stunt our emotions. He could not believe the clarity he felt once off.. sleep will return just try to be patient and know this will pass.. I live with pain also and I never thought I would be free of it but I was very surprised that the level of pain I deal with has gone down after getting off the opiates.. I wish you a good life Free to leave when you want and for how long without counting any pills to make sure you have enough ! Keep a Positive attitude and know you are doing the very best thing for yourself and your family.. lesa
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1035252 tn?1427227833
oh good Lord sorry for the novel LOL I wanted to add...I will need all the hand-holding I can get. I've birthed two babies with almost no pain medicine, I've had many many kidney stones and ovarian cysts...I've held peoples' hands as they died, and I've lived with an abusive alcoholic mom all my life...and the battle I have ahead of me scares the cr@p out of me....does that make me a coward? this seems lke the one thing I'm not strong enough to face...but I know I'm going to.

let the hand-holding commence!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
THank you Sudie and Sara -  you guys are a great part of my cheerleading team!

Vicki - your righteous indignation on my part warms my heart....hehe.

I'm doing alright. I started the taper today...I know we can't do specifics but I am taking a slightly smaller amount (I have a pill cutter) a slightly longer time apart.

I'm going to take 1/4 of a .25 phernegan tonight so that I can get through the night with less medicine in my system (phenergan knocks me the freak out) and maybe get to the point where I'm not taking it at night at all before I stop completely because I know that sleeping is going to be my biggest challenge - usually the pain is so bad at night that I rely on the pills to put me out. I'm going to try to switch to toradol for night time for about a week and then regular ibuprofen and see how that goes. this is all after the taper.

my dad and my husband are being really good about this...my husband knows he's going to have to watch the kids at night even though he's working next week because in the past my biggest challenge has been that if I get woken up, I can't get back to sleep. he's being a real doll and he said that he's excited for me...he's tired of me struggling with the pain but he's also tired of watching me agonize over the medicine..there's so much addiction in my family that it's always been a sore point in my mind so even when I was taking them they were causing guilt and fear...so it's time to be Free.

he's even planning to quit cigarettes on my "1 month clean" anniversary...his way of showing support. we'll see...but i'm touched by the thought.

I will go and get all of the things suggested..what about the beta blocker propranolol or atenolol? I have them both but I have like an entire bottle of atenolol because it made me too sleepy so they switched me.

in some ways..I'm really excited about this. I'm terrified of the withdrawals and of dealing with the pain later, but I'm ready to at least see where it's at. I didn't stay "clean" long enough last time...I was still suffering from wds by the time I refilled my meds so I never got a good look at my pain. this time, I'm forcing myself not to go back to the pain doctor until after my daughter's birthday, IF I go at all - and that's inthe end of september. that will give me a good amount of time to see where my pain is at.

What i'm trying to tell myself is..yes, I will be sick. Yes I will lose sleep and twitch and cry and throw up and poo a lot....but then it will be over, right? I mean..tuesday should be my first day completely done with all the meds (that will give me about 10 to keep stashed away somewhere so if I get in a ton of pain I don't have to go all the way to the doctor to get another script - I won't have trouble taking them, I've never had "Cravings" or trouble taking my meds when/how I'm supposed to....but since I DO get kidney stones regularly and cysts on top of all my other pain I know that keeping a few around is a good thing for me)

so anyway back to my point...if I stop completely monday afternoon (or tuesday morning as was suggested above...that seems like a good idea) then by saturday I should feel a lot better, right? I mean I'm on a low dose...and I"m already tapering..I'm just hoping that I can be functioning in order to enjoy our move into our new home the weekend after this one....

also..even though I'm not an "addict" persay...do I still get to celebrate "clean" time? I still feel like this drug has taken ahold of my life, if in a different way from an addict, and I'm excited to start my life for the first REAL time in 5 years with a new perspective....I've had periods of not taking the meds before, but never have I said "no more for at least 5 months"....before it's always been "get more if the pain comes back".
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Are you kidding me??? Your doctor can't help you because of insurance???  What's the deal with that? She can't write an rx for a cheap medicine (I think it's cheap LOL) that you can pay for in cash? That's BS. AND you don't need to be tapered!   That's a scam!!  It's sounding like they want to keep you coming back for the $$$...GRRR! Can you tell I'm irritated??

Okay...yes,Nyquil helps a lot of people and it's fine to take at bedtime. Many doctors advise cold medicine with dextromethorphan because it helps a number of symptoms including RLS;so get that. Yes,Hyland's works but not 100%. Any magnesium tablet,alone or with a vitamin or other mineral,works for RLS as well. It can all be taken together(cold med,Hylands,and mag).

And,yes,Valerian root and Melatonin work. Again,not 100% but they really help! The tea is good,too.  Hot showers work as well as baths but it's just nice to sit so we talk about the baths a lot...

Do not worry about this. Get on here and post. You'll get plenty of hand holding,just not in person.  :(
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495284 tn?1333894042
Dont fear the wd's.  I know it is no fun but it is necessary to rid our bodies of the toxins.  It is very scary to give up something we have grown dependant on.  Our minds play games with us as we always fear the unknown.  Your pain will more than likely increase for awhile but many of us have found our pain got better the longer we were off the meds.  Keeping busy will be good for you, keeps your mind off things.  Keep us posted on how you are doing.  You can and will do this!!         sara
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1580085 tn?1400940838
hi, i just wanted to add my good wishes to you, all the things that vicky suggested do help , and the clonodine does the same job as a beta blocker, its for hypertension also.
sometimes the fear stops us from doing things and you imagine its going to be worse than it actually is, take care and god bless.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
also - I have Toradol (ketorolac), flexeril, robaxin, phenergan, and zofran...and that's my arsenal, tell me if any of those will help me. oh and like 2 bottles of nyquil because when we had a cold last time my husband bought them buy 1 get 1 free, lol.

what about chamomile tea...does it really help? does valerian root REALLY help with anxiety? and hyland's....I've heard it's kinda crap...how well does it really help?

we don't have a bathtub in this house and unfortunately because of my FIL we won't be able to get into the new house right away so I will have to take showers instead of baths :-(
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Ugh so my doctor wanted to help me today, but she said that the way my insurance works...she can't. I have to get my PM doctor to taper me down, and he won't. he was inthe process of referring me to a doctor who solely does pain medicine....that's why I wanted to stop the meds now because I realized I was getting to a place I didn't want to be (with a doctor who wasn't trying anything BUT medicine).

I'm in tears now because I'm so afraid...I'm still determined to do this because I'm done being dependent...but now I'm a lot more frightened because I thought I would have clonidine and something for anxiety at the very least to help me through this. At this point I'm going to do a rapid taper until next week and then go cold turkey...

any suggestions for that ? I've heard that nyquil helps you sleep at night when you're going through this...thoughts?

and thank you so much Vicki and Mellie you guys are wonderful - does anyone know if a beta blocker will do the same thing as clonidine? I've done research about it, and I have a bunch of beta blockers that they've given me for a heart problem over the past two years and I KNOW that self-medicating is bad...but if I can't get my PM doctor to help me taper, then I'm going to need all the help I can give myself.

My doctor said basically I can get my PM doctor to help taper me or I can get put into inpatient care...since I'm not an addict I refuse to do the inpatient because I know it'll go on my record.
UGH i'm so frustrated:'(
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That was a very helpful message for me.  Thank you for taking the time to write it!
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I'm so proud of you (and a little envious that you're going cold turkey!)  I'm doing the same thing but with a taper.  I just can't handle the withdrawals.  (In addition to my pain issues, I do have some mild heart issues and I think, for me, a taper is best.)  But with the taper, the withdrawals are drawn out.

And, of course, you have your pain to contend with as well.  But I'm with you:  at this point, I'd rather feel the pain than be clocking pills.  (My pain management team is a big believer in "staying ahead of the pain."  So I have my long-acting and then high doses of oxycodone every four hours around the clock.

I have a good friend who just did this.  She had no computer access so I asked some questions here for her.  (She was abusing her meds but she's doing great and it's been several months.)

The things she found very helpful were the Hyland's Restful Legs.  It is in VERY small packaging and can be hard to see.  Ask at the pharmacy.  She also found someone massaging her legs helpful.  Clonidine could be a great help to you for a number of things.  It's an old high blood pressure medicine that's used in several ways now.  I was prescribed it for nerve pain.  It could help with some of your pain and it also helps with anxiety ... two for two.  And lastly, it does help with withdrawals.

Maybe try thinking of the withdrawal symptoms in a positive way.  Like having a baby; each pain, each contraction brings you closer to that ultimate gift, your brand new baby.  Well, in the same way, each miserable withdrawal symptom brings you closer to another gift ... freedom from your medication.  (Easier said than done but it's helping me with my symptoms.)

I find being a pain management patient really difficult.  Sure, I hate the pain and it IS debiitating.  But I don't like what the medications do to me.  

Keep posting and let us know what happens with your doctor.
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Hey!!   This is a huge deal!  I'll try to make you a good check list.  I just want to tell you that I'm so impressed by your thoughts and "plan".  A good mindset is the best...
Starting right now (as you read this) get something to drink and keep drinking. Withdrawing will cause dehydration and dehydration is responsible for many symptoms! Clonidine is good to ask for. It's a b/p med so follow directions. Some think that the clonidine alone cuts withdrawal symptoms in half...For anxiety try Visteril instead of a benzo. It's an Rx. Ask about it.

Crying,emotional,temperamental behavior- Very common.

RLS-   It may begin at any time on day one.Get some Hylands Restful Legs tablets. Take as needed(3 at once). It's an OTC that contains quinine.

Runny nose,sneezing A LOT,a dry cough are common. Treat as a cold.
Blurry vision- it may happen and it goes away.

GI- Get Immodium and pepto. You may have nausea,sometimes vomiting,often times diarreah.

Muscle aches-Motrin 800mg 3 x per day.

Anxiety-As above and also Valerian root.

Insomnia- Valerian Root and Melatonin. Don't force sleep,it doesn't work. If you can't sleep get up and try a different place.

Headache- Common

Lethargy- Common

Really...if you drink,eat,move, it will go just fine. It's not a large dose so don't be scared. Your pain may increase for a bit and then settle down. About a week.
It's great you're working with the doctor on this.  Message me anytime. I love hearing from you and for heaven's sake...keep checking in!!
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Well.....I always take my last dose in the morning but only have enough pills or that morning dose....That way you have an entire day and evening without pills and on day one you are actually on day 1.5.....For me day 1.5 and 2.5 are the roughest.....If you are taking your vitamins and supplements and getting a lot of water down it will help.  You are going to probably sleep ok .5 night if you take the valarian and melatonin.  You are going to be restless on day 1.5 and you are really going to crave.....This is when you need to accupy your mind by doing medial tasks or watching some funny movies....Hot baths throught the day give you some piece and makes you feel better for an hour or so....Try to get the protein down as well which the sooner you can get everything down the sooner you will feel better.....Day 2.5 will be much of the same, you will probably not sleep very well but if you take the sleeping aids you should be able to get about 4 hours of sleep....Day 3.5 for some is the worst day but for other is a turning point day.....For me it was different every time.  This particular last detox I actually felt a little better on 3.5.....Day 4.5 is kind of a hump day.....You still feel crappy but it is better....You will most likely still have some lower stomach problems and appetite and sleep are not back to normal but you will be able to function and this is when you really need to start getting some light exercise......Each day from here on out will be better.....Yes, you will have bad days but as you get closer to the month mark you REALLY start feeling back to normal.....This is easily doable if you have the right mind set.....Best of luck to you!
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