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Opiate withdrawal????

What the heck is wrong with me?  I have been on percocet and vicodin for only 2 months.  I was on percocet for a month (7.5-30mg oxy/day varied), the vicodin for 2 weeks (5 mg.  went through 50 in 2 weeks), then percocet for another month 2-7.5 tabs a day.  Went to 1 pill for 2 days last week, then stopped Monday.  Diarrhea ever since.  Highs and lows.  Sometimes I am on the verge of tears for no reason.  Last Thursday I took 1 just to feel a little better because I had an explosive outburst of tears.  I still feel like **** 1 week later.  Is this normal?  After 2 months of use, wouldn't I be better in a couple days?  This sucks.  I feel hopeless and have no ambition.  My nights of sleep suck too.
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I have used oxycodone for the past 10 years ... generally limited to 2.5mg-5mg per day, sometimes up to 10mg per day, always after work

Don’t drink or do any other drugs. Have a very high paying job, am the president of a major charity, go to the gym for 2 hours at a time for 4-5 days out of the week, detailed medical check-up (heart, lungs, liver, blood, etc) indicates great health all-around, have great friendships, great family relationship and (what I thought) was a great romantic relationship. My gf left without warning one day while I was on a work trip after 14 months of dating and 5 months of living together ... she blamed it on the pain killers and that she couldnt be with someone who took painkillers ... so I just stopped. Not a huge deal, but she’s strangely still MIA

Up for debate: is it ever possible to use responsibly. 10 year track record would seem to suggest so but maybe thats just the addict talking
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This may be an old post but relevant to my situation. I had a few on again off again situations with percocet 15 mg. I'd say up to a week at a time then stop for up to 4 days. I never did this more than 3 weeks in total. This last time given I knew I would not get adequate time of work I bought Kratom. I used Kratom for 2 days now I feel the same kind of intensity I did when I stopped suboxone after 2 years. Any idea why the WD is so nasty this time around?
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Just have a ? I have been a opiate addict whole life and i went to rehab was clean about a year now this last week I have binged for 5-6 days I'm 32 hrs from last use having slight wds just worried bout how bad it may get.  Sorry am very out of it at the moment
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4631961 tn?1357380952
i know how u feel the pains in ya legs and bit able to sleep ive bin clean for 19 days now and in the last 4 days ive had 2 hrs in totally to top it off i burmlkand quiet survire to lost alk my skin keep up the work
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Am going thru withdrawals from vicodin and percocet. This is day 1. Have GI issues. Anxiety, sweats and chills. I cannot take time off work. Have to work all weekend. Any suggestions. I have been on this crap for 10 years and i feel enough is enough. What can i do to relieve these withdrawal symptoms?
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I have been addicted to vicodine and norco for almost a year I just can't seem to get away I have tired to wean myself off from two a day to one a day to half a day and gettin to the half is just not freaking cutting it I don't know what to Do or where to start I was hooked up to a morphine machine in the hospital for two weeks where the constantly shot me up with delotit and vicodine just to shut me up and I've been addicted ever since I'm so young and just ruin everything with this its not easy
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Ive been and opiate addicted for five years know. up to 100mg of oxy a day. the best thing i found to fall asleep is earplugs, and some soft music. during withdrawels any odd sound can wake u, thuse the earplugs. Opiate addiction thins ur blood dramatically causing restlest leg, and the feeling of a cold dead body, thuse the music stimulates the brain and heart bringing ur blood rate to a more stable level allowing comfort.
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1801781 tn?1461629469
You are posting on an oldish thread and you may not get many replies.  Go up to the top of this page to the orange ask a question button and repost.  That will start a NEW thread.  I am going to message one of the members who has lots of experience with methadone and hopefully he can help.  He is on early mornings.  Glad you found this site, it has helped me so much.
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Girl I've been doing the percocet since1998 and the methadone since 2004 and am quiting YAAAAA.But I must tell you its been about a month since I had a pain pill and about a little over a week off the methdone and I feel like crap..I feel pretty good in the morning but come the nite time thats when my arms start doing all kinds of hurting and muscle spasms cant keep them still I also keep my boyfriend awake..HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO  LAST I CANT TAKE MUCH MORE OF THIS????
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I too have chronic pain and was put on vicodin and then oxycontin.  These are bad medicines because of tolerance.  My  pain doc who is a great man transferred me to Fentynal patches with Immediate release morphine for breakthrough pain.  Another good long-term drug is methadone.
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I have been a daily vicodion user for 4 yrs up to 30-40 pills a day. I have tried stopping a few times on my own and just could not handle the withdrawl. I am on day 9 and I feel at my worst. Im 32 yrs old and a single mother of 3. I just dont know what to do anymore, Im tired all the time, very moody hot cold sweats and my leggs hurt so much that nothing seems to help. I am on ativan which helps me when I am very upset. I take seroquel at night so that helps with the sleep. Its during the day for me. I sometimes think i was better off when i was on it atleast the house was cleaned and was on top of everything. and im not edgy with the kids. Everyone irritates the heck out of me. Please help someone before I decide to throw all this away and just go back to
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I read much of your comments and like many, I ended up on pain meds for all the right reasons, but taken all the wrong way. I.e. I ended up having much adequate pain relief from fibro/back problems with a mere lowsy 10mg vicodin, when I quit I was using upwards of 10-12 roxycodone 15mg's daily. A 240mg Rx would last two weeks at most, always out, ugh-all the same b.s. here. So I decided to cold turkey it. Days 1-3, horrible. Day 4, horrible still, day 5 still yucky with at least not much sweating: mostly insomnia and achey painful legs. (note: for me it's the ache, not really just RLS) Regardless today is day 8 of no Roxycodone.  Let me tell you, everyone is DIFFERENT because I am not feeling a whole lot better today. Please don't be discouraged, I'm not, just know that the 3-5 day idea 'might' not be true.  I am still dealing with the sh**s which *****, am using ENSURE and adding vitamins to the regiment. I want to see if potassium actually helps.

Day 8: ultimate complaints: lethargy, achey legs

I am seeing much write about sweating this out via a sauna...I wish I had that opportunity, because I would love to try. Any of you planning on detoxing and can, DO IT!  So many others have told me to do so during withdrawal, just hydrate yourself especially with the G.I. problems.  

God bless everyone. Keep your chins up. Remember, many of us went into this with relatively healthy bodies(even me with fibro/back) and we became addicted to a medicine plain and simple. If we can walk into this mess, we can walk out, the hard part, enduring the pain to get to the horizon. God Bless people!

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Just wanted to tell my story to those who are wondering about detox time. I had what i think would be considered  a minimal problem but a problem non the less. i have been taken around 45 to 60mgs of oxycodone a day for a year. small amount but still dependant. I jumped off and am now on day 6. I am pretty close to back to normal. The first three days were bad. I am a professional and had to work so it was tough. Also have two small children. my wife doesnt know about my problem so i had to hide my wds. I told them i had the flu. Days 1-3 were hard but day 4 was better and day 5 was even better. RLS is bad. I take .5mgs of xanax at night and bumped that up to 1mg to help sleep. I have no desire to use again. The biggest advice is drink tons of water and g2. flush your system and exercise. YOU WILL GET BETTER after the initial detox(3-5 days). everyday will be better. I promise. I know most people take much more then i did and the wds will be worse but you can do it. you will get better. once you turn the corner and start feeling better it gets easy. eat lots of potassium. GOOD LUCK and remember you will get better!
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Hi Ive been in and out of rehab 4 times now and as far as opiates go i have been addicted for 9 years. From 5 miligram vicodins to percocets to oxys to methadone and finally to heroine and have also tried each and every way of detox imaginable. The worst was the methadone detox wich i pretty much just bit a stick and rode the 2 month dry train with bottles and bottles of tylenol and melatonin green tea and i know this sounds crazy but i was back in my parents house and needed a job but had muscle spasms diarrhea vomting hot and cold at the same time and like some kind of impending sense of doom! Anyway i did NOT feel like any kind of physical activity at all and the ONLY place that would hire me is a freaking land scaping company which I worked for 12 hours a day in 100 degree weather and wanted to kill myself after the first day. I noticed when i got home on the first day of work that the insomnia was gone as well as the restless legs. As the rest of the week went on all symptoms subsided! It was because the sweat had cleansed the opiates right out. For those of you who dont know methadone withdrawl takes 2 months so those of you on vicodin be mindful that vic w/ds only take 4-9 days depending. I wouldnt suggest that method but it worked. For oxys and vicodin I have also done just the cold turkey hard detox which for me took 6 days to even function again. Again wouldnt suggest it. I almost lost my job waiting tables because i had to call in 3 days of it. I wasnt able to overcome the depression during that. Ive done the suboxone treatment which is expensive if youre insurance doesent cover it. This was a miracle drug for me and only had to hurt for two days till it was over. Only problem was you detox off this too! this cured all the symptoms though for me. The down side is it gives you a little taste of a high and can lead you to relapse off of just boredom but it can work. I just suggest if you can do the suboxone, stay on it!!!!! I also tried the 4 day suboxone detox in which 4 days in to the w/ds I was taken off and then had 4 more days of light but weird detox symptoms. I tried a methadone clinic which is NOT OK!!!!! Stay away!!!! It gets you high for a month then no matter how much they raise your dosage doesent work and then to quit you have to detox for 2 months! Its not as bad as heroin or oxy w/ds but it is horrible. Oh again on suboxone it takes three days of hard w/d from heroin for the suboxone to work. Last but not least I pretty much tried training my mind to ween myself off vicodin, at first by chance. I got a kidney dtone last year( which is why im addicted to pain meds) and my parents have been with me since my first trip to rehab when i was 18, im now 23, and so of course i needed the vicodin but my mom wouldnt let me dose myself. She dispensed the vics 1 every six hours although my tolerance was 6 every 3 hours at 20-25 pills a day paid for in cash off street. The first 3 days were frustrating but the vics she gave kept w/ds at bay. Then to my amazment on the 5th day she gave me one and i felt good! at this point the stone was almost out and hurt the worst. So now I got 2 pills every 4 hours and was buzzed! I couldnt believe it. Now I had lowered my tolerance to a reasonable amount to where w/ds are much QUICKER not EASIER so dont be confused just weening down doesent hurt less it just takes less time. So I dried out and relapsed a week later in a fit of out of nowhere boredom! I relapsed on heroin to cover up the guilt and shame i felt from letting my family down. I continued another 7 months and went back to rehab where i used a regiment of suboxone for 3 months and lowered my dose down to 1 mg a day and slid off of them in 2 days. I stayed clean for about 4 months with NA and a halfway house then moved out and had a brief binder in vegas with dones. Now im 4 months clean again but I disconnected myself in a new town, new friends, (clean friends) attempted religion which helps no matter what religion, NO more drug buddies which is hard as hell. No more fast lane lifestyle but in place of that I have my job, money, and more importantly FAMILY. Yall remember laughing and feeling shameless with family? It can still happen. Choose any of these methods, I hope the help someone. Out of all these i suggest finding a suboxone doctor and maintain a low dose (you wont get high) and stay on it........Good luck and god be with you all.. If you loose hope remember there is light at the end of the tunnel...You CAN beat this ********. Its a hard life we live but remember that millions are going through the same thing.
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I'm fighting opiate addiction now.  Was taking bout 120mg of oxycodone for bout a 1 1/2 years.  This I started after kicking the booze, bout 2 years Bacardi free.  But kicking the pills is the hardest freakin thing I've ever tried.  Went 9 days cold turckey..  Then took 4 tens yesterday.  It's the depresion and the unability to Move that may be the worst.  Taking a shower requires 3 cups of coffee.  Have I mentioned you will cry at the drop of a hat.  To top it off this crawlin out yourskin **** just plain *****... Won't let you sleep on top of it all.  Well that's were I'm at now..,  back to day 2 clean now..  Really hope I can do it this time.  Ohh when do you stop feeling like everyday is your worst..  When does the depression from withdrawl stop?
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Taking potassium supplements will take the Restless Leg Syndrome away.  They are cheap and you can get them at any drug store/ health food store.  R.L.S. is a horrible thing.  I would try everything i could think of the get hid of it (stretching, exercise, heat pads, etc.)  Then somewhere i read that potassium supplements would take it away.  Within about an hour of taking my first supplement, I notice the pain in my legs subsiding, and eventually went totally away by the end of the day. I take a potassium tab once a day and the R.L.S. had not returned...at all.  So, R.L.S. is a simple case of potassium deficiency.  
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i have been taking 30-40 narcos/perc 10s and soma 350 a day the mix would make me really relaxed but slowly toar my life right out from under my legs i  have been on them for 4 years and i have unlimted access to them since n the last year i learned how to doc hop and keep my needs fulfilled.  i would get about 1500 to 2000 a month in just the narcos.  i started in 06 with just one to two aday ive never been injured bad enough to take em ijust liked them. i went from havein a great job a great girl to no job, on thin ice with the girl.  i have to stop now or im just gonna loose my life for good and put me in a hole thats to deep for me to climb out of. im on day one it wasnt that bad but day one never is this isnt the first time i tried kicking the habet but it definetly gets harder every time . i just need to no when do u think its safe to start working again without the constint mindfucking that goes on and who knows how long its gonna take me to start feeling a little better considering how many i was taking. im only 22 i cant do this **** no more.
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are there any complications with withdrawals from high doses {200 mgs a day} of oxycontin and hepatitis C and other auto immune disease, such as rhunitoid arthritis, reynoids syndrome, fibromyalgia, lyme disease, I have them all and Im worried that major comlications during withdrawals could kill me,,,,,not to mention the fact that all these problems seem to get ten tines worse when i run out.  the withdrawals are so so so, hard on me, nearly hoplessly impossible due to the extreme pain accompanying the sickness.  Its brutal, and after three tries, i wasnt able to succeed!
honestly I feel like im going to die, it really scares me how fast I get sick and stay sick, its pure torture, and i was told that you shouldnt detox off of oxys if your health is compromised. could cause liver failure. please, any help will be so dearly appreciated  I am sooo worried, and i start my chemo theoropy next week, and I have nobody to rely on, Im a scared mother of a two year old..thank you in advance, susie
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I'm coming up to 96 hours without anything in my system. I was taking vicodin habitually for years---probably about 15-20 Norcos (which were the 10mg double strength ones) a day. I went on to Suboxone for about 6 months, but my insurance decided they didn't want to cover it anymore---great. My sister had just gotten in a terrible car accident and had been prescribed 180 10mg Methadones and 560-5mg oxycodones. Well to avoid withdrawals from the suboxone, I substituted with the methadone for about 2 weeks---about 60-80mg a day. Then I tried tapering off with the Oxys with absolutely no success. I quit everything then and it through me into full blown withdrawals. I know the worst is over because it's been almost 90 hours off everything. But man this restlessness due to the restless leg syndrome is killing me! I am so damn tired I haven't slept in days. Does anyone know when those symptoms will subside?!? Cuz I need some sleep dammit! On top of everything, I got an actually flu with a fever and cough so it's just been hell. When will this stupid leg thing stop?!? Somebody please help me.

Jim W
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I've been an addict for several years of up to 20 vicodin per day and yes thousands of dollars. I was scared to stop taking vicodin because of the withdrawls. I talked and listened to several people and they all had the same comments I see in this forum. I came to the conclusion that my life was going to end or restart. I spent $30k in Narocnon (rehab) and I am a new person. Let me give you all a few tips I learned that may help your withdrawls.

1. Stop taking for 24hrs-it's still in your system so you won't be filling like ****.
2. Step into a sauna for 2-3 days for 2-3 hours. (I seen that people with a higher tolerance than me needed more time). Codine is stored in your fat cells and you will sweat this out, taking out of your system much faster. You will already feel nausea so step out for a few and get back in. Now instead of this long recovery, you already bought yourself a week. Your not sleeping because it lies with your fat and muscle cells.
3. Now start on vitamins after 1 and 2. It's pointless to start your vitamin diet before or during withdrawl period. I can't tell you what vitamins to take since I had a DR give them to me after evaluation but an all purpose vitamin will help.
4. The hardest thing to get over are the mind games. We all depend on these pills to have fun, relate in life, deal with pain, or whatever. Get off your *** and do something. Walk the dog, go back to the gym and sweat more, spend time with the kids, stay away from friends who shares the same life style. Don't sit down and read a book when your mind wants to play games with you. I was taught not to take any pain meds during recovery and I didn't have a problem. But I seen others who were in much worse pain than me and they were allowed a motrin.
5. Sleep depresion. If you follow the steps above, your body will need the rest and you will sleep. Once those vitamins kick in and your body starts coming normal, it will allow you and want you to sleep. You will also start feeling a normal heart rate. Through these tough few days, it's a fast recovery so your heart is adutated but don't worry. I found this to be normal.

I hope this helps. ANYBODY can do it. I seen it with my own eyes. This is not just for vicodin but any drug/alcohol.

Best Wishes on your new life and may God Bless. It feels great to be free.

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ive been addicted to hard opiates for a couple of years now such as fentanyl, oxycontin, norcos, percocets, morphine 100 mg, and i found that the best way to quit is to go a couple days without it but have some norcos and when you absolutely feel like *** just pop one and slowly taper off of it until you feel normal, take one to two every time you start feeling the withdrawals and you should be fine, since hydrocodone is not really a very strong opiate you should beat the withdrawals like that...
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jpeezy...i am going through this detox all by myself as well.  evryone around me , family and all think i have the flu.  I have a 3 yr old daughter and just looking at her makes me sad, I wish I had the energy to play with her and be there for her.  No one knows that I am going through withdrawal.  It is one of the worst things i have ever been through physically.  I did not think it would be this hard., i want to take more oxy, but i know it will only prolong the inevitable, right?
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how do u get the posts 2 the TOP OF THE PAGE NO1 will see this
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