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Oxycotin Detox

This board was suggested to me by a friend and I am so glad that I have found it. I have read most of the previous Oxy questions but still would like some additional help.
I had back surgery about a year ago and was prescribed percocet for the pain. Eventually my doctor took me off of that and said that he would not ruin my life with pain meds. Now comes the tricky part! I have also been sharing the perks with my girlfriend who consumes the same amount as I. We were now taking about seven perks apiece a day. My Doctor said that he would not "ruin my life" but he knew of a pain managment doctor who would. I went to this doctor and was amazed at how eaisly he wrote out scripts. Immediatly he put me on 20mg 2x a day (oxycotin) and gave me an additional 40 perks a month for break-through pain. Which by the way I have none of. Anyway, we started eating this pills slowly at first but were eventually up to about 80-100mg. a day. Needless to say when you times this addiction by two it gets very expensive when you run out. We took this medication for about four months and then one day last week realized how theese pills were ruining our lives. Everything from not having sex (I am 28, she is 26) to not being able to function without the pills. I am on workmans comp and have alot of free time, she does not work. We would wake up every day...peel two 20's each and chew them up before even getting out of bed. After that we would "fly" around town doing a whole lot of nothing. Sorry to ramble on but we really have no one else to talk to disscuss this with. Today is day seven, we are pretty much detoxed in the sence that we can now go out of the house but my girlfriend still experiences cold chills and sweats during the night but she is slowly getting better. She also takes xanax once in awhile to help with this. Remeber I get 60 oxy 20's and 40 perks a month. Now is the hard part. I have the next two month scripts sitting on my desk waiting to be filled. I want to know what we should do in order to stay off of this stuff? Please do not suggest any AA type support groups as we are not about the whole group thing. We are however very serious about this so please do not take our not wanting to go to NA as a sign of us not wanting to quit. When you consider that if you sit at home and chew a couple of them little devils up EVERYTHING in life is interesting. Without them, we find ourselves bored and depressed. Will this pass? Will we be able to enjoy and be interested in things as we were on the pills? Two nights ago I went to see a concert totaly straight and was bored out of my mind. The show itself was great but I kept imagining how much better it would have been on Oxy's. I would like to know if there is anyone out there that is having the same problems as we are and if anyone got through it to the point were they now enjoy life to the fullist? Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and I look forward to your replies.
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Hi there,

I realize that the original post is very old, here, but I thought I would throw out some info that I recently found. I was stuck on Oxy for years (290mg daily), and I got off of it with very few withdrawals. I used a product called Heantos and someone named Mary in San Francisco guided me through the process. It took about 7 days for me to get through the process, but, man, it was so much easier than cold turkey! I found out about Heantos in December of 2014, and I was clean by February 15th of this year. Been clean since. I don't work for anyone right now (still picking up the wreckage of being addicted), so I am not a representative for this product. I just know it worked like a charm. My withdrawals were about 25% of what they were when I tried kicking on my own. Just putting this out here in case it can help someone else.

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sorry i ment at 28 i was talking about health ed[i was not 28 when i won] . the kids were inpressed because i had won medals at the olym's but i was 16.  my point is 28 was the miracle age for me if i could go back in time that is the age i would be.

no-one knows what lies ahead you are so young!  i am 42 with all kinds of problems because of my gymnastic background.  i am addicted to pain pills.  can not seem to function without them.
could not go into a crowd of kids to speak inless i had a few.  talk about hipocrate!  don't do drugs and here i am popping pills!

thank god you have a girl friend to go thru this with.  you will make it.  the depression and craving do subsiide.  i wish you get help how come so against NA?  there are meeting which are fab.

i lived in NJ and i know there can be some unusual meetings find one that works for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
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hey hun
have you heard that the drugs are only symptoms of our problems!!!
its all about changing ourselves. if you do not want to go to NA or AA go to a book store and get some books on after the drugs are gone.
depression is a b  itch!  i am 42 an  dgn with a serious cancer.  so my life may really be over.
At 28 i won a few medals for gymnastics. my life, was great, meet and married have three wonderful kids and i would give it all up[EXCEPT MY KIDS]  first child at 29] to be 28 again and drug free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
without one f "in medal!!!!!!!!!!!feel blessed you still have your youth and a wonderful girlfriend.
you still have your health.  please seek some help to talk to others GOD BLESS
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271792 tn?1334979657

You just posted..a whole lot of stuff..to someone who was here 7 years ago, and is no longer here. If you would like to make your own post, got to the top of this page and hit "post a question".
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Timed Tapering: Chad, you've got the amount of medicine to make this happen!    
NOT DOSE         I honestly believe it will work for you.  You also have the support  
TAPERING         and common interest of your Girlfriend.  Please Read this Post.
          I want to share a method that was used by a doctor to wean me off of Demerol (meperidine) after three months of use which culminated in 14 days of having it injected Intravenously 75 mg every 3 hours.  The chances of NOT being addicted to that drug after that type of chemical barrage are slim.  It was legitimate and controlled by a doctor and a neurologist, both of whom were treating Migraine headaches that bordered on Status Migrainousis (constant Migraine) and simply debilitated me and made me wish for a coma.  I ended up sitting in a hospital bed for the sole purpose of stopping this chemical from causing seizures and withdrawal.  I was only there for four days at which point I was okay not taking the Demerol anymore.  It was not fun.  But, it had to be done and I thank the doctors for taking the responsibility to see me through that nightmare.  
     Being addicted to these drugs is NOT a CHOICE!  DO NOT FEEL BAD!  It happens to so many people.  And without people to stand up and say, "hey, there's nothing to be ashamed of, it's no reflection on YOU as a person and it has everything to do with chemistry and our bodies... it could happen to anyone."  Be ashamed, as it does reflect on you, if you choose NOT to fight.  NO one should go into withdrawal without a plan.  And if possible, no one should do it alone- in steps your girlfriend!
     I believe the wrong Taper is being endorsed by everyone on this site.  I hear about tapering the dose on a (regular) dose-STRENGTH oriented schedule.  When in fact your body is CONSTANTLY (on a time-clock) eliminating this product from your system.  IF you have been taking this medicine (which ever Narcotic you may be addicted to) it is built up in your system and slowly, painfully leaves.  So, instead of trying to cut back on the strength of doses... PUSH your doses out as far as you can comfortably.  If you normally take it every 4 hours.  For a few days, take your dose twice a day, every twelve hours.  The lapse in timing may be a bit uncomfortable but the end result if MORE of the drug and all of its metabolites and by-products LEAVING in between doses.  And, if you stick to the "spacing taper" you will eliminate the narcotic while still controlling some of the withdrawal symptoms- AND without having that "powerless" feeling of running out of the medicine and waiting through the detox period.  After a few more days, only take the dose to aid you to sleep.  If you can keep spacing and spacing and spacing, the dose you DO take will NOT contribute significantly to the level of the drug in your system.  When you finally, after a week of spacing it all out, decide to STOP taking the drug there will be so little of it in your system that you should be minimally uncomfortable for a short period of time.  
         IF YOU HAVE A SPOUSE OR LOVED ONE... have them regulate your "spacing taper" and surrender your medicine to them.  Keep active, take your vitamins and drink lots of fluids the whole time.  Smile as well and find things to laugh about- it will release natural feel good chemicals.  
       And please don't EVER feel helpless.  You are a more powerful creature (as a human being) than you could ever imagine.  Your body and mind WANT/NEED to survive.  That you posted on this forum makes you strong... it's an admirable thing to admit weakness and ask for help.
     Be well, be strong and brave this thing out; you'll make it.
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don't be ashamed.... first of all.

if you go to The Addiction Forum (click on it above) it takes you to the main (current) page of posting.

I believe it says "Post A Question."  That creates a new thread.  Then repost your earlier post.

and yes, after 3 or 4 days you should feel better, but as you know, after the initial he** there's some residual stuff (sleeplessness, some anxiety/depression, etc.) but about a zillion times better, every day, than being on these f***ing pills.

don't panic honey... we'll help ya through.  just get through the night tonight, breathe, and i or someone will walk ya through in the a.m.... :-)

and if you want to post to me directly anytime, please feel free.  i wasn't on oxy's but i loved me my norco's....

ok buddy, i'm logging off now. but  remember what i said.. breath.  sleep tonight.  and tomorrow you can start the fight!  which you'll win.... Anything, ANYTHING, is possible if you want it bad enough.

take care buddy,
ps - breath.  :)
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how do I post as a new thread????Do u think after cold turkey id feel better after 3 or 4 days I hope so,But help me figure out how to post this as a new thread and thanks for the help!!I am soo ashanmed that under one percent of addicts get to have rapid detox procedure and here I am again,but I realize I have to stop NOW,thanks for the advice and ill wait for a reply!!!
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Sydney... if it's only been 2 weeks, your w/d's shouldn't be too bad.

but listen - you posted this at the end of a very old thread.  i'd like to suggest you make a new post and repost this question/post.

i don't think alot of people are on tonight, so if you don't get some feedback, PLEASE post again in the a.m... there's alot of people here who can help.  i know it got alot of us through just being here...

personally, if it's only, again, been two weeks - i'd go c/t.  but that's just me.  i don't know a good taper sked or i would give you feedback on that, but many on here do.

again - please repost this to a new thread so everyone sees it.  there'll be alot more folks on in the a.m... many of who will help ya all ya need...

so hold on tight darlin... we'll help ya get through!

talk to ya in the a.m. I hope...

be well...
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I was on methadone for about 4 yrs,then underwent the rapid detox procedure.I did great ,despite being extremely sick for a bit over a month,then I started using oxys again!!!I have only been doing them for 2 wks now and know the sooner u get out the better.I have no choice but to taper down myself at home then go through the withdraw symptoms as I do not want anyone to know ,but my drug counselor does know.I have no idea how I should taper myself down over the next wk.and have no clue how long the withdrawl will last being that I have only been taking an 80mgoxy a day.Of course this is now just substaining me.any help or advice on how I should taper and info or opinions on how long the withdrwl will last and how severe it may be would be greatly appreciated.I've gone thru oxy withdrawl but that was after years of using,I am hopeful it won't be soo bad this time!Please respond asap because I have to start the taper tomorrow and am clueless!!!
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my brother takes the drug as an addiction. you say your life is boring, so did he. he did not think about the fact that he would lose his job and not remember to take care of his baby. i used to do pills. i quit. cold turkey. it was hard. every day i look at my self and i look at my brother and think, how could i have been that. in time, if you have the willpower, you will see that just being alive is interesting. if  you have all this free time, find a better addiction, watching yourself live instead of dying. this drug is amazing. one day you could be watching all around like the old hippies, thinking how wonderful it makes everything. the next day, though you felt no different, your heart could suddenly stop, and there you'd be. i am sure there are many who would miss you. imagine what it would be like for one to die and the other to have to go through this alone. i am very proud of you for trying to stop, but though you dis the group thing, remember, it is easier to do something as a group. it was easy for you two to get addicted together, imagine how easy it would be for the two of you to get clean with two more, or four more. couples just like you who admit they need help, and know the others can be tat help. you can't do it alone. please, for the sake of saving yourself and possibly someone else, stay off the drug.
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I wonder what chad is up to.  Just learned of this drug over the holiday due to a friend putting himself in detox.  This has been an interesting and educational read for me.  Maybe it'll help me to help my friend.  Maybe it'll help me deal with my own alcohol addiction.  Thanks and good health to all.
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17992 tn?1258185601
To all of you

I am a heroin addict who has been trying to stay clean for 16 years now.  I am a member of NA.  Trust me guys and gals, this program is no religious in any way.  All it asks is to find a power greater tan yourselves.  I have been relapsing for 3 years now, first with the norco and then percocet.  When those would work anymore, I started using heroin again, I am 46 years old and the kick this time was unbearable!!!  I will continue to go to my meetings and if i fail again, I will start over. Shiat, its like I crave the drugs ssoooooooooo bad!!!!  I want to be clen in recovery, but lost my way.  I neeed to talk to someone.  JB have written me and anyone else PLEASE write me too, I feel like dying right now.  Walls are closing in and I cant breathe. Love you all as addicts in pain


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I have been taking vicodin for about 8 years now for severe back pain. I only take one or at the most 2 per day. A month ago I had  shoulder surgery and the MD gave me vicodin which I took 2 every 3 hours as prexcribed. Now he refuses to give me more - says I should be done with pain now. The truth is I'm not done with the pain, I want more vicodin - maybe just 2 a day in the evening when I'm trying to relax. Is this the beginning of addiction?  Was I addicted all along at taking 1 a day?

Any input would be great. thanks

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receptor therapy is an easy iunexpenive new way to kick..........i just went thru it........staying clean is very hard........pills can block pills usefulness........go for it
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hi everyone, i have been taking lortab to get high for the last year. they are very spendy and downgrading to a person. i have no pain problems i simply just like them. today is saturday nov. 11 and i have decided i will no longer take them. i am a very succesfull business owner and mother of a 10 year old son. my husband has no idea of the pills i crave. i have never tried to stop taking them before. today i finished the last of my casche. i took 3 lortabs 7.5. do you think i am going to go through withdrawls. i take them to party on mainly on weekends, but have been known to have them during the week "just to chill". i hate these pills but love how they make me feel. there is no one else i can talk to, not my husband, best friend or mother . i just need to know what will happen next. it seems that you people have certainly been there. please help ...p.s. good luck chad...........p.s.s. i hope i have realized my problem eary enough,, what do you all think?
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i've been reading here for a few weeks now and wanted someone to share my story.  It's almost like if I say it outloud it's real and if I ask for help, there is always that part of me that doesn't want to give it up, ya know? I get oxy's, Lortab 7.5/325, and 10/500, all I want.  It started for a disease but it's way beyond that now.  How do you taper? is that really better than going cold?  I find when I go a few days, I 'reward' myself by taking something. I was in the hospital over the weekend and was getting 10-15mg morphine IV push every 2 hours for 3 days, now my tolerance is way up and I'm afraid I'll crash hard.  Any suggestions? I always thought I was too 'smart' for addiction, jokes on me huh?
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What's peeling?  how do you cook down oxycontins, what's that mean?
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Hey.  I am 17 years old, almost 18, and I have been strung out on OC's for about 4 and a half years now.  I got in a little bit of trouble here recently and had to go to a Group Home for 6-months.  I am in month 2 now and believe me, I know what you went through.  It was pure hell for about the first two weeks.  I had to go through it by myself because I couldn't let anyone else know what I had been doing.  I was up to snorting about an 80 a day, on average.  That wasn't even on a good day.  And I could handle just doing a 40 a day but I would start hurting so bad man.  It was ******* awefull!!!  It has taken so much of my money.  I was in a bad car wreck and got a BIG settlement, needless to say that I have went through most of it now.  I have stolen off of my mother and everything man.  But I do not agree with methadone.  I know a lot of people that go to the local clinic, and the way I see it, it is trading one thing for another.  If you miss a dose, the withdraws are terrible.
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I have read all these posts about being addicted to all these different opioids. I ma a 32 yr old chronic pain patient who takes methadone and oxyir for breakthrought pain. Before this pain relief I had no life but thanks to the relief i was abled to finish mt Masters degree in rehabilitation Counseling, work full time as a n outpatient therapist and am now looking into doctoral programs! I did my graduate research on The Use of Opioids to Treat Chronic Non-Malignant Pain.To summarize my paper opioid therapy was found to be a VERY viable, successful and safe mode of treatment, providing other treatments have been tried. Are you all truly psychologically addicted or is your body of course phytsically dependent? BIG difference! Did youy Drs make you think you were addicted? I can be reached to discuss this more at ***@****. I am writing from a library computerbecasue mine will sonn be fixed. My research was even used at the internatiol pain conference! they are scurring me out so fogive the spelling errors! God bless and i would love to chat more about this! Sincerely, Michelle Wagner MS PLPC
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You ask a very important question, and the answer is yes.  You can be just as interested in things as you were on the pills and it is called being happy and content and satisfied with your life.  I am not coming down on you at all.  I do identify from my own personal experiences w/ Darvacet.  There is a deeper problem here.  The depression and/or unhappiness you feel "post-euphoria".  I took pills, too.  My boyfriend (I'm 23 he's 27) and I actually took darvacet (similar to percoset) for several months just for fun.  We had a friend w/ a lifelong prescription who sold them for extra $ on the side.  $30 for 20 pills.  We had to share 20 for one week, so our habit wasn't quite as extreme as yours, but I do understand the dependancy.  I felt as though I wasn't able to face the world without it.  It gave me energy, made me much more confident, and made me able to "be" the person I wanted to be.  It numbed the "bad" feelings I had.  But, it was all in vain.  You can't take a pill and be that person.  You have to live it.  You have to find it for yourself.  I am the kind of person who carries a lot of guilt, and after I stopped taking them I was looking back, like, "who the hell is that person?"  I got really disgusted w/ myself.  We stopped because it was expensive, and we didn't really get the effect we wanted after awhile.  Anyway, I don't know if you can identify, or if you are still checking this page, but I wanted to share.  There is life after pills.  Time heals all wounds, so don't think it will happen overnight.  Pulling yourself out of something that you know is bad for you, whether it be a bad relationship, an addiction, a lousy job...whatever it may be, you will feel much more powerful having accomplished it.  You will feel strong and able to conquer the world again.  Trust me.  I know.  And you will, too.  The best of luck to you,
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     I,ve been through this enough, I,m in out patient
now. You need to read and learn, every time you cave to the urge
the addiction gets stronger, so you have to get stronger too.
Suck it up and start living. I know its easier said then done,
but think of how strong you'll be. Patience, please.
Just know, dont mess around anymore.

             P.S. I have to practice this as well.
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i was recently working in a chemist that had the meth programme and pyschiatric clinic contract. i saw all these drugs you are talking about. I'm on 100mg of zoloft and was taking xanax. I am extremely fortuneate enough not to have become addicted to prescription drugs. I'm addicted to a natural pain killer - marijiuana. this is much milder a form of addiction. I do suffer from severe depression and anxiety and a feeling of hopelessness surrounds me everyday.I think because i did become addicted to dope, and thats hard enough for me to give up, i wouldnt let my self take that step to get addicted to prescription drugs. Tempting though, very tempting but each time i was feeling bored or a little anxious and i reach for my xanax i'd ask myself a couple of questions - Do I really need this right now? Do i recall that smoking a bong when i was bored or a little anxious is what led me to becoming addicted to dope? Have i felt like this before and got through on my own, drug free? What did i do as a child that i enjoyed doing? Can i do that now?
           Why do people take drugs, drink alcohol? Simply, they are unhappy with themselves. Either they think they are a better person when they are in slightly altered state of mind or they dont want to think too much because if they think too much they will think about their faults (and humans aren't supposed to have faults or make mistkes!!!For some reason that is floating in the back of most people's mind).All humans want to get high.Some do it by becoming a boss and get the high from bossing around employees some do extreme sports to get a high. I think there are good highs and bad highs.Good highs - climbing a high mountain, getting high passes in exams, helping someone else for no reason at all except that they needed help, painting a picture, doing something you have always dreamed of doing, the list is endless but you get my point.Bad highs - drugs(derr!), alcohol,fighting,hurting someone else,destroying something for no reason, again the list is endless. Do you see the diff. between good and bad highs? Good highs - anything you do that helps better you or someone else even in the smallest way. Bad highs - something you do that makes you feel good at the time and **** after. Anyone like to add anything? You may think I don't know anything and you may be right but take what you want, what feels comfortable for you, from what i've written thats all i ask. I was fired from the chemist because i was getting too emotionally involved with the meth and phychiatric patients. I just wanted to help them but i started to emotionally suffer and increased my dope intake and zoloft dose.Just like you guys i just want to be happy and excited about life and i am willing to try anything. So, i found this web site that i believe will be beneficial to me and possibly to all of you.I dont know the exact location but if you search in Yahoo for "Get off drugs Naturally". I say "possibly" because everyone has their own path to happiness. It sounds great. I think you like go away for a few days and you have a counsellor with you all the time and you do things like rock climbing, white water rafting, relaxation techniques and they detox you with spa baths, sauna and food that will replace the vitamins and minerals that you will be losing due to it having to work extra hard. I dont know how much it costs, but it is all over the world. Please remember Everyone has faults, everyone makes mistakes.That is not important.What is important is that 1. recognising your faults (but not beating your self up over them). 2. Do something everyday (and it doesnt matter how small) that can help change your faults or help prevent you making the same mistakes. You are your best friend and if you are not starting going about making your self your bestfriend because its the only person you can never get away from.Always remember the good things about yourself and congratulate yourself on it. Dont let other people tell what will make you happy unless you agree. Lastly, be honest with your self but also be kind you deserve it. I will be as excited as anyone else on this site if i get a response. That will be my good high. xxxxxxx
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sorry that happened to you
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