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does anyone know the exact progression of oxycontin withdrawal

i am new to this site.  but i have been reading alot o f posts.  this is my 3rd day cold turk w/o oxycontin.  can anyone tell me what to expect?
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   I also wanted to add to help with the muscle spasms and restlessness there is a spray from "Bach original flower essence" This spray may not work immediatelly so start it 1 day before you quit. Drink plenty of water... If for some reason you do have mild symptoms take a hot bath or hop in a hot tub. Do what I said in the this post and my last one and you will be fine. Good luck...
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I think I might add my personal experience here to help all of the addicts out there. I have had a couple of back surgeries and had to get off of the medication cold turkey and there are many ways to get off of it. I have 1st gotten off of vicodin norcos (10 pills a day) and now revently 40 mg oxycontin and 8mg dillaudids cold turkey. The first time I did not prepare and just quit and for almost 2 weeks I was shaking like a crack head, vomitting, dianrhea, blurred vision, and lost 20 lbs. The most recent which is now I prepared SO ALL YOU WHO WANT TO GET OFF OF OPIATES LISTEN HERE!!!
  2 Days before quiting go to a local natural remedy store like whole foods, lassens, etc. The stores are where most likely your local Vegans shop at. Go there and pick up these items: Valerian Root (help to relax, Melatonin (help to sleep), Arnica Montana 30x (musles soreness), Ignatia Amara 30x (emotional upset, Ipecacuanha 30 x (nausea and vomitting, A blood detoxification, and if possible have a doctor prescibe promethazine (extreme nausea). Hylands homeopathic (the company that sells the miracles above) sells most of that stuff mentioned above. The trick is to get these into yyour system 2 days before you quit and keep taking them when you stop. I am on day 5 and feel no withdrawls at all, well maybe a little stiffness.The first time felt like death and now this time nothing. Take what I said and you will be 90% better that going cold turkey...I hope this helps.
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I'd have to say if you're on day 3, and you're not bedridden, you're in good shape.  The most you should concern yourself with; if you plan on quitting, is eating and sleeping.  If you have a regular job just make sure you get a good night's rest and even a small breakfast.  SOMETHING.  Avoid alcohol because it seems that makes things more complicated when detoxing (more toilet runs and the sense of being hung over all the time.)  After day 4 or 5 you should be feeling better physically.  Mentally it make take a little longer but it all depends on how you want to live your life.  Do you want to start over?  Find a hobby,  force yourself to go out (even when uncomfortable) - it doesn't mean you have to drink, drink plenty of fluids and have a decent, consistent diet and finally exercise.  I know this sounds like a lot of work but I'd rather do this than feel like crap. ;)
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271792 tn?1334979657
Hi Bailey & Welcome,

This post is some 4 years old and the OP is no longer a current member. If you go to the top of this page and hit the green "Post A Question" button, you can start your own post and let us get to know you. You can copy and paste what you wrote here and members who have experience will respond. If you have trouble let someone know.

Best of luck and hope to see you in the forum.

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I was on Oxycodene for 21/2 years from my first knee surgery. I appears most of you are doing fine. I am on day 43 since 3 days of Suboxone. Every time I think I am out of the woods I have a relapse. (Not feeling well-Not a drug relapse). Today is one of those bad days. RLS and a headache. Nothing was as bad as the first 5 days but I still have lingering withdrawal. The Restless Leg Syndrome and the headaches are the worst. Feels like my legs are burning and the headaches are debilitating to the point where the only thing I can do is lay down and rest. On a positive note, I have been sleeping 8 and 9 hours. My Primary care physician said the withdrawal would last 2 weeks. Nope-while I have more good days than bad, the 1 or 2 days of the week that I don't feel well really ***** because it's hard to plan stuff as I never know when this sick feeling is going to happen. Well, I will carry on for now and hope this withdrawal goes away completely. I can't imagine this lasting much longer.
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I was just wondering if you are sleeping and if so how long did it take before you actually could sleep...
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I was addicted to OC80s for 2 years, they stopped making them and I switched to Roxys I was sniffing 10 a day and that could get expensive in manhattan. They go for 20-25 each but I knew someone who had em for 11$ each.  Long story short I got to a point where I got tired of this **** so I decided to get clean, I am now on day 13 and still have the ants in my feet and cramped stomach as I'm writing about this, only when I think about it though at this point it's more of the physical aspect I was addicted to just always sniffing.  I did it by taking sub oxone for the first 3 days off then went cold turkey I felt horrible till day 8, just horrible horrible that's why I'm not going back to this crap I felt every symptom in the book except vomiting I just hope I get back to normal soon, not to mention my sex life ***** now lol I try to sleep with my gf and I am done in 20 sec.
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Hi, im new to this site, im a mother of 3 and taking oxicodone. I take too much and run out way before i go back to the doc. I was so desperate this month that i called my doc and told him that i took too much and needed more because of extreme pain. He basically yelled at me and i dont think he is gonna perscribe it anymore. Im scared of withdrawel. I have to take care of my kids and I cant feel like crap and be sick. The meds made me feel great and i could do anything. Now im screwed!!!!!!! Anybody else go through this?
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I have been on some kind of pain med of varying types and doses for 10 years.  Vicodin, tramadol, percocet, oxycontin, etc...back surgery, rib problems and chronic pain from both of these.  Over the past two months I began reducing the doses until i wasn't taking any meds at all and its been about one month med free!  YAY!  I am still having typical withdrawal symptoms, diarrhea, nauseous, IRRITABLE! (so irritable ..sorry water dept man), angry, sad, depressed, and headaches for a few! The worst side effect?  THE JIMMY LEGS!!!..like I have a trillion ants under my skin and the only thing that helps is constantly wiggling and jerking my legs (my poor boyfriend!)
  But thankfully...most of these are subsiding the longer I am off the meds.  Now however, an aggravating side effect has literally erupted.  I have ACNE SO BAD!!  ANYONE ELSE???  I have never had bad skin, I am 29 and this is the worst my skin has ever been.  The only change in my life that could be the cause is this detox...I can't find anything about this, but I wonder if the toxins are coming out of me and causing this...what do you guys think?  How long will this last?  I want to wear a paper bag on my head :(  with all the feelings that make you feel so low and awful, the last thing you need is a pizza face!
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hy,  i was taking 80 mg 4 times daily for 3 years,qiut cold turkey and was the worse expirience ever in my life,im know 35 days clean and still dont feel normal,,,its a long battle but stay off youre better off,,,,,
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I was taking oxycontin 10 mg time released three times per day for three years. I have gone though one month of titration, gradual withdrawal of the drug and am now oxycontin free for the last two weeks. My problem is that I cannot sleep. I have tried Ambien and it only worked one night. Does any one know how long the sleeplessness will last? Does anyone have any recommendations for something to help me sleep? I would give anything for a good night sleep.

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Sorry, i didnt realize what you were saying about this being an old thread and needing to repost the original question! I am very new to this site, and therefore don't know how to use it properly! But then when I went "back to forum", it said this question was back in 2007!!  So, i dont even know if ms daytona is still out there? Is that how it works, gosh sorry, i have no idea what i'm doing!
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I think your a god send. I do know somebody who takes just as much, as you and is getting ready to go ct. And yes, scared to death to know whats about to come.  I hope that you continue to post and tell us how your feeling, and what your going through. I could really use your advice, to give to somebody that's getting ready to face what your now going through. I am going to tell him third day and so far, diarrhea & being tired. Yes maybe the worst is yet to come, but from what I have read here on this forum, things start happening IMMEDIATELY! I do also realize everybody is different, and therefore all w/ds are different from person to person. BUT YOU GIVE SUCH HOPE RIGHT NOW TO SOMEBODY WHO IS SCARED TO DEATH! PLEASE, PLEASE keep posting and let us know how your doing and your symptoms. I am new to this site as well, but get so much good feedback, so much information, that it helps like you would never believe. These are people who are real, who are going through real ordeals, or have gone through it, and can tell you their stories first hand. I read every single day these posts, and the people here are full of compassion & support, you will find it AMAZING! HANG IN THERE! YOUR DOING AWESOME! AND PLEASE KEEP US POSTED ON YOUR RECOVERY!!! ALL THE BEST TO YOU!!
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417564 tn?1287982827
This is an old thread...if you click on post a question...it will start a new one so more people can respond for you!
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390416 tn?1275185087
Welcome to the forum.There's lots of great support and help here.
This is an old thread. Repost your own question or you may get passed over.
See you out there..........
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i've only been taking 40mg once in the morning and once in the evening and realized my body was craving it so stopped.  It'ts been 48 hours and today is the worst.  I've only taken them for 2 weeks, but took them  1 1/2 yr over a year ago due to a back injury.  It was hard to come off the first time so once i could tell my body wanting them i stopped.  I know I was not taking as much of others but the symptoms are the same.  I had help from my dr the first time but have moved since then and I no longer have a dr.  I'm just wondering what the stages are and how long.  
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hi again.  i had no symptoms for the first 2 days.  and then day 3 i started diahrreah.  i think because i was taking so much, it delayed the w/ds.  i certainly do not thin i'm over it, i wish.  i dread what is to come.
thanks for writing,
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ok, then you were takng oxycontin.  THAT IS A MASSIVE AMOUNT!!! 12 or 13, 80s.  Honey, I don't know what to say except I think that It is imperative that you call the doc.  Maybe others will disagree and I know ive always heard you can't die from w/d and all that, but the doc should know what's going    on   especially since he was the one who put you on them.  Have you taken opiates for a long time?  Obviously you have to be at that level.  Im sorry youre having to go thought this.  One thing I can tell you from personal experience and something I wasn't quite ready for:  have a plan for the pain.  it can be intense, esp. with the lies your brain tells your body during w/d.  but, being  on that amt tells me u were having quite a bit to begin with.  If you just want to talk, I'm here.  I think others posted on the symptoms and what to expect.  It was in the past the same experience I had.  However, IM thinking that you may have already beaten this on the surface.  Day 3 is a long way to go and not be in a totally different state than you sound.  Were the 1st 2 really hard and today is just a lot better?  Sorry, I am just amazed.  I really felt bad, quite quickly.  Im also a cry-baby so maybe that's it.  youve done a great job, so far....keep it up.  
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and also i was not takin them as prescribed.  i would take more and more, sometimes 12 or 16.  thats why i ran out.  i am just scared of the w/ds,
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you can write as much as you want to. it is much apreciated.  My oxycodone was ER, which means "extended relief".  it would dump into my systom at intervals and i was only supposed to take them every 12 hrs.  so it was pretty strong stuff.
anyway, i'm calling it a nite.  please stay in touch.
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Ok, I thought you were getting a big bargain.. lol   Anyway, Im not sure about the w/d taking a while to set in but I would def. talk to your doc about it.  Is he someone that you could call on a Saturday?  The good news is that the Oxycodone is not extended release and the Oxyconin in.  That makes it a little stronger, depending on how your taking it.  (if i understand it correctly.)  I actually took both.  The oxycodone was for breakthru pain and it never made me feel like the Oxycontin did.  That being said, an opiate is an opiate is an opiate and usually we all fall into the same mess after we stop.  and, it usually sucks pretty bad.  Did you take them correctly, meaning orally and not chew them?  That also would probably make a difference.  I did all the wrong things but It sounds like you were taking them as prescribed.   Im guessing when taking them correctly, the w/d would be less, but Im not sure.  Please call your doc tomorrow.  He should know what your doing just in case.  Especailly since you said you live alone.  Do you have someone that could come and stay with you while you go through this?  That may make you feel more at ease as well.  AND REMEMBER - A POSITIVE ATTITUDE CAN REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE>  I KNOW IT SOUNDS LIKE A BUNCH OF ***T  and I am having a hard time as well, but its amazing what getting up and getting out can do.  Obviously would help if you could get off the potty, right?  Anyway, sorry I wasnt more help.  I am on Suboxone and it has been a Godsend for me.  I was a little too wimpy or something to go through full w/d so I found a different route that worked for me and Im doing very well with it.  Will continue to taper until done and lead a "NORMAL" life - whatever the hell that means.  AND that is my positive thought for the moment.  Its always going to be work.  The fact of the matter is =- it's fun to be high, and it sure beats dealing with life's real problems.  However,  life can quickly turn to ***t if we are and don't  I wish you all the best and if you need anything, please ask..  Im actually on vacation for a couple of days so will only be posting sporatically.  If I don't get back to you right away, I promise to read back and will!! have a good weekend and take care!

sorry i wrote so much.
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Hi there.  I am not exactly sure how much he was on.  He was getting it off the streets so it wasn't always the same.  I'll ask him average what he was taking when he comes over and let you know.  He hasn't vomited at all, but his sleep was effected.  He was taking either xanax or valium to help him sleep, but couldn't find any more.  
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no dear, ask anything you want.  i am desparate for help.  i am so scared.  i was getting the generic, oxycodone, which the dr. told me was the same as oxcontin.  i am quitting because i am tired of this grip that this drug has on me.  i do not have any refills.  i would have to go in and see the dr. to get more.  i don't want to go in an see him.  i am a wreck and scared out of my wits.  i just think because i took so many, my w/d might be slow to start.  today has been the first day of diahrreah and i am tired and have no appetite, the thought of food makes me nauseated.  i also have a headache.  but from what i've read i know it gets worse.  i just want to find someone thats been there and can tell me what to expect.
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