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Still looking for Chezz

Chezz..we all are lookin for ya!  Thoughts, prayers are for you all the way...Hope you are getting some relief hon.
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I've had severe Rheumatoid Arthritis since the age of 6, so you can imagine the pain sometimes.  What worries me is it seems like the prescribed dose doesnt help the pain after a while and i need to take more.  I don't want that to become a habit, ya know?  My worry in talking to my Dr. is that he'll cut my dose or give me something else that wont work because he wont want to get into trouble with the state or the fda.  I'm just not sure what to do.  I'd appreciate any advice.  I definitely need something for the pain.
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I'm excited to think this might be available for me.  I had a MRI done a week ago. Doc's office nurse called today.  He will call me tomorrow or next day and in the meantime wanted to let me know that results are showing that I have disc herniation starting at the C2 -C3 and at C4/C5 to the C6/C7.  I won't know anymore until I get to talk directly with him.  Feeling alittle more confused! I can do it! I can do it! I will make it! I will make it!
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As for Botox, my doctor told me that neurologists were using it to relieve headaches by injecting it into the neck. My neck could use some right now.
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I couldn't find your earlier post, so remind me, is it a major chronic pain issue?
It seems like if you are barely upping your prescribed amt. maybe you could talk to your doc.
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Thanks. I understand to check with my doc., okay. I will be sure to listen to my body. I was at the health food store and read up in a book there on L-Tyrosine. I went to Wal-Mart for the other items and really had a hard time finding any Mulit-Vit. that had 100% RDA of  Phosphorus and Magnesium. I have also been using the sub-lingual vitamin B12 and am thinking that the B6 will help me to absorb even more of the sub-lingual B12.  Thanks again. I'll be reading!
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Thanks for your comment.  I do handle the meds for the most part, but I find myself more and more chasing the feeling of being high...do you know what i mean?  I know that 2 makes me feel better than one and so on.  I think it could definitely become a problem if i keep going.  I don't have anyone to talk to about this so I'm not sure what to do.
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i remember you...do you remember me?  you were around when schlub and witchywoman posted a lot weren't you?  anyway...welcome back.  i had posted that i was going to leave last week, but i realized that i still need this board and some of the "old timers" that have helped me so much.

anywho...it sounds to me like you have something else going on besides w/d...you said you are going on day 11...that is great.  maybe you should see a dr. - especially if you have the runs and stuff - you don't want to become dehydrated...and especially if you have many other medical issues to deal with.  i hope you see someone...this place can't cure everything:)  keep us posted.
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The recipe is for cold turkey self-detox from opiates. I used it for Vicodin WD, but many find it works for any opiate. If you clear it with your doctor first, I suppose you could try taking the amino acid L-Tyrosine to recover some energy and brighten your mood. Here's the section that deals with that. Get it at a health food store. Good luck. Thomas

Upon rising (empty stomach), take the L-Tyrosine. Try 2000 mgs, and scale up or down, depending on how you feel. You can take up to 4,000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The L-Tyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the "coffee jitters," consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it altogether. Occasionally, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike the runs from opiate WD, however, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the dosage may help.

With breakfast, take the mineral supplement (Strong wide-spectrum mineral supplement with at least 100% RDA of Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper and Magnesium).

As soon as you can force yourself to, get some mild exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, etc. This will be hard at first, but will make you feel considerably better.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any medical complications, first check with your doctor before detoxing to verify that this regimen is safe for you.
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PS.. to everyone. I realized that I was posting in too many threads and was having a hard time finding who was posting to me. So, I will stay in here when I write.
I do read in the other threads though.
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Iam a bass player.I guess to you it's the drug of choice.Mine
was painkillers.I did use cocaine alot during the 70's and 80's but that was so long ago it seems a lifetime.Keep on posting to us as needed.I does make you fell better to let it out.
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Hey and thanks for your input to my post's.  This is my 7th day of cutting back on the oxycontin to 50 mg daily.  I really want to try to tolerate my pain at this level and just sit on 50 mg for awhile (month or 2 maybe) and then if possible taper on down.  I was at 120 mg. to 150 mg. OC daily and it got to the point that I didn't know what was hurting and why. I worried about other pains the Oxy. was maybe masking.  I'm 44 and don't want to live my life on medication and be addicted. I still cannot accept my medical issues fully and am in hopes and keep searching for a new procedure to help me. I was a very active, energetic person. Now I cannot even pick in my flower beds. I'm just about to loose my business that I worked so hard to build. (NOt to get off the subject, but has anyone heard of a procedure where they inject Botox into the muscles that are in spasms, to relax the muscle?) I have expressed concerns many times to my doc about addiction and one that has always been assured to me, was that if I was taking as perscribed, that when and if I could, I would be able to come off Oxy. pretty easy with tapering.  I don't think I believe that.  There is so much I want to write and sometimes I have difficulties putting it all into words to you all out there. I got alittle more sleep last night, but my problem is that I wake up in the wee hours with my legs just KILLING me.  I started with getting in the hot tub, then put a pain patch on and took a xanax. It lasted from about midnight to 4 am, and then it was up and I was pacing the floor. This afternoon I'm feeling better and am going to get out and walk with my daughter. Maybe shop around Goodies for a few. She is just getting cheated from her mom I feel. I just don't want to do the wrong thing and put my body into a spin. I hope I'm thinking right about that if I've made it into my 7th day of tapering the Oxy, then I'll be okay with that so long as I can get through the effects of the tapering.  I also would like to know this, am I to late for the Thomas Recipe? OR can I get the ingredients and continue to take the B6 and vitamins? Please help me on this. Thanks to you all who read and take your time to answer. Just to let you know. I do appreciate the feedback.
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Hey pixi,
Why would you be jealous of someone in SURGERY! The "Docs" and the Pharmistists, ok, but someone in surgery! What if they operated on your leg and you couldnt get out of bed to get your hydro's??? lol. j/k!!

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Hey. Yes it was terrible being away from everyone and still is, but I dont want to risk it. Crank may not sound very fun but my god it is. Well, Its for the best. If I can get over this it would change my life in a whole new way. Just the thought!

P.S: What kind of instrument do you play?

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So, I'm either Dennis Miller or I'm ripping him off? LOL

Interesting results from your software. I guess the people who designed it belonged to the 95 percentile.

I like the guy's comedy. I'm sure Miller is among the initiated. Did you use a transcript from a monologue or a book of his (if he's got one)?


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Hi Dee,
Good to see you here. What was your handle before, if you don't mind? The quote sounds familiar if a little gloomy. How do you feel 10 days out? Could some of this be discomfort from your condition, pain that was blocked by the Oxy? From what I know about Oxy, WD lasts longer than from hydro WD. Let me know.

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Just saw this post and it sounds like you feel today what I was like yesterday.    Not fun..... I  know exactly what you mean about being jealous of those who have access to meds.  Whenever I think of losing my job at the pharmacy I think of all those pills that went in my pocket and how it was Christmas almost on a daily basis! LOL  I almost want to say,"Ah!!!!!those were the days," but I was on a self-destructive path and it HAD to end.  I swear, if my daughter or husband needed a narcotic for some reason, I would MAKE them lock it up and hide them from me.  (Gee, Diane, you're really coming along in your recovery, I see..)  I hope your day turns out to be happy and stress-free.  Make a couple batches of chocolate chip cookies--they're a remedy for anything.  :-)  Take care,-----Peaz
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Hey,Im still hanging in there also.I keep wondering when i will stop being jealous of every Doc(write own scripts) pharmacist,and people having surgery! lolAm I sick or what? I keep thinking,If I was given hydro for pain,Id do things different this time...(would never happen)So im kinda staying in and feeling sorry for myself today.Just for today though lol were all going to be ok.I know we are stronger than drugs!especially those pretty blue ones that say 10/650.lol

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Good for you.I also caged myself up for a week before I ever
got help.It made me stay away from the drugs but mentally it was
terrible.Don't let your mind tell you that this isn't possible.
I went out to play some music this past weekend and was around
things that aren't good for me to be around,my first test since
getting clean,I took a deep breath and said no.Some of my friends didn't know about my abuse or the fact I am clean now.
After their shock of me saying no,I explained everything and they all thought,Good for you.I did ask them not to stop doing it in front of me.I can't always hide from drugs.Being a musician
I am going to be around it the rest of my life.So I made it past
the first test.My second test will come soon and I am ready this time.Hang in there and don't give up.Crank is a nasty drug,hell it's not even a drug that sounds fun.Get your mind on something else and I know that's easy to say,but I said it.I am pulling for you and I know if I can do it,you can also.
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Hey. Thanks for the encouragement. I know its not health to stay isolated, hiding from everyone, but then again, its not healthy to do the drugs either. I'm looking forward to the time that when I see them,(drugs) I can pass them up without a second thought. I dont think Im ready to try though. I'll just lay low for a few more days. Hopefully I manage to stay strong. How is everyone else doing? bmac? pixi? Hopefully everyone is doing well.
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And you should be proud of yourself!!!!  Before you know it you'll have weeks under your belt.  I feel like I basically hide, too--but it's the safest (not necessarily the healthiest emotionally) way to be.  We know we can't trust ourselves in the face of temptation, right?  I was reading a post a couple of days ago from Moxy-Oxy, and she (? I think) was saying how she usually looks forward to weekends, but now that we aren't partying, it's a real let-down.  I can SOOO relate.   It's really hard not to feel sorry for yourself and believe that sobriety is this wonderful thing...........I guess I had to adapt at being high all the time at first, too, so I'll try and give this a good attempt, too.  It's hard.  You hang in there and hope you have a good week.  Peaz
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I am sorry I didnt post anything this weekend. I pretty much locked myself in my bedroom so I wouldnt go to a weekend party or anything. It's been since last thursday since I've done any meth or pills. I am sorta proud of myself. Everybody else stay strong!
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Good Morning Everyone
I wrote a long messege the other day and it was deleted, I'm sorry I don't have the strength this morning to rewrite it, I will just write a quick rundown, I used to come on here all the time about1-2yrs ago, thomas, maybe you will remember by the comment you made to me a long time ago you said, "there is a hospital bed with you and your hubby's name on it waiting for you" I remember telling everyone that I had a heart attack and was worrying if my heart could take the severe w/d symptoms, I was and still am addicted to oxycontin only much worse now..besides my heart disease I have many more chronic ailments.
I have tried many times to go clean (due to running out of meds)I have taken control somewhat of my meds..but still not taking exactly as prescriped..I can not go clean, I have gone 11 days only to continue to get worse with each day not better, I have alot of stomach issues,(ulcers ect)so I don't think it's just w/d don't you think after 11days clean if it was just w/d I would have felt a little better?? I'm sorry if I'm not making a sense, I don't know where to start,I know that when I was involved with this board I felt better mentally when I had someone to talk to..would like to become involved again, thanks anyone who is reading this,I have other "med" issues..the other reason I wrote "oldtimer" is because I feel so old inside..
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Hey, Mr. (Thomas)

Thanks for your encouraging posts aimed MY WAY like an Iraqi scud at a Synagogue in downtown Jerusalem! (to put it in current "world-events terminology" as you put it)--

I just thought of something intriguing to ME, at least: In reading your posts, one can see the high level of gray matter poking out in-between a funny line and a factual, or even serious, statement. I put one of your older postings through a Lexography [lexicon comparative] program of mine and compared it to a few paragraphs of one of Dennis Miller's latest works. We hit the upper 90th percentile that the compared works were, indeed, the same author. Strange
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Great to see you BACK & POSTING!

Geez, You're gone for a few days, Chezz, and all of a sudden, we oldtimers(Skipper, Irish Rose, NOD, Thomas, myself and MANY other compassionate knowledgable people have to "step up to the plate" for ya! Don't you remember the assignment I gave you, buddy?

NA step 12:
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Now, Get back to WORK! You started out really good here... All the right things to say, and such. You're makin' me have to start posting too much again. And THAT, my friends, is an addiction all to its self!

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