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The equivalent of oxy to methadone

I was taking 320-380 mgs of oxy per day. My doc prescribed both methadone and oxy when I told him I didn't want to be on the oxy any more.  I was to take 3 40mg tabs of oxy and 3 10mg tabs of methadone per day till I was converted over to the methadone.  I haven't been able to get a hold of him, and need to know what would be an equivelent in Methadone - that is to 340 mg's of oxy.  Ideally, I want to taper down off the methadone, unless I find myself in pain I can't handle, which I do not expect will happen. My main question is what the equivelant would be from the oxy to the methadone.

The second question, maybe need to save for a different post, is, If tapering from the methadone, how much would I want to drop per day.  I haven't been on the meth that long and don't want to be, given the severity of addiction when used over a long 7+ month period of time.

Thanks for your feedback,
17 Responses
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sorry to say...i had to look up addictionologist on dictionary.com...no such word.. my best suggestion is to look online for the nearest NA meeting...go and learn how others that were in the same boat you are in, got clean and stay clean..this year, i celebrate 18 years...there is life after dope...
signed, Dopeless Hope Fiend
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I think it is one in the same for a lot of us. Some come to that conclusion sooner than later.
Through our aquaintances I have figured it out myself as well. For that I have to say thanks!
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I just wish I had the strenght and options you had to get out of your marriage. I feel stuck. Although I know the options are out there. I quess I am just not strong enough to leave just yet. Especially with the deaths in my family.
It isn't supposed to work this way when you are so young. I wish i had somewhere to move to in transition to starting a new life. I will find it. Just right now, I have to deal with what I am dealt.
I change in my cards when the time is right.

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I have faced all this **** in a 3 month period. I just decided I didn't give a **** any more about what these docs think about addiction vs my pain. It's like beating a dead horse into the ground. Jesus Christ!  I did finally switch back to the pain doc that is my friend and it makes this whole system work for me but I know I am lucky. I also will start getting all my med free from Purdue Pharm. I called the number MrM gave us months ago call needymeds.com and My doc called and the script is in the mail. Overnight fedex. Every 90 days. Divorce has it's advantages! LOL
I have a court hearing June 5th and I hope to God the judge ends this BS my 'wifegonemad' has started (I promised not to say that and blew it guys) sorry private joke!
But I did stop beating myself up over the addiction/dependence issue. They are one in the same. I just had to get over it, you know?   Thanks, Bill
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Well, for us they are one in the same.
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You are correct sir!  They are the same, addiction/dependence!
I am glad to see that you feel that way. Some doctors in the past have had me so tore up over taking this **** that I just suffered. Once I learned it was OK for me to be dependant on morphine, my life got sooo much better, thanks MrM!
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PS I also just had my 4th epidural steriod injection which seems to have worked.
I am a little scared now as to the complete stopping of all meds.
I have cut down twice now, I half of what I was taking. Although I am still a little worried how it is all going to work with my feelings and stuff. Due to the deaths in my family and the demise of my marriage that I have stuck it out through.
Time shall tell...
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So how is the oramorph? Is it working better for you than the kadian?
I have no knowledge of oramorph, I just remember that you said you needed to discuss your meds with your doc and hopefully switch the dose, or change meds.
I hope it is working better for you.
I also hope life is treating you better these days.
Personally I am on the teeter-totter that you finally got off of. I am not sure whether I will get off soon or put up with it for much longer. Scared...is keeping on. Knowing I would be better off, isn't getting me to walk...
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MrM you are right. Everyone is different with Methadone. I am 6'2" and 250 and I could only get 30 maybe 40 mgs of the pill form in me in 24 hours. If I took the 4th I was noddin!
Now on mprphine I can take 90 mgs a day and function. 60 works real wellfor me too. On Oxy I took the 40's 2 to 3 times a day and it worked good too. I guess I am lucky about having such a low tolerance but I have been on opiodes for over 20 years really. Since 1981 I took my first percodan and have been on something since so why do I have such a low tolerance? I can take 10 norcos a day or about 10 perc 10's a day so why is my tolerance so low as big as I am and as long as I have been on this ****! Thanks Michael! I have been on slow release since October last year, you know Kadian and now Oramorph. Bill
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I know I have already answered your question on the phone, but I want to answer this anyway.  There really isn't any reliable conversion factor for converting from meth to oxy or vice versa.  Generally, when starting methadone, you go low and work your way up until either withdrawal symptoms are gone or pain is relieved....depending on what the use is for.  Everyone is different.  With other opioids, there are more definite conversion factors.  With methadone, everyone is different.  Metabolism plays a big role.  If someone has a fast metabolism, they will need a higher dose, of course.  If they have a slow metabolism, they will need a lower dose.  Persons with hepatitus c also need to have higher doses due to the liver being compromised.  A good example to use is myself.  I am currently at 110mg and I am going to be raised to 120mg when I get the opportunity to get to the doctor.  I go first thing in the morning and the doctor is there after three in the afternoon, so it is hard to get to see him.  Anyway, if you were to look at this chart:  http://www.globalrph.com/narcotic.htm  you would see what I mean.  Prior to my going on methadone, I was prescribed MS Contin 60mg, three tabs, three times a day.  That is 540mg.  I would finish my one month script in two weeks.  So, I was averaging approx. 1,080mg a day.  If I were to use that chart, I would be taking between 345mg to 375mg of methadone a day.  Wouldn't THAT be something?  There are people that would be able to get by on less than what I am taking if they had a similar tolerance.  And, there are people that would need to take more.  There are actually people taking over a gram of methadone a day.
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Brandy, you and your husband are young, and it seems to me that if I could have caught the problem at 20 y/o it would have been a hell of alot easier than waiting till your 40. My point being, if you have the love, support, and understanding from your husband it will be easier for both of you to quit at a young age and not have to fight it the rest of your life! Oxys (IMO) are brutal to w/d from, harder than most all of the opiates (including herion). I also agree that tapering down slowly is the only way to go, if you can, it doesn't hurt as much but does drag it out. (the Thomas recipe helps i'll send you info) Have you and your husband tried to quit together? That way you can lean on each other, give each other positive support when the other is down. Or maybey 1 at a time so you both aren't sick at the same time, so some can take good care of your child. As far as an Addictonologist, I have never been, but may be very helpful to you since your having trouble on your own. There are people here that can give you good advice on that. Methadone at 20 y/o, I would not recommend unless it is used to detox only with! You didn't say if you've tried inpatient treatment or are able to afford it. Anyway, you are on the right track trying to get off NOW. If not, they will ruin your whole life, sooner or later. I will e-mail you and talk, or feel free to e/m me. I have been exactly where you are at before!  Love, hugs, friends, afriend,,,,Smile,,you guys will, get thru this!
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Hi Tobie,
While I'm not a Doctor, (and don't even play one on TV ;-)  )
I'd suggest given your situation, you go to an addictionologist for help getting off the oxy's more comfortably. That is what I did.  My Doc, an addictionologist, put me on suboxone, with a taper schedule that will be over this week. I'll have been on it a total of three weeks. He says that is enough for the oxy and hydro to get out of my system without getting addicted to the subxone.  Suboxone is not totally comfortable to get off of, you will feel extreme lethargy, similar to the lethargy you feel right after the first week of regular cold turkey wds (I know 'cause I've done that a few times too, and yes, it is hell and I knew I couldn't do it again).

Let me also suggest that if you haven't done this yet, find support from other recovering addicts, face to face, in person! Whatever type of meeting works for you, please go for it. For me, NA is helping big time, I can't speak highly enough for it, but I know it is not for everyone. Though for years, I said it was not for me, I was wrong. I was just resisting the help I  need. Our problem is so nasty and the addiction is so intense that relapse is all too easy without support. My Doc wouldn't start me on the suboxone until I guarenteed him I was in therapy and going to meetings. He told me I'd be wasting my time and money if I only relied on the suboxone to withdraw.

Just my thoughts, I hope they are helpful. I hope we both, and all of us, get through this!

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FYI regarding getting a hold of my physcian.  We both have very tight schedules and live over 1000 miles a part.  I am suppose to call on Tuesdays and give a phone number where he can reach me.  However, the last 3 Tuesdays I have worked out of town in area's where there is no phone (with privacy to talk) and my cell phone doesn't come in. (I know, I should get a local doc and might just do that if I can find one in this rural area that has a clue on how to treat cluster headaches and is NOT afraid of prescribing narcotics to manage pain).  If it makes the forum doc feel any better, I am flying up to see my doc - face to face - in one week.  I do appreciate your feedback and understand your concern about me not being able to get a hold of my doc.  Again, THANK YOU, for the feedback.
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I'm sorry for not giving enough info.I have been on oxy's for about 2 years now.Around 200 mgs a day and I have got off them 3 times with obviously no success.I went cold turkey twice and that was pure hell,I don't even want to think about that.The last time I tapered,that was better but still went right back to them.I think I need professional help,I am very weak with these damn demons that have taken my life and want give it back.I want off them so bad,I am desperate!!!!There is a methadone clinic 5 min.from my house in Alabama but thats really not something I want to be obligated to every single day.So having said all that which brings me to where I am now,I thought maybe if I went to a dr.that specializes in addiction he might could determine which route would be best for me.What exactly would a dr. like this do?Would I just tell him everything and then he would decide what to do or what?I know I sound like an idiot but I have no idea about an addictionologist (just wanna know what to expect if I go) So thats it I just want my life back,I'm 22 in college,1 daughter,a husband thats in the same boat as me and I'm completly miserable.Any info would be great and email me if you like ***@****
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tobie, if you have posted here before you know that there is an abundance of information here and people that are willing to help. You do not give much specific information except that you are addicted to oxys. If you have not tried any treatment then methadone is probably not for you. There is taper down methods, cold turkey methods, Im sure that there is one for you. Give us some information about yourself would help some of us give you some suggestions. Look in the archives, oxy withdrawal, you find very informative posts. If you have more ?s , keep posting!...if you'd like to talk you can e-mail me at ***@****///////
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I am so sorry to butt in by my lord I've been trying to post a question for a week.Most of you probally don't remember me but I've posted a few times (Tobie) i am in the same boat as some of you,hooked on oxy's.I have honestly tried everything to get off and I am sooo desperate this time.My question is,I am considering going to an addictionologist.What is this all about?Is this similar to say"methadone maint."Please someone let me know some details.....what you have to do?what are some common treatment options? etc.I would really appreciate it so much.I am at my witts end here.Agian I am sooooo sorry to interupt.Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing back from someone.                              Tobie'
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