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Pregnant on Vicodin...need help please!


I am a 32 year old female and just found out that I am about five weeks pregnant... I started taking Vicodin E.S. about 4-5 years ago after a bad car accident....  I have never stopped since then and I was up to about 20 pills a day....  Since finding out I was pregnant with my first child I am scared to death and tapered doen to 5-6 a day to try to slowly come off this evil medicine.....

I am wondering if anyone has any advice on how to taper off the medicine i.e. how many days do I allow myself at one dose before reducing it....  ? I went from 20 a day for 4-5 years to 8 a day for 3 days to 5-6 a day for 2 days.... My first Doctor apt. for the baby is Sept 24th and would like to be completely off the medicine before then....

My biggest concern other then the health of my baby is that I have a very stressful sales position that ofcoarse the vicodin helped me be a "better sales person" and I can't afffors to miss any work right now,... That is why I am tapering off instead of cold turkey so any advice would be so greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks so much,
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1801781 tn?1461629469
this is probably the wrong forum for you!  Check the forums list for the one that is right.  Go to the top of this page and check forums for a list.
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Hi, Guys, i have been given ,Pregwise Pills to fall pregnant, will they work, i really need a baby, how does pregwise work,,ADVISE PLEASE
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Morning Karen and Mom2Rachie,

Thank you for the great early advice... I have a minute to post then must get ready for work.. Karen to be honest about if I will be in pain from my accident after going of the vicodin I am certain the answer is a Big fat NO! I used the pills initially to treat bi-lateral carpal tunnel but, it has gotten better and if the pain returns without the meds it will either be tolerable or I can eventuall have surgery for it as that seems to be the only option to correct it... So I really have been taking the pills for reasons other than pain management and I have known that for quite some time....  Mom2rachie... Question - If I get off the pills early enough in my pregnancy (Saturday will mark my 6th week) does the baby still go through withdrawl?
Again girls, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and continued support.... I am sure you know how it helps but, please let me say again, thank you!!!
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195648 tn?1231812118
Hi Hon~~
Please talk in dtail about his with your dr.  They can help you.
veryone has been veyhelpful so far but I must stress the folloeing points (and I know some ere already made).
Pleas stay away from the benzos, spcially in th first trimester.  They are category X.  Also, be careful what exta vitamins you take.  The prenatals are carfeully configured so tht you both get the exact amount of extaa that you need.  You'd be surprised that too much of a particular vitamin could cause complications.
Don't go cold turkey.  If you are tapering, do it very slowly.  Th stress you feel in your body is magnitize by a million on fhte baby.
Finally, congrats on your prgnancy.  Your husband doesn't understand addiction but if he's truly just cared for the baby you cantell him that you know of a lof lot people have been prescribed narcotic pain killers whilst pregnant.  I was, for my entire pregnancy but managed to wen doen (very uncomfortaly) within a month and a half or so of delivering.  If I hadn't and my baby would havebeen addicted and had to go through witthdraals, they still assured me that because they know about it, they can treat it quickly and pretty painlessly for the baby but what morhter wants to start their child'd first day off in this world with a problem that needs treatmen.
I wishyou lots of luck.  You sound very determined!!!   Oh and by the way, my daughter jut turned 1 and she is incredibly healty (not sick a day in hr life) and has been since the day she was born.
You can o it if you want to.
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Morning soon!

Congrats on thinking about doing only 1 pill at at time.   That is what I did all day yesterday and it was the first time in a looooong time I did not pop 2.    Let me tell you, for me at least, it brought on a whole new set of wd because our blood volume of hydrcodone is not being replenished the same in two ways now..........

I did sleep though.  I took a whole trazadone, which I am allowed to do and it knocked me out cold.  Slept for 7 hours!!!   I feel so much better today sleep wise after 4 days of really no sleep.    I was a bit nervous about getting into a non sleep pattern for weeks at a time.    I had that happen at the height of my panic disorder and I was actually hallucinating from lack of sleep after about 2 weeks...............very scary.

Don't be afraid of the wd.   You have to look at it as a positive thing I think, at least that is how I am coping.   The symptoms are all signs that our bodies are coming back to life and that is what we want.   We have been poisoning them so this is all good.    We want our brains and body's to wake up and be what they are, not what these pills do to us.

I too LOVED the high energy these pills gave me,  I was supermom/wife on them at teh beginning,  but over time they gave me zero energy and I could barely function on them anymore.   It was a struggle to get anything done, and everything I did required 2 more pills.    Yuck.

I woke up this morning looking forward to getting up!    I have not felt good when I woke up in a long, long time.  I can't even remember when.     Today, I woke up with some pretty hard feelings of wd because of the drop and also it had been over 9 hours since my last dose, but you know what?   Those wd's felt much, much better than the awful feeling I used to wake up with.   That drugged, toxic, I need my fix feeling................

I opened our patio blinds and actually smiled at all the ducks on the lake and walked outside to sit on my swing.   I haven't thought to even do that in over a year.    It was all about the pills.  

One thing that dawned on me was if I am hiding from my childhood with these pills then I am still allowing my parents, at 43, to  "control" me and I am not giving them that satisfaction, ya know?    I don't need these pills to hide from their sick,  unloving ways, I just need to face things and deal.     My husband has always been totally supportive of all I have been through and he has seen some of it first hand, I should have just turned to him.

I am so glad that you got pregnant because this might be your call to stop that might not have come otherwise!     It may be the biggest blessing in your life in every aspect.     You can look at your child as someone who probably turned your life around, what a gift!     :-0

Let me ask you this, are you going to be pain free now from the accident?   Are you in pain management or is a regular dr just writing scripts?      I am asking because I was taking these for terrible tmj by a pain dr and he does not think I will be able to go without any pain meds.   I want to though, I can't handle them, my background set me up to abuse anything that blunts my thinking and thought process.     I never thought about my childhood when I swallowed those pills so I swallowed more and more and it isn't fixing anything.    

He said that if I need pain meds after I am all done with this he will still give them to me, but perhaps on a daily or weekly basis so I can't take more than the dose.     So, I was just wondering if you were going to be in a pain situation as I am.

I don't know if we can post email on here or not?       I don't mind at all keeping in contact with email,   do you know if we can???  

let me know how you make out today!      I will be thinking about your drop and wishing you a good day.    I have severe nausea Sunday and Monday, but yesterday it was gone and I was so, so hungry.    I am thinking yours might be the drop  since I had it too.

This morning I had horrible stomach pains, gas ( sorry!) and sneezing fits with my eyes watering and stinging from my contacs which they have never done before.   I took my first dose and it calmed things down.     I just want to be done with it all but I am going to do this dose for the rest of the week and on Sunday drop again.     Really let my body get used to it and give myself a few good days before I go to 4 pills a day.   Then after 4, I am going to decide either ct or half.     I am leaning towards ct.   I am a stay at home mom so I don't "have" to be anywhere if I need the time to just stay in bed or whatever it takes.    

Hope your day progresses ok.......................keep me posted,


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Good Morning...
I actually feel a bit better today.. Yesterday I tapered down to 7 pills and today my goal is to not take double doses and just take one at a time which should put me at 4-6 pills.... I am neautious but, that could very easily be from being pregnant.. As this is my first time being PG... I don't know the difference and wil blame it on that.... But, please today I need some support as I know it will be rough!!
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Karen - Feel free to ramble away... it helps to know who I am talking to you know... Well first off congrat's on the successful taper.. You are a wealth of knowledge! I am so sorry for what you suffered through as a child that must have been horrible but, I am sure you are a sonderful mother to your son. I'll tell you my story- I started taking vicodin ES after a car accident  4-5 years ago... at first one every 4-6 hours then over time 2 every 4-6 hours and on... I have never taken more then two at a time but, I am sure that is the direction I was headed in.. Anyhow, I have a very stressful job in sales and you always have to be "on" and I am certain that there are quite a few people addicted to something in my office because of the energy required esp. now in mortgages..  Anyhow, I was at the top of my professional game a year ago.. making more money then I ever thought I would and so on...  I mentioned earlier on that I fell into gambling so no need to ask where all the money I made went.... But, as I got more desperate to make more money I used more Vic's to work longer hours and be my "best" on the phone's.. I was like the mouse in the wheel!

So to the current.... My husband and I have always wanted kids and planned on trying in a few months but, I had to switch my birthcontrol because of headaches and I guess we had an oops! As soon as I found out about a week ago I immediatley cut my use in half...  It is wierd but, I never needed Vic's to go to sleep I needed and still need them to get up in the morning...  I have never in my life had a problem sleeping.. Even if I wake up in the middle of the night I can fall back to sleep after a while. I used the Vics to get extra energy during the day and do chores that I thought I wouldn't do without the pills etc.... But, At this point I just want them out of my body and my life... I am NOT afraid of a life without Vicodin, infact I look forward to it... What I am afraid of and have always been afraid of is Withdrawl..  I am so scared to not be able to function for even a week .. I can deal with anything else... Esp. to have a happy healthy baby it is so worth it to me... Alsom I don't want my child to only know me as a drug addict I want this baby to know the real me because I know despite all my **** I am a good loving person...

So anyhow... What I have done to taper is instead of two pills when I wake up I take one and then 2, 1, 2, 1 approx...... I think that on Friday I will stop taking two at a time and go to one at a time and cut out a pill every other day until I am at none or 1 a day... I know that many pregnant women take up to 4 vicodin a day throughout pregnancy and it is ok and safe but, I really want to take none....  If you want my email addess to talk directly through this let me know....
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Yesterday I did 2 every 4 hours  stretching it and then one...........so 7.  I went from 8:30pm til 5 am with none.   That was HUGE for me.   It wasn't awful either, I had some twitching, rls and felt feverish, but it was all doable.

Today, I counted out the 7 ( got this idea from the detox nurse).........count out what you are taking for the day and then if you need to stabilize at a certain time, take 2 if you have too, but today I cut it down from 2 at once to one.   I might have to take the other one or another half in 2 hours, but I am also getting away from 2 at once today while I am stepping down.    I have been taking 2 at once for about 6 months so it is huge to try and take one, both mentally and physically.  

I always popped 2 as soon as I got up.    In the last 2 weeks I was actually taking 3 when I woke up ( 7.5's) and then 3 again four hours later then I went crazy the last week then I knew I was D-O-N-E.    It was a blessing to get out of hand because I got scared.

I followed my directions just fine til this year, don't know what set me off but I am sure I am hiding from extreme emotional abuse as a child and now I have to face it head on.   It was the root of my panic disorder and I am sure it is the root now.   I tend to hide from the extremeness of it instead of facing it.  

I am a mother of a 14 year old son.    I am hiding all this from him.  

It is kind of weird but I will share this with you, just how I am coping at night because you asked about sleep..............at night I take a half a trazadone and a xanax so I don't take Norco at night and never did.     But, I have had a horrible time sleeping since the  drop.

2 years ago we sold our house and moved to a luxury apt suite.  Hubby is a workaholic and wasn't much for yard work and I always did it ALL.   Here there is no yard work, a beautiful gated pool, ( which I did not even enjoy this summer) and fitness center.    Anyhoo...........I have been coming out to the couch each night, usually after 1am because I can't sleep.  I lay here, in somewhat agony and stress out and worry and every morning at 5am I can just faintly here the lady upstairs start her shower.   It is crazy, but I love to listen for that.............a peace comes over me because I know I made it through another sleepless night.!     I have never heard her shower before and it is very, very faint, but being on edge and in agony heightens your senses, ya know?

She will never know how I look forward to hearing that start of the water because it is my signal, I did it.  I stressed and twitched all alone another night and it signifies the start of a new day.   A day one day closer to clean!!!!!

I can go to sleep, no problem because of the traz and the xanax but staying asleep is not happening at all............I fall asleep around 10 and am up by 1am for the night.

If you are taking 2 at bedtime and have you will most def have sleep issues.   Sleep issues are a huge part of being clean, especially with opiates.   It is your neurotransmitters  awakening in  your brain and they are on overdrive having been asleep for years.     In a way, it is a good thing because it is your own mind returning to it;'s original function.

This is how my dr explained it ...............it is like drinking a glass of milk.   When you drink the milk , yes it is gone, but all that residue still has to be washed out of the glass.   Same with pills, you stop putting them in but all that remaining residue has to be washed out.    You didn't put it all in within 5-7 days so even though you detox you have years of residue.   Makes sense, huh?

Ok, I am rambling now!

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Thank you Fish.... I am defintaley going to tell the dr.  I just want to do it face to face rather then over the phone... My apt. is on the 24th and I think I can manager with tapering down until I see her....
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177036 tn?1192286635
FLaddict couldn't have said it better.  Please stay away from the benzos because they are worse to come off of and your baby will suffer too.  I had to say that just in case.  Your OB should KNOW the truth.  They aren't going to arrest you and just help.  This might be the life change that you were looking for?!!!  Try to wean off very slowly.  

If you find yourself slipping and taking more, that's the time to get real serious about getting help.  You aren't going to be the happy girl with a bounce in your step, (SO!).  

My baby is 17 months old and the biggest single blessing, (except Jesus), that I have.  Your going to do just fine ........ just take it one day at a time and get all the help you need from the dox and this site.

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Hi Karen and Marce...

Marce I am definatley not going to take the xanax i promise you that .. As I said I really just thought it would help take the edge off but, if that is worse for the baby forget it I am throwing out the bottle when I get home....

Karen - It is wierd I thought that going from 20 to 6-8 would be brutal but, it wasn't either... I have cravings but, I just keep them in check.. I think though that it might not be that bad because I know that I am still taking the pills and I can make myself wait...  At my height of use I would get up in the morning and pop 2 - 7.5's and then two every hour or so until bedtime... so I am still taking two at a time and wondering what the effects will be when I go down to 1 at a time???  How did you reduce your dosage?
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C/T can be dangerous when pregnant and can increase risk of miscarriage....the body is miraculous and does protect the fetus as much as it can, but c/t is quite a shock to your body and is tough enough when you are without child.....I went c/t because it was the only way I could, but I think tapering may be the better way to go for you. Again, speak with your OB about this....they can better help you and will have a more complete history than we do.  And PLEASE... .stay away from the Xanax.
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I would be more than glad to have a taper partner on here!   It would be so nice since we are on the same drug, same amount and did the same drop.

I was pretty amazed at how easy the 20 down to 7 was.    I had a bit of agony, but I feel better today, I hope that means it is over?     I don't wanna go backwards.  

My stomach is all gassy and sore but that is it for today, a little on edge, but nothing major.   I had some pretty icky nausea but that is gone today................. I am sure our poor digestive systems have reawake after all this blunting of it.    

I too am so glad it was not horrid to do a major drop.   It seems that a big drop like we did would be harder than going from 3 to 0, but I don't know..............

Please, if you do a drop from 3 to zero, make sure you don't go into horrible wd.    I really don't know what is safer for the baby.   I just don't want to hazard a guess.   Can you just call an obgyn, ask an anonymous question about tapering?    I really would do that if it were me.   I have not had any bad issues with coming clean to anyone so I don't know how I would feel if I were in your shoes.    

My husband was totally supportive and I hope yours comes to be too.   It is so much easier with him knowing my agony, not to mention I can tell him to back off cause I am on edge right at that moment and he understands.    I don't know how I was doing it last week..............doing the drop, nobody knowing what I was going through.    

Keep in touch, my prayers and thoughts are with you,

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quitting c/t will most likely NOT cause a miscarriage. usually when that happens other factors are involved and the mother assumes it was the c/t. The pregnant body is a miraculous thing and you'd be surprised the things it does to protect the fetus. I've known many women (including my sister) who quit c/t when pregnant and everything was fine. better then having an addicted baby.
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Hi Karen...

Thank you Thank you so much.... SO I have decided not to use the xanax to take the edge off I had no idea they were worse for the baby then all the Vicodin... I would love to have someone to taper off totally with... SO I am on day 4 of 6-8 a day so I will try to stay at that today and tomorrow then drop to 3-5 a day for a week then 0 on out.. I have to get it out of my body as quickly as possible... going down to 6-8 a day really was not very hard at all so hopefully going down to 3-5 a day won't be either...  Sure I have cravings but, not nearly as bad as I thought... I just hope that going from 3-5 to 0 will be ike this because I have to work thru this and that is not easy when you are in sales and most of my best sales calls came when I was on vics... sad as that is.... I just wish I never started and can't wait until it is all over and out of my system... I have so much desire and momentum to stop and I just can't wait until I am clean and know in my heart that I am doing right by this baby! Please stay with me through this you have been a tremendous help!
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I don't know if reading that taper it made sense to someone else reading it without the actual taper in front of them on a dr's form.

If I wrote it too confusingly,   let me know and I will rewrite it  :-)

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I just saw your taper question..........

This is what my dr gave me..................if you want to go quickly since we both did the massive drop 20 a day to 6-8, that is wonderful............now he said you can go for 5 days on the 6-8 and then drop to 3 for 5 days and then stop or you can stop ct after 5 days on the 6-8.

For a more comfortable wd, he has 6-8 for one month, then drop by one half for 2 weeks, then another half for 2 weeks...........next ( this will be month 3) drop a whole pill, that will take us down to 4-6.  Do the 4-6 for one week then 4 for one week then 2 one week then you can do one for a week then a half for a week then done..............there will be some mild wd but nothing like the first wd schedule.

It is all about how fast you want this over with, but for you, it is about what is safest for the baby.

I would do the second one, under a dr's supervion if I were pregnant.

Best wishes
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I am SO glad you came clean to your husband., no matter how angry he is.  Listen, one you come clean to everyone, dr's. husband and all you will feel SOOO much better.    I came clean about a week ago.

I have gone from 20 norco's to 7 a day in the last week and I feel so much more clearheaded.  I am so disgusted at myself for doing this so I can only imagine what it would feel like being pregnant.

Listen,   don't take any benzo's while pregnant.   I would just suffer the withdrawal with dr supervision and not replace the meds.    Benzo's are dangerous for babies.

I had to stop mine ( for panic disorder) while pregnant and it was very, very hard.

Your husband has to understand it is not about "how many" addictions can one person have, because addictive personality is just that.    There is no set limitations on that.

He is going to have to go through his own set of "withdrawal" so to speak.   He is going to be angry, disappointed, hurt, full of trust issues and then hopefully, he will come back around.

Can you get into couple's counseling right now, so things are on an even keel when baby comes?

Just think, if all went well and everyone really stepped up to the plate, think of where you can be in 8 short months when the baby is born!!!     It will be the beginning of spring and ALL this can be way behind you and a whole new aspect on life can be beginning.  

Try to think of the future, not the past or even today, think about even one month from now, announcing you are clean!      All this agony is our way of getting healthier, no matter how you look at it that is what it is, it is our body's way of purging and coming alive.............it;s all for the better.

Please, keep us posted!
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thanks path... I was going to do the CT method but, an overwhelming amount of people on here told me that is a very bad idea because I am pregnant!
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i'm not sure. there are people on here who can help you with a taper schedule. i unfortunately had to c/t. someone on here will be glad to help you.
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thank you ...

Ok so the xanax is worse for the baby then tapering off the vicodin?  About how long should it take me to be off the vicoden if I have gone from a 20 a day habit to 6-8 a day?
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182493 tn?1348052915
Don't worry honey... He will come around.. you did the right thing.. and explain to him that addiction is a disease and it takes many forms... gambling, pills, food... its about MORE... not the substance or action..Suggest he attend a Naranon meeting. Will help him understand more about addiction and that its not the person... you are a good person who is sick... not a bad person..

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i'm proud of you for telling your husband. telling my husband that i was addicted to iv narcotics was the hardest thing i have ever had to do. but he was supportive and took me to rehab. let you husband read some of the posts here to see what you're going through and maybe then he'll understand more. oh yeah, please don't take the xanax, not even a half of one. it is way too bad for the baby. i am a nurse. it is better to taper of the vicodins instead. during my last two pregnancies i had to take darvocet and ultram and my children are very healthy. your ob will help you taper. just be honest with him. best of luck. we are here for you.
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thank you....  I feel a bit better telling him but, he is so angry! I guess he will have to deal with it as I have a lot to make sense out of now!
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