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Detoxing from Oxycontin

Hello Everyone,

Today is my first "real" day of detoxing, I refuse to give up this time, I'm much stronger mentally now then I ever have been before.  I have been taking about 80-120 mg of oxycontin a day for the last year or so.  Today, I took 20 mg, 10 at a time.  I don't plan on taking any more today, and I will continue to do this for the next 2 or 3 days in hope that it will help me through this, what do yo uthink?  Does anyone have any advice.  You can also just write to give me support, I NEED IT.  Thank you all so much for all that you have done, this forum is my best friend right now.  Thanks again,

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Hi friend,
I'll be thinking of you and sending you strength and energy as you face this.  It is hard, but very doable and you will find a freedom on the other side that is so precious.

I think your plan sounds good...Have you got the nutritional supplements from Thomas's recipe to help you get through this? The recipe really, really helps.

When the going gets tough..log on and write to us..tell us how you are feeling, what you are going through.  Remember when it gets really hard, that you can make it through hour by hour, minute by minute.

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best of luck with your goodbye to oxy-c. i take 40mg. 3 times a
day. every 3-4 weeks i 'll go 3 - 10 days without. i'm in my
fourth day of such a detox. Follow Thomas's recipe. drink a lot
of water and try to stay busy. don't let what other people tell
you dictate how this is going to feel. IT IS VERY DOABLE!!!
keep an angel on your shoulder
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Good luck to you.. one day at a time.
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Skipper, I am very inspired by your posting. I so badly want to see my detox all the way through from oxy's.  I get painfully to about day three and I cave in.  Of course this leaves me discouraged and I think the sickness is harder the next time.  I did four 40's today which I am very ashamed of.  It is alot for me when I am trying to lower my tolerance and it made me feel like ****.  I have been taking Thomas's detox and would really like tomorrow to be day one for real. How do you manage your detox?  I am very impressed.  I am so sick of it I do want out but the drug has me feeling so vulnerable and depressed that I never seem to make it. Your thoughts will be most welcome. love, Telby
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Hi. I'm new here but sure looks like we have alot in common! (what a relief to find everyone here!) I was assaulted in Oct. & obtained a bad injury to my arm so for 2 months I have been hitting the Perocets hard.  I am so naive to all this...I've been making excuses to myself to justify that there is no way I could have an addiction to this stuff.  I just keep thinking there is no way...I haven't been taking it long enough or my doses are not that much, etc.  Finally last night I was going crazy w/sleeplessness, etc. from trying to detox. on day #2 (only 2nd time I've tried to detox.) so I had the great idea of checking the internet and I put in "perocet addiction" - search and was amazed at the info available & the wonderful support groups.  However, also, after reading "me" in many of the postings...I was depressed to confirm my addiction.  I don't think my tolerence is very high, but think I'm hooked. ;-{  I am going to counseling for the assault & also have PTSD from the incident which is making me crazy also.
I can relate to Telby 'cuz today I blew it on day #3 also.  It's so hard! Bless your hearts everyone & thank you for listening.
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Hi guys, yesterday didn't go as well as planned, I have no more Oxycontin and I'm looking at just ending it, I get more and more depressed and upset everytime I fail, my brother has helped me today by pretty much being with me all the time, he refuses to let me give in and I'm feeling the same way, so please, if you read this, write me back and let me know how good it will be once  this is over, thanks again for all the support, I will keep you posted.  Good luck to all of you.  

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hey brave people detoxing:
like i said in my last post, i take 40mg oxycontin 3 times a day.
i do thisn for intractable pain due to spinal injury/surgery. i
like to detox on a regular basis. when i detox i use both Thom-
as's recipe and pil poppa's mineral combination. i also drink a
lot of water. i seem to be able to detox with relative ease. the
reasion for this is the level of pain i go into when i detox. i
think it "short circuits" the standard withdrawal symptoms. back
in the '60 and '70 (yeah i'm that old) i used to have god awful
withdrawals from heroin and morphine.  

to all of you people detoxing, remember this is something that
can be done! there are far worse ways to go about it than what
you will hear about on this forum (i once went cold on the floor
of a county jail).

may you find peace and keep an angel on your shoulder
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sorry things didn't go well yesterday. try to remember that an
addict doesn't go in a straight line from point a to point b
(hey shlub i stole that from you!). Also tell yourself that the
only thing new in the world of drugs is what happens when you get
off them!

keep an angel on yur shoulder
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Hey, I understand how you feel. I initially came to this forum to do research on my father. He indavertently went into withdrawal which landed him in the hospital. None of us knew what was happening until the dr. figured it out. Much to our surprise how potent some of these meds can be. On trying to assimulate how this happened to him. I found I also maybe suffering from similar circumstances. Although to a much lessor degree. I have been taking a small amount of pain killer for years due to pain, somewhat. I would constanly have these bouts of not feeling well. Running around checking my temp, thinking I had a bug. Never really comfirming that. And this has been happening for years. Finally from the information gleened from here. I found my body had developed an addiction or habitation. See I thought because I took so little I wasn't addicted. I think some where in my gut I knew. But the forum made me realize that the way I'd been feeling was a physical withdrawal. Now I've gone down half of what I was taking when I started here. Ever so slowly for me. I'm sort of a wimp although I try to put up a good front. I really have no excuse to still be where I am. For I've found there are others that have a very real battle compared to me. But my heart has just been totally taken over for them. And I want to let them all know how much I care for them. Big or small I beleive it is tough.And the most I can do is offer comfort. So that's my extension to you- is to offer my support and caring. ANd I will do my best to give you the postive energy we all need.  Truly,Shoty
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GWH, don't you dare give up on yourself and life.  I had a bad day yesterday, and I woke up really ashamed of myself.  I binged on 3 40mg. oxycontins and had to be around people. I think I must of looked impaired and to top it off I couldn't wake up to get my daughter to school.  So today is another DAY ONE, I will keep trying and so must you.  There is no happy ending other then getting to the other side of this and being drug free - at least for me.  I refuse to throw in the towel and believe I can't do this.  Skipper is right - it is doable.  I always think of my sick Junkie brothers and sisters who are living outside or as Skipper said, in jail with no choice but to come off of drugs. Your brother see's who you really are so don't listen to yourself for awhile, listen to him.  Keep in touch, Telby
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It's great to see that you all are still dispensing such heartfelt advise here! I feel like I've gone full cycle with this addiction process in my life and am a hypocrite for even posting here. Ironically, I was addicted to morphine and heroine years ago, got clean for many years and am now back on the stuff legitimately. It's like having an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other most of the time...and always arguing as my head swings back and forth between the two. Do we really get to pay for all of our indiscetions in this life? It surely feels that way to me!

I just wanted to say hello to all my friends here.  You all sound like you are going to be just fine! Like Skipper says, it's all doable. Skip, if nothing else, I will remember that saying of yours!

Take care, my friends, and Merry Christmas!

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hey people:
well i'm off my detox. i had almost 5 days clean and the pain from
my neck surgery did me in (or should i say undone me?). to be per-
fectly honest i was starting to enjoy a little time off oxy. now
it just feels like everythings gone to ****....

that's all the crying you'll get out of this junky. 20 years ago
i'ld have already mainlined a "little taste of what the good pain
doc sent me home with... it's almost like a bad joke, all this dope
and all i really want is to be pain free and in the arms of my wife
as much as i can!

i don't plan on giving up, but **** where do i go now. this old
junky can't even fast talk himself anymore. i guess i forgot the
value of this forum. i don't know where i'ld lay this **** down
any where else. it's been a while since things were pretty bad like
they are now. please forgive me for turning my back on this forum as much as i have lately!
need all of you
keep an angel on your shoulder
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we must have posted at the same instant! i just want to say that
i for one do not think of you as a hypocrit (spelling). to a cer-
tain extent, perhaps were victums of some circumstance. i think back about the person i used to be and am in utter awe i lived thru
drugs the way i did 'em (all at once!!). i don't know why i was spared when so many of my peers were not!

JB i just want to say thanks to you and everyone else who has been
here in my worst hours.i am truly honered by the company this for-
um has provided me with!

keep an angel on your shoulder
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Five days clean sounds like a miracle to me.  You do not have to live in pain, I have no such justification.  I got through one whole day today but I think you are my hero with five. Your postings help me very much, my husband is on methadone and we go way back as on and off junkies.  He is doing great, I am at my lowest point.  The monkey defiantly caught me and I'm not some young thing anymore that can shake it off.  Anyway, love hearing from all of you.  Take good care, love Telby
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Hey, buddy. Well maybe I'm just dense or naive but I didn't totally understand your post. Would you elaborate on it for me. And why are you sounding like your distancing your self? I don't want you to do that. Okay, I still need and want your contact if possible. Stay in touch, Shotsy
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Hey guys, I hope someone reads this......... You all have been incredible, I think If I can break away and not take anything tonight, then I can DO THIS, the thing is, I'm really craving mentally and physically, I NEED HELP TONIGHT, I'm going to see my girlfriend at work, but I'm gonna need some support when I get back, so the first thing I'm gonna do is check in.  I hope someone is around, if not, I still will be thinking of you all.  Thank you SOOOO much.  

Wish me luck,

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Hi, I will keep checking this forum until I go to bed which will not be before 11:00pm.  I am so glad to hear from you, you have really been on my mind.  I definatly am following your progress closley as I have been trying and failing to detox from Oxycontins for the past three months.  I seem to get sicker each time I try and I feel like I am falling apart.  Everything feels really hard, even the simplest things seem difficult.  I want to be off of this **** so bad and put this chapter of my life behind me.  I have been cheering for you because as you know it helps to have someone who really understands how tough these pills are on us and yet how hard it is to get off of them.  I am very proud of you and remember how sick and discouraged you felt a few days ago.  You can get through this night my friend and the next and the next.  If you need to post I will be reading your words and sending you all of the good energy I have.  we can do this and remember it is not you, this is a nasty drug that grabs on fast and hard and fights to stay attached.  Every day you are stronger then it is and soon it will cease to exist. Please be good to yourself and stay on board - you are not alone. love, Telby
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I just had another thought,  maybe you could help both of us by writting what these past days have been like for you.  Don't worry about scarring me, i have been in and out of withdrawl like a revolving door so I know.  But I would like to hear your withdrawl experience - not just for selfish reasons but it will show you how far you have come.  Just a thought. Telby
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You are awesome, thank you so much for showing how much you care.  These last few days have been hell.  I hate it.  Its funny cause when you are taking OC's you know you need to get off and you tell yourself, I'm gonna do it, but then, once your off, all bets are off and you can't stand it.  These last couple of days have been so horrifying, the physical pain, and the mental.  Everytime I come close to staying away, I think about how much I want to just take one pill, and how it won't be a big deal, that I can start tomorrow.  The thing is, there is always a reason why I want to be on them.  I took a total of 40 mg this morning, 20 and 20 and I promised myself I wouldn't take anymore, but I think I might take another 10 or 20, just enough to let me sleep but not get the same feeling.  ITS SO HARD TELBY!!!  I have 3 40's sitting in front of me, but they have to last, if they don't then I'm in trouble.  You want to hear something funny, well, not really, but I even have my dealer checking in on me to see how I"m doing.  He is the one who is trying to help me.  He tried to get me methadone but couldn't do it.  He got me some last time and it helped me out so much!!! but I was too stupid to realize that I should have stopped then.  In anycase, my point is.  Your always going to have a reason to keep taking them, I guess we need to see the future and just trust and know that it will be much better on the other side.   Ok, I hope your doing well, trust me, I'm in no better position then you.  I can't tell you how much i appreciate you being here for me, your the best, I wish i could give you a hug.  In anycase, where do you live (state only) don't need details, and if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I'm just trying to get some type of image, sometimes it helps things out, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
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Skipper my friend, it is so good to see you posting again. I've missed your presence, a lot.  I know I've said it before, but I've got to say it again...you are a hell of a wonderful human being, you've helped me more than you will ever know, and I just think you deserve to know that.  

GWH, please feel free to write all you can about how the taper is going..it is so hard to taper!! I never was able to manage it. Had to do the cold turkey thing.  Oxy is harder to withdraw from I hear...my thoughts are with you, and I just want you to know that at least you've got people thinking of you, and willing to support you through this.

lots of love,
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I rushed back to see if you had checked in, so glad you did.  I am in Ohio and I'm in my mid forties.  I think that is why I got in trouble with these so hard and so fast, my age.  The monkey caught up with me and it is definatly attached to my back.  I didn't do anything yesterday but did three 40's the day before. Tonight I did a little bit of an 80, I am trying to lower my tolerance so I can somehow ease out of this.  It has really been awful as you know, I spend more money then I have - get ripped off by jerks - and find daily living very hard.  Not that I am suicidal but just everything takes me forever to do and often I end up doing nothing.  Your dealer sounds like he has a good heart and that is important, he could be a big help or a big problem.  I find often people have radar, when I finally feel like I see the light at the end of the tunnel my phone will ring with an offer I can't refuse.  Stop beating yourself up that you started up again, it is a process not an event.  It helps me to remember even though I am down I am not as low as I have been.  Just being able to write freely on line allows me come outside of my issolation and depression.  It is good for me to know that you are out there and that you understand what I am going through. I can and will do all that I can for you, sort of do as I say not as I do.  We will get there, I have high hopes for us. love - Telby
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So glad WW jumped on board for you.  She is very smart and dedicated to helping people on this forum and another one.  Just one of the incredible people on line who have found peace on the other side.  It is so difficult to be open and honest about addiction and this is a great way to conect with other people and help ourselves at the same time.  I get very discouraged with myself when I try and fail, try and fail - it is tempting to turn off my computer and not share my disasters.  Then I remember that all things come for a reason and the fact that this format has been so helpful for me to the point that I think about and worry about the people on it means I must see it through.  I believe in miracles although the OC's have blocked my spiritual vision I still know the light is there even if I can't see it.  So GWH, you are part of my miracle and I will believe we have found each other and the others on line for a reason.  Faith in what I can't see with my eyes, that helps me to make it day to day and to not give up.  love, Telby
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Hey guys, thank you so much for everything.  Two days ago I had 120mg of oxycontin, yesterday I had about 80, maybe a little less and today I had about 50 mg.  so im slowly getting there.  Tomorrow, I'm gonna take about 30 mg and maybe the same thing the day after depending how bad I feel.  I don't know, Ill figure it out, the hard part is just following through, you know?  Anyway, thanks again for posting so often, i really do appreciate it.  i will keep you all posted.  good luck to all of you and I hope all is well.  

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My last post before bed.  I do suggest you try not to do this dropping dosage everyday.  I have read that to successfully taper in a way that accomodates your tolerance you should do what you have done and then maintain at a low dosage for a couple of days, then lower again for a couple of days to give your body time to adjust to the change. Then when you do stop you won't have such a huge trauma to your system.  You are doing great, I am only suggesting if you drop tomorrow that you maintain that for a couple of days.  The big thing is to not binge and bring yourself back up again if you can help it.  You are on your way and I am so proud I could bust.  Start thinking of yourself as a hero because that is what you are.  Remember this is a process that you have been in for awhile, the relapse last time was part of that process and has brought you where you are now.  Under no circumstances should you come down on yourself and beat yourself up no matter what, you are not alone and I can see the light ahead of you.  You've made my day. love and sleep well, Telby
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