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Suboxone Anyone?

I noticed I didn,t see any posting about suboxone use. I started taking it 5 days ago and it it working good to curb the W/Ds. I had pretty bad nausea but that is it. Has anyone else been successful on it ot any comments?
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257844 tn?1191157544
hi and thanks for ur comments.  my question is....my pills are 8mg.  how the heck am i suppose to cut them up to a .05 mg.  i could see if they were 2mg pills.  i will be trying to cut the pills into 16ths.  lol.  
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I have no insurance and right now I am buying 6 suboxone pills at the pharmacy from my perscription at 45.00$ I can only afford that many at one time. Hopefully I will only have to do this for 1 more week right now i am down to one a day. next week I am going to go down to 1/2 a day and then NONE!!!!!!! But some insurance plans do cover it.
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Hi guys - I spoke to my DR and she wrote me a prescription for Sub which I plan to fill.  The only thing that worries me is that people say that it's very expensive.  I called and I spoke to someone at basically a 'at home' detox center where they give out the suboxone and put you on a 10 day plan.  The break down of the costs is around $1,000 which is 6 different medications, follow visits and the sub.  

I was wondering if anyone has acutally compared the pricing between the prescription and like a help center where they put you on a plan?  I am not sure what to do...i want to have drugs out of my life as quickly as possible and I am affraid if i chose the DR prescription over going to a help center that it will extend the useage of the suboxone.  Which i don't want to let go of a drug for another.  
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hey girl,
listen i am a obgyn nurse and i know you must feel like you have no where to turn right now, and it looks hopeless. I think the real question here is how bad do you want this baby? If you keep taking, your baby is not going to survive but if you go through withdrawls now when the baby is very unfunctional he/she will too and you may not need to deal with the terrible drug addict baby withdrawls which are the most terrible thing I have ever seen.  I also wanted to tell you a story. when my drug addiction started it was right after a breast reduction I started taking painpills for about 5 monthe until I found out I was 6 months pregnant!!!! I tool all of those drugs for 5 months straight. I stopped the day I found out and was terrified the baby would have something wrong with it. Well he doesnt, he is perfectly healthy, not on proble at all. Except I started taking the pills again after I got out of the hospital but hes okay. So maybe that helps. You just got to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I dont want to substitute on addiction for a nother. I am currently taking 2 3mg suboxone daily for 7 days. Should I go doun to only one for a week and then none? Thats sounds like something i can do,
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just be carefull with the suboxone it has opiate in it to,and can be just as addictive as the other stuff!!!i also hear u people saying that suboxone is a wonder drug blah blah blah,NO IT'S NOT,doctor's want u to think it is cuz there making millions off of it,and maybe it doe's work for some people,but my personal experiance was why trade one addiction 4 another,when the sub's are just as addictive as the rest of the **** out there!! come on people take all ur pill's throw them in the garbage and just suffer through the w/d's,the worst of the w/d's is over within 4 day's,after that it's all down hill!! u all say hay i quit opiate's 5 day's ago now,or 7 day's ago blah blah,no u didn't if ur using the sub's there an OPIATE! SO NO U DIDN'T QUIT THEM!!! all i'm saying people is don't get hooked on the sub's like i did,cuz it can happen!!
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hey carrie,just wanna warn ya that suboxone have a opiate in them 2,u can get just as addicted to them as u did the other stuff u were taking! trust me i have personal experiance with the suboxone! i was on 750 es (10-20) a day! i was also using fetynol patches (or howeveru spell it)! after 6 year's of that, and having to file bankruptcy cuz i spent all my money on drug's,i then went into detox with the suboxone,and my doctor for the detox had me on suboxone for a year! then it hit me on just this past saturday that i had traded one addiction 4 another,so i quit them cold turkey on saturday,the first 3 day's of w/d's were pure hell,but there starting to ease up now,and how i coped with those 3 day's was i cranked my favorite song on my stereo and i worked out,that helped big time cuz that kept my mind busy,and not concetrating on the drug,cuz w/d's is mostly mentally,although the body ache's do suc,but anyway's i do wish u luck,and the best thing to do would be to use the sub's only to help with  the w/d's push urself to go through the w/d's and when u reached a point u can't handle break the n8 in half then break that half into a quarter piece and just take that,that will help with the w/d's,just remeber keep pushing urself to get better and u will i promise,if i can do it anyone can!!!!!!
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233181 tn?1235183152
Let me give to you straight, if you are presently pregneant and using dont you think the baby is already being exposed to opiates no matter what your present does is. The fact is you are not a candiate for suboxone detox or maintenance, Have you discussed the fact with your obgyn that you are presently using, Health care professionals will not detox you while pregneant. It is just to risky for the baby, There premature vital organs are not fully developed as yours are. Think how sick you get when you try to detox, Now imagine that kind of stress on a developing fetus, Chances are you will probally end with a miscarriage. And if it is found out you were using non-prescribed opiates. You could face manslaughter charges depending on the state you live in. Be on honest with you doctor and tell her you have a problem. The safe choice is methadone and the safest. Your dose will be kept under 30 mgs. Which is safe for the baby and should be enough to keep you comfortable. The downfall is you will have to go to a clinic every day for dosing and possibly support meeting for addicted mothers. Because you are pregnant medicaid will pay for the cost associated with treatment. Once the baby is born, he or she will be detoxed slowly while in the hospital, But be prepared for acute withdrawl syndrone with the baby, This is usually means difficulty sleeping and restless legs syndrone, All of which will go away with time, The good news is your baby will out grow it in a matter of weeks. But mom you will soon have a happy healthy baby. Because our opiate receptors will never forget the feeling of euphoria, You will have to have to explain to the child that they will have to be careful, as they are now predisposed to to substance abuse, I'll pray for you and your baby, Girl you have work to do. Time is of the essence!                                                           May you have a long happpy prosperous life!  God Bless, Noah
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182493 tn?1348052915
Definately get down if you want to be off in 5 days... You may wanna go a little longer since you are only at 2mgs now.. You should spend a few days at the end at 0.5mgs or even 0.25mgs before jumping off.. So maybe 2 days at 2mg  2 days at 1mgs 2 days at 0.5 and see how ya feel.. that would have you off in 6ish days... and that would be a good amount of time. i would ask the sub doc for clonidine for when you stop if you haven't yet..
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257844 tn?1191157544
i started Sub nine days ago. started at 4mg once a day in the am (not what the doctor ordered though....he thought i should work my way up to 24 to 36 mg).  tomorow i will do 2mg in the am and see how i feel.  i think i will be fine.  it has been a miracle drug for me as i have tried cold turkey and was at the point where i just wanted to curl up in bed and die.  with the Sub, i am functional.  i can work.   my goal with the Sub is to get off it fast.  i dont want to be on it more than two weeks.  
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i am sure your doctor would not want you to go ct...but you have to stop for that baby hun,  you need to keep reducing your dose, gradually, personally if it were me, i think i would ask my doctor what to do...there are some drugs out there that help with withdrawals (like clonidine) but it is a prescription and i am not sure if it can be taken while pregnant...but you have to do something...have you ever seen a newborn baby suffer from withdrawals, just think of that and maybe it will be helpful in giving you the incentive to stop...but i really think you should talk to your doctor hun, honesty is always the best for the unborn child, i'll be around if you need to chat....
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182493 tn?1348052915
I went on Sub for 10 days... helped alot.. I have now been off of everything for 90 days today..

Sub has its place and it has been reported that less is more.. the less you are on and the least amount of time will be the best in the long run.. Do your research..
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i gained weight when i was on opiates/booze. usually in rehab I wouldve lost it fast (like 10 lbs a week) but instead I gained. Its probably b/c the sub (opiate like drug) is still in your system. Once it gets out, you should lose that weight. If you quit eating candy all day long!! haha :)
when i was in my last detox (last month) i figured id be losing weight easy, hah, different meds than my 1st rehab so i actually gained 5-10 lbs. Once I got outta there and off the sub I lost 25 lbs in 2 weeks.
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"To bettie1976 how did you feel after the five days? Have you relasped? Maybe I should taper myself down, my dr says it takes three months on this stuff!!!! I can't afford that long. What do you think? "

I felt great, no relapse (knocks on wood) am at day 34 today. it does NOT take three months these docs just want to make money and dont understand (or care) what theyre doing to their patients! Think of it like this; a heroin addict who goes to methadone to get off and gets hooked on methadone. Thats what will happen to you. Taper down off that stuff gurl. If your doc wont help you, do it yourself. There are much easier ways to do this.
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Good Morning Everyone,

I am fairly new to these boards and in need of help... I just found out that I am 5 weeks pregnant and I am addicted to Vicodin ES... The day I found out I was Pregnant I immediately went from 20 pills to 6-8 per day but, I am having a really hard time reducing from that... I am scared to go C/T as I know that can be very traumatic on me and the baby so I read your post's about Suboxone and was sondering if anyone knows if they have used this for pregnant women... I don't need the Vicodin for pain and I started taking it 4-5 years ago after a car accident and got hooked... I have never tried to come off of it so have no clue what detox feels like... Also, I can't miss work right now so I have to find a way to get off the pills and work thru it...  Any help would be greatly appreciated...
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271792 tn?1334979657
Good Morning!

I started on Sub to help with the w/d's from abuse of pian meds. I started on 6 mgs. The doctor wanted to give me more, but I refused. I went from 6 mgs to 1/2 mg in 16 days and now I have stopped. Today is day 5 off the sub and I feel good!
My feeling is that it is a strong opiate and the faster you get off, the better. It is addicting and for me, I did not want another addiction. Those who take it long term, as the doctors suggest, find themselves in a worse place then they would have been withdrawing from the pain meds.
So, if you can start weaning, DO IT!

My only problem now is that I still suffer with the original pain that got me taking the pain meds in the first place. But that is another issue, which I am addressing.

I hope that helped. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing.

Take care.
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Thank everyone for responding. I started on 8mg three time a day. and the nausea is so bad I can only take about two now. Yesterday i got some phenergan and it helps but knocks me out. I was taking pain pills everything from Lortab to percocet to tussinex for about a year. I finally told my fiance and best freind about it and we researched and found a dr that would treat me without locking me into rehab. I work as a research nurse and i have a 1 year old. my lofe just couldn't be put on hold to go to rehab. I have had no proble with weight gain yet, just loss because i have been puking so much and sleepy. How long do I have to take these things before I can just stop and be normal? I feel very confident that I will not pick up another narc. pill again or I will die or lose my son or my life, I just want to get back to my life without feeling like I am going to puke or fall asleep all the time. Thanks for the advice.

To bettie1976 how did you feel after the five days? Have you relasped? Maybe I should taper myself down, my dr says it takes three months on this stuff!!!! I can't afford that long. What do you think?
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i am also taking sub...started at 32 mgs end of may and am down to 8 mg as of a few days ago!!!    NOTMENOW!!!!   i also live on sweets, i have a new addiction to twizzlers and have also gained alot of weight 44 lbs since beginning of june, but 14 of those lbs has been in the las couple of weeks...i am having a hell of  time with fluid retention from the knees down and dont know why...so alot of the weight i have gained is fluid from something...has anyone else had any problems with fluid retention?
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233181 tn?1235183152
Yes, mam I have been on sub 32mg per taken as so: 8mg every 6 hours. But I find myself somedays only needning 3 tablets. Depends when I start my day. What were you one and are you trying to come off pain management as I am. Before subs my pain dr had me on 90 oc @month and 240 norco @ month for break thru pain. I have had the surgury and was but on the subutex first and then the suboxone. My only complaint so far is my craving for sweets. I ve gained 10 lbs in 6 months. It does not help with pain. It does enable you how to live without opiates. Every 4 months I'll go down 8 mg. then when I get into the 16mg per day range I will drop down slowly per my pain managenent doc. for more info check the suboxone website www. suboxone, Are you on a quick detox whats your story, I hope they work out for you, If your having headaches they will go away.
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it worked GREAT for me. I only took it for 5 days at a detox center and only started at 4mgs then down to two over the span of 5 days. I call it my life saver.
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