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withdrawal from pain pills, depression?

i have been abusing pain medication for probably about a year now. i was never prescribed to them, they just kinda found their way into my life and before i knew it i was hooked. now i never actually took them for any reason other than the high (i usually crushed and snorted them). i am on day 8 after quitting cold turkey and as all of you already know the first 3-4 days were the physically the worst. i feel a lot better now except the psychological stuff i have to deal with. i feel severly depressed at times and i suffer strong cravings. back when i was using i wouldnt ever really touch them untill night/evening time so now my nights just seem extrmly boring and empty. everything i did when i was high i cant do anymore because im sober (read a book, watch tv, video games, write, music) nothing seems the same. i was just wandering how long im going to have to deal with this. how long does the depression last. i know that i need to start trying to fill the void in my life but it isnt easy to do right now. i fear a relapse coming if this continues much longer.............  also if for some reason i did relapse once 15-20 days from now and i only did it once, like a hydro/10 or 2, would i have 2 suffer the physical withdrawal all over????
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god bless you all i am going thru it i have been off pills for about three weeks but i am so depressed no energy i have too work i just want too cover my head up i am so tired i went too helth store bought vitamins to increase the dopeamen i bought b12 ,sam e , and one other  and b complex been on them about 4 days still feel like crap i was takeing a small cut of suboxone to help but i was addicted to them also cause i was taking one a day its horrible now i take a nerve pill too sleep i sleep all night but it the mine game and depression i am fighting so bad please help
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god bless you all i am going thru it i have been off pills for about three weeks but i am so depressed no energy i have too work i just want too cover my head up i am so tired i went too helth store bought vitamins to increase the dopeamen i bought b12 ,sam e , and one other  and b complex been on them about 4 days still feel like crap i was takeing a small cut of suboxone to help but i was addicted to them also cause i was taking one a day its horrible now i take a nerve pill too sleep i sleep all night but it the mine game and depression i am fighting so bad please help
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This post was started in 2006. To get your questions answered, just click on the Back to community icon. It is in blue. Once you do that you will be given the option to start your own posts, It will say: what is your question. However you do not have to ask a question, you can post any thoughts, concerns or ask for support. There are so many people online here and we welcome you with true sancerity.
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Were do i find this form of yoga.
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Hi NC,

You posted your question at the end of a very old thread. Better to go back and repost it in the substance abuse room
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I found out yesterday that my husband of 14 years is addicted to pain meds.  I noticed a lot a withdrawals from my bank account and when I confronted him he was very aggressive about it.  He said he does not have a problem so today I closed the account and did not give him access to any money and he is getting sick....I guess its already withdrawals.  What can I do to help him???
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5904477 tn?1390245415
NinerRider, please go to the top of the page and post a question. This thread was started years ago and may be overlooked. You will find lots of advice here. I look forward to seeing your new post. Best wishes!
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I love everyone on here. I can relate cause of my norco addiction so I will right my story later. I hate these pills they have taken my life
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I need advice about my norco addiction please ):
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My mom takes pain pills and has been taking them for years over 16 years. Well last night I walked in her room cause I heard her talking to someone No one was there she is talking about stuff that's off the wall. She hasn't had her pain pills in over a week. Could this be from withdraws? Please someone help me I am worried about her.
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I need help ive been on them for about eight years now  and at least 4 strong 30mg is only barely enough to feel anything    im tired of these things running my life what can I do
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i have been taking opiods(loratabs and percs) for my back pain, and they threw me into deep depression and anxiety issues, i have stopped taking them and i got through the physical side effects, but the mental ones are taking a huge toll on my life and i know it is affecting my kids. I have no motivations, and every little ting i do feels so hard, i worry about everything, i lay in bed, i cry, im so lost, is there a natural way to feel better, im so scared, i just want to get my old self back, if you have any information that could help me i would greatly appreciate it
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My heart goes out to all of you. People dont have a good understanding of what your going through. Please be brave and know my prayers are with you. I have a son that is about to try and quit. I dont know how much he is taking but I found 3 of the little white 319 pills in his room tonight and they led me to this site. He was on oxy and I think heroin for about a year. When I found out I tried to open the door rather then close it. recently he is admiting he cant manage his adiction and needs to stop. In the last few months we have been talking alot and he has gone through withdrawals (non voluntarily) a few times for a couple days at a time. He tried a suboxane treatment program but couldnt continue because he had other drugs in his system. He has been getting suboxone off the street and has not wanted to quit because he didnt want to get fired from his job. I told him if he quit work I would support him while he goes through withdrawels. He has agreed but I am affraid he will cheat himself and take stuff for the withdrawals. Im not sure what to do or how to help him. Any suggestions are appreciated. So you know , Im very proud of him for telling me about his problems and confiding in me because he is very proud and I dont think any less of him. I will do what I have to to help him even if it means being mean but I am affraid of where the line is between being supportive and making it worse or so unbearable he goes back.   Your all much braver then you think and stronger, even though you may feel weak now your not really you just think you are. Think of what people have survived and tell yourself its not you thats the problem its the drug and the addiction.
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I have never been prescribed painkiller. I get them from people I know. I was clean a year and I started doing them again. It started small but my tolerance built up rather heavily. I take oxy "OP" the kind you can't sniff. Every now and them I find the 30s you can snort. I take 20s, 30s, 40s, 60s, or 80s. I am scared because I have such a high tolerance one 80 doesn't affect me hardly anymore, it's about enough to hold off withdraw. I have to have at least 140-to 160 mg to feel anything. I have to take over 200 at one time to get high. I am seriously concerned because it seems like I am just draining myself physically, mentally, and financially. I want to stop but I never make it more than a few days. I can't remembered the last time I went an entire week without something. If anyone is reading this I strongly urge you to quite as soon as you can. It's not to late to me but it's cost me tens of thousands of dollars, my relationship, and I am in college and it has set me back alot due to bad attendance and I have failed some classes in the past and have to retake them. Stop before it's to late, in the end you will just be broke and alone. I have fought off depression and suicide and found reasons to live. I dont want to die, I have a great family and a lot to live for. I hope I can quite and make it through this, I have tried exercise, over the counter cold medicine or pain meds (like tyenol) they seem to help a little, sudafed taken as the recommended dosage helped me through a few days and eased my withdraw symptoms. I sleep way to much, I feel like it's a side effect of the withdraw. I will sleep 10,12, 14, 16 hours at a time, one day I slept off and on for a total of 20 hours. I was awake 4 hours and slept almost 20 (slept 14 hours, woke up for 2 hours, fell asleep for another 6 hours, and woke up for another 2 hours before going to sleep again for the night of a different day. I've been worried about the overstepping, I have no energy or motivation when I don't have any meds. Is there a way to get over the sleeping issue? I just want to be normal again and sleek 8 hours a day, have energy to do things, not feel down/depressed, not think about pills, save my money for better things, be my old self again, and live a normal productive life. I am looking into the website: www.turntohelp.com now to try and find ways to get help. I don't want to be admitted to rehab, I need to maintain my normal life while getting the treatment I need to quite opioid once and for all. If anyone has any useful advice or info/ resources they can share with me please let me know. Thank you and good luck to anyone out there who is in a similar situation. God bless you and may we all find the ways and the will/strength to take our lives back....
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man I'm even more nervous about stopping now. I'm like all of u. my life is a big lie. I have chrons disease and that's how I started. I get 150 percent 10z every 3 weeks. I eat them up in a week then ihave to buy them. maybe I cut back and slowly but surely get off of them!
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i have been on sixty mg oxys for eight yrs know i am startin in the mornin only takin forty five mg a day i was told hr body dont k,ow the amount ur vettin it just knows u r so will i b able to quit like that
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I have been abusing then for over twenty years..quit but always came back..i been sober off booze for over 9 mos but these things got a hold of me so bad I feel like I will die without then..i have with speed an cigarettes an this hands down.is the hardest. I am 43 an problem is I like them an want to take them forever but I know its wrong. They were like an anti depressant to me but now I can't even feel them. I feel  sick before I get high..i feel like I'm withdrawling even when I.have the damn.things.i have high blood pressure an I don't want.a dr knowing my business..i got to get healthy this yr or I doubt I will be around for next
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I have been taking narcotic pain meds for 13 years. Morphine,diladid,percocet....anything to kill my chronic pain symptoms. I have now been offf them for ! week. This has been such a trial to go through but it is worth it because I feel free again.The pills were my crutch and my enemy. I wont lie this is the hardeset thing ive ever gone through...I still crave and think of pills all the time but damnit im not gonna give in. If anyone out there needs support email me at ***@****
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1416133 tn?1351123217
There are so many people here that can help you through this.   You don't have to live like this anymore.  There is help out there.  :)

I agree- post a new thread and you'll probably get a lot more responses.
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Hi helpme and welcome
I am not familiar with everything you are taking so you should really start your own thread and you will receive some support.

A lot of our members won't notice your post as it is so old.

Go to the top of the page and click on Post a Question and then type your story.
Good luck to you.  
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I am freaking out so badly. I am going to be coming down off oxycodone which I have taken everyday for a month now(I usually use for about a month and then go through a couple ****** days where I take adderall because I don't wanna come down from oxy but ill take adderall for a week and then the pain pills are back) I wake up and have to have something to take and I always do . This past week and a half I have also started  smoking meth so now I take a 10mg oxy every morning and then in the late afternoon I smoke some meth and usually uppers give.me a jittery feeling, starving but can't eat and nothing sounds good at all , the feeling that you just wanna die but thats not an option and instead you hide for days and sleep and cry. Well doing oxy has made smoking meth a great high it has made me not feel all heeled out even though I'm up until 6am at the latest and out earliest by 3am, I would sleep all day if I could bit I can't so I wake up around noon to be to work by 3 I take half a pill then smoke a couple hits off the pip and take the other half of the oxy and shower and go to work for 8 hours. I stress everynight and cry because I am so scared I won't be able to function, go to work, or enjoy anything I'm just miserable and I smoke weed on a daily basis to help with my anxiety,or if I can't sleep I take ambien which I also in love with , but this is not how a 22yr old should be trying to get her life together and its hard for me to stop I don't have to pay for them, one of my family members and her significant other ask me for them and pay for mine all the time because its my hook up I'm not sure really they both have met the crazy lady that sells them, and its become a not good habit that my gg and dd have formed and I'm stopping I went out and had my last whoohoo and now I'm off for 3 days so I'm going to need some suggestions on what I should do to prepare for this withdrawal
I am bipolar and a manic depressed, I do take snit depressants and krill oil and a daily vitamin.....my body feels and looks like I'm dying I just need help on what to do to get sober

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I am freaking out so badly. I am going to be coming down off oxycodone which I have taken everyday for a month now(I usually use for about a month and then go through a couple ****** days where I take adderall because I don't wanna come down from oxy but ill take adderall for a week and then the pain pills are back) I wake up and have to have something to take and I always do . This past week and a half I have also started  smoking meth so now I take a 10mg oxy every morning and then in the late afternoon I smoke some meth and usually uppers give.me a jittery feeling, starving but can't eat and nothing sounds good at all , the feeling that you just wanna die but thats not an option and instead you hide for days and sleep and cry. Well doing oxy has made smoking meth a great high it has made me not feel all heeled out even though I'm up until 6am at the latest and out earliest by 3am, I would sleep all day if I could bit I can't so I wake up around noon to be to work by 3 I take half a pill then smoke a couple hits off the pip and take the other half of the oxy and shower and go to work for 8 hours. I stress everynight and cry because I am so scared I won't be able to function, go to work, or enjoy anything I'm just miserable and I smoke weed on a daily basis to help with my anxiety,or if I can't sleep I take ambien which I also in love with , but this is not how a 22yr old should be trying to get her life together and its hard for me to stop I don't have to pay for them, one of my family members and her significant other ask me for them and pay for mine all the time because its my hook up I'm not sure really they both have met the crazy lady that sells them, and its become a not good habit that my gg and dd have formed and I'm stopping I went out and had my last whoohoo and now I'm off for 3 days so I'm going to need some suggestions on what I should do to prepare for this withdrawal
I am bipolar and a manic depressed, I do take snit depressants and krill oil and a daily vitamin.....my body feels and looks like I'm dying I just need help on what to do to get sober

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i took my last hydro 10/325 this morning. i am loosing my family if i haven't already. After 10 years of fighting this demon it's time to beat it. i have tried before with little success, after one or two days i have always took some to stop the withdrawing. it is the hardest thing i have ever done before, but i have to do this for me and my family. im going cold turkey, if i am able, i will try to post something everyday to help someone else if i can. atleast i will try to let you know how its going, they maybe some short post
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alot of "natural"fruit juices! no caffeine! an aspirin REALLY HELPS WITH THE PAIN,"JUST ONE!! LOL im doing the same thing right now"IT *****" MAN THIS HURTS!!LOL,,OH WELL! you almost got it whipped! 72 hrs is withdrawl time pretty much,most of us "when you think about it" have had flus last longer,ya know? so thats kinda what im telling myself right now,,"i have the flu",,i hope this helps,i got hooked"AGAIN" after heart surgery almost 2 years ago,,chronic use of painkilles has been linked to hardening of the arteries and can kill you"as i found out" but here i am again tryin to kick it!! excuse me! goin to kick it,,like you are!   don
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